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Harry Potter RP Re-done (RP Thread)


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

"Oh my! That would have made a mess! I'm sorry I didn't hear, I was too busy taking notes. I should be more careful, so everyone doesn't have to always look after me," She knew Eliza would say something to that so she added in something before Eliza could say anything. "No really, I am a bother. My first year this guy followed me around, he said he was my bodyguard, cosnidering I fell down the stairs once, got my books stolen three times and my dorm room was flooded four times. There were a few minor mishaps that year too. And in my second year, to tell you the truth I actually wanted that boy to come back," She blushed when she said that, but continued her story. "I searched for him, but I could find him. I didn't even know his name, mabey that's why. Anyway, last year I got locked in the girl's bathroom, you know no one goes in there, and I missed two whole days of class! Until Moaning Mertle moaned too loud and one of the teachers came to shut her up. Then there was the Polyjuice potion that someone slipped into my drink. And now this year, right off that bat, people want to set my quill on fire."

After her story of past experiences at Hogwarts she siged. "So you see, I'm quite the bother to people."


Twilight Princess Lover
Eliza grabbed her arm, "Your a very interesting person. I haven't really had a friend to talk to a lot, just some people asking the usual questions, 'How are you?' and stuff." she frowned. "Maybe you never noticed I was there because I was always in my dorm. Ms. McGonagell brought my homework up to me because people made fun of my parent's death." she looked at the floor, "Especially Draco's son. He set y robes on fire and called me 'Harry Potter' because of what happened to my parents." she then smiled, "But no matter, honestly, this is my first time back in classes since my first year, so that's a plus." she said.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

"Oh that's horrible! And just think I was sitting here telling a stupid sob story when you've had it way worse," She scolded herself in her head, and made a slight finger motion for it. But then she decided to say something cheerful. "I tell you what, you and I can look out for each other. We've both got some stuff that people use to make fun of us, but if we watch out for each other, all that bullying might stop! Really what I mean to say is, we could be friends."

Hanna extended her hand towards Eliza, awaiting her response.


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
Elliot saw this whole ordeal, and he almost stopped it when Eliza disarmed the guy. Elliot's solution would have been a little bit less peaceful. He walked over after Hanna finished talking. "I don't know about her, but you seem nice enough to repair my nose, and besides, you are probably the only one here who does talk to me."


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

Hanna was overwhelmed now by the sudden "surrounding" of people about her. For her, making two friends was like being the most popular girl in the world. She smiled brightly when the boy Elliot came over.

"Your really too kind to me you know."


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

Hanna noticed Eliza's shyness, so she grabbed Eliza's arm and pulled her into their little tringle of sorts.

"And have you met Eliza? She's the most wonderful person I've met thus far! She actually saved my papers and quill in class today!"


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
Grend had deffence against the dark arts next as he walk over to class he saw the two from the train.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

Now they were really swarming in. Grend and Eliza she'd met on the train, and Elliot she'd met at breakfast. Now she met three people in one day! She smiled brightly, unable to contain her joy. Suddenly there was a sound from the school microphones that projected the school news.

"Will Hanna O'Toole, Elliot Wuuth, Grend Jest and Eliza Worth please come to professor McGonnigal's office please."

Hanna froze.

"Oh my gosh I'm in trouble! What'd I do, was it this cloak? Was it the quill? Was it making friends? What do I do?!" Hanna panicked, but in a rationally silly way. "We have to run or we'll be late for being late!"

Hanna ran down the halls as fast as she could go, finding her way to professor McGonnigal's office. She stopped at the door and gulped, awaiting the other's arrivals.

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