Akala, you don't feel that Thurmond is attempting you all to keep you from leaving. You see other does above open, and a few easy to access windows that are open that he's not walking towards. He seems to be more concerned with people entering, not leaving.
Thurmond looks at Arthur with a piercing gaze when he says he can keep a secret. "Understand, Mr. Faye, that what I'm about to tell you could cause massive problems for this village should it be let out, and could even destroy this village. I can't do anything if you do let this news out, but know that their blood would be on your hands." The man's jolly behavior had suddenly become grim, the light almost seemed to dim as he addresses you. Thurmond and Orvar begin to pull a couple tables together and lay out a map of the surrounding area. Melinda and Argus come forward to the table to look at the map as well.
"For the past few years I've been monitoring the sudden appearance of a tower to the east, on the other side of the river. I met with the man who lived there when the structure appeared and we had a nice chat. He was moving in to study the area. We would trade good pretty regularly, I would bring food and he'd supply us with a lot of our current brewing supplies for the potions or temple makes. I kept this relationship a secret so the villagers wouldn't worry. About a month ago, the visits stopped. As I approached the door of the structure, I noticed two armed guards now stood there and they refused to me in. There was also an awful smell coming from the tower. Through some investigation, and talking to visitors to our village, I learned that people that match the description of the guard have been robbing people along the river. Are you all following along so far?"