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Have you ever played a bad game out of curiosity?


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Yes. I've played Mario Sunshine and Zelda Wind Waker and a decent number of older and crap Nintendo games.
I've also played a few PC games that I knew are old and crap. Just because I could. Wasted my time? Yep. But I had a laugh so all worth it.
Ark spirit and others aint gonna be happy...


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
Yes. I've played Mario Sunshine and Zelda Wind Waker and a decent number of older and crap Nintendo games.
I've also played a few PC games that I knew are old and crap. Just because I could. Wasted my time? Yep. But I had a laugh so all worth it.

Excuse me this thread is for bad games.


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
Yes. I've played Mario Sunshine and Zelda Wind Waker and a decent number of older and crap Nintendo games.

Anyway, I played Sonic '06 several years back and actually kind of liked it. I didn't think it was nearly as bad as people said it was. If the story wasn't so poor and the glitches didn't exist, I don't think that Sonic '06 would have been received as badly as it was.


Jun 22, 2011
I think I originally played Zelda 2 because of the Angry Video Game Nerd episode, but I actually like it so I don't consider it bad. For similar reasons I played the NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game and definitely want to play through Castlevania 2 someday.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018

Shaq Fu wasn't honestly that bad.
Mar 15, 2020
United States
I think I originally played Zelda 2 because of the Angry Video Game Nerd episode, but I actually like it so I don't consider it bad. For similar reasons I played the NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game and definitely want to play through Castlevania 2 someday.
Zelda 2 is a great game IMO. It's divisive and a black sheep of its franchise, but it's crazy to me that people could genuinely consider it bad. One of the best titles the NES has to offer. Castlevania 2 actually isn't that bad either. It's cryptic as hell but that's just kind of an NES thing, plus it had notoriously bad translation which made all of the hints in the game meaningless. It's far below the quality of Castlevania 1 and 3, but not that bad. I haven't played TMNT1 on NES, but I've actually heard that's a decent game too. The thing about AVGN is that he isn't much of a gamer in real life. His early videos are based on his childhood experiences. His later videos are just him reading a script about games he's never heard of let alone played. His videos are entertaining (they were years ago, anyways) but the AVGN is just a character and none of the opinions he gives are really worth putting any weight into.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Honestly, I don't really go out of my way to play bad games. My parents bought some random licened games when my brothers and I were young and I remember the Game Boy Men in Black game and the GBA Dinotopia game being pretty bad. The worst games I bought myself are probably Kirby Battle Royale for the 3DS and Ford vs. Chevy for the original Xbox. They're pretty forgettable. But they're not downright terrible.

Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
I got MySims after PBG trash talked it and I thought it was alright. I have the other games in the series and they are better than the first one, cuz that one kind of drags on near the end.
Oct 14, 2013
I've played a few of the Tales games. After Phantasia (which I like a lot), I wanted to see if any of the others were actually good. So over the years I took a look at Vesperia, Zestiria, Symphonia and Berseria. I really tried to like them all. But I couldn't. Lets just say I don't want to **** on the other Tales games as many people here like them. To me I just don't like them. Objectively bad or just bad in my opinion? I'm not so sure yet. I'll need more time with them to work that out.


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I've played a few of the Tales games. After Phantasia (which I like a lot), I wanted to see if any of the others were actually good. So over the years I took a look at Vesperia, Zestiria, Symphonia and Berseria. I really tried to like them all. But I couldn't. Lets just say I don't want to **** on the other Tales games as many people here like them. To me I just don't like them. Objectively bad or just bad in my opinion? I'm not so sure yet. I'll need more time with them to work that out.

I just finished my playthrough of Vesperia several days ago, and it was my first Tales game. Gotta say, I really enjoyed it and find it hard to believe that the whole series could be seen bad or objectively bad. There was a couple game design issues, like missable sidequests for unique items and costumes that I think is bad, but it sounds like those got remedied in later releases. The combat system is definitely unique and was a nice change of pace of other RPGs I've played. Probably just not for you, but the series as whole seems good to me and a general public :shrugs:

The only bad game I can recall playing all the way through, sort of knowing it was terrible was the PS2 Frogger game: 1597783814466.png

The game glitches out all the time, NPCs can clip out of existence making parts of the game either impossible to complete, or incredibly easy to complete. The combat doesn't work, a lot of the characters in it are disgusting, and not creatures that are made to look disgusting, the motives for progression are weird, and nothing really feels fluid. Frogger wants to save a princess to become a human.... he fights by spitting and with frog-fu, which doesn't work. The camera is terrible, and I can't think of much if any good there. I don't really know why I finished it, I was a bored kid who just wanted to see how it could end, but I finished it somehow.

Metacritic gave it a 32%, and I think that' a pretty fair score.

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