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Ganon/dorf's Namesake?


99% ZeldaExpert

Here's a little theory I came up with about the namesakes$ of the famous antagonists Ganon and Ganondorf.

This is quite short but I makes some sence. Ganondorf was raised as a Gerudo which is known to be a race of thieves. It could be possible that Ganondorf was named after some evil spirit or such, named Ganon. Think about it, Ganon always appears in the form of a pig type creature, never human, and most evil spirits take form of an animal of some sort. Sort of of refference being as it isn't Zelda related but think of the Sphinx in Egypt. It is half man and half lion. Not to sound very religious but it is also thought of as 'pig-headed' is refferencing to the devil :devil: in some religious cultures. So in this case, Ganon could be the devil of Zelda games. And Ganondorf, being born of thieves, could be simply named after Ganon.

Give me some ideas as to how this thought could be proved wrong.


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
That's interesting. The suffix could add some meaning to how they're connected as well (like a "Jefferson" may have been named after "Jeff," who might be his father).

Just looking at OoT for now though, Ganondorf was respected by the Gerudo. They may be thieves, but they didn't strike me as devil-worshippers.
Also, Ganondorf actually transformed into Ganon at the end.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
There is really not much evidence that Ganondorf is specifically named after any specific creature or person. I actually doubt that the Gerudo who raised Ganondorf to be their king would name him after something evil or demonic as he was meant to be their great leader. He was not raised to actually be a villain that takes over Hyrule. That was a later ambition he had himself. But Nintendo has not given us any evidence that his name has any special meaning. They might have chosen a generic name to fit into a medieval setting. The name Ganon itself is actually Gaelic and means Fair skinned.

And Dorf is German for village. The surname Dorf can mean dweller of village.

The most common rationalization of him appearing as a pig in some games is that the pig form represents his unending greed for Hyrule, power, the triforce, Zelda, everything. He was a thief and was jealous of Hyrule and the Hylians and wanted their land. Their sun, moon, and wind as referenced in Wind Waker.

"My country lay within avast desert. When the sun rose into the sky, a burning wind punished my lands, searing the world. And when the moon climbed into the dark of night, a frigid gale pierced our homes. No matter when it came, the wind carried the same thing... Death. But the winds that blew across the green fields of Hyrule brought something other than suffering and ruin. I coveted that wind, I suppose." — Ganon

And this jealousy eventually grew into greed for power

Once every 100 years, a special child is born unto my people. That child is destined to be the mighty guardian of the Gerudo and the desert. But this child, its heart grew twisted with every passing year. The child became a man who hungered for power at any price."
They say that Ganondorf is not satisfied with ruling only the Gerudo and aims to conquer all of Hyrule!" — Gossip Stone

And the LttP story tells us that inside the Dark World anyone takes on the form of what they are in their heart. And Ganon took the shape of a pig. We can look to symbolism for the meaning behind a pig representing Ganon.

http://www.khandro.net/animal_swine.htm Is an excellent source of information on the symbology of the pig in various world mythologies. But closer to the point,

Usually, in Buddhist iconography, the pig represents desire in all its forms. This ranges from identification with one's body, through a general love of material possessions, as well as the lust for food or sexual satisfaction.
While the pig was sacred to Isis, the black boar (Sus scrofa) was associated with her brother and opponent, Seth. This black boar aspect was considered responsible for the obscuration of the sun during an eclipse. In one version, he gores Horus, the sun-god, putting out one of his eyes.

The sphinx was never meant to represent any devil in mythology. The Greek sphinx was a semi divine creature that guarded the entrance to Thebes and would ask a riddle to any travelers that entered. To the Egyptians the sphinx was associated with the goddess Sekhmet who was often represented as a lion. And the term pig-headed normally means stubborn even to the point of self defeating.

pig-headedadj stupidly stubbornpig-headedly adv
pig-headedness n

However Ganondorf later did gain the title Demon King Ganon, but this is most likely due to his takeover of the Dark World and command of an army of monsters. Not because of a birthright. And Now ever since Sprirt Tracks, Malladus could also be the more mythical demon king and possible satanic reference in the world of Hyrule.


Dec 15, 2010
I think you'll be able to draw more sources when Ganondorf breaks free of his stone prison at the bottom the of the ocean.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I think you'll be able to draw more sources when Ganondorf breaks free of his stone prison at the bottom the of the ocean.

I am not so sure we would be seeing that version again. Even if it were possible to "break free" there is still the issue of the (spoiler) sword shoved into his face......

Remember he had no Triforce piece increasing his abilities. He was an ordinary Gerudo mortal. It might have to be something similar to the possible resurrection his minions in Zelda 2 were mentioned to be working on.
Dec 17, 2010
well in my timeline, the ganon in ALttP comes aftet Ganondorf. So i think its the other way around


My explanaiton does not cover why people would think that, but why Nintendo would decide this name for him. Well, think about this. "Dorf" sounds very much like dwarf, and Ganondorf IS Ganon in a way. Since, well Ganondorf is the human version of Ganon, and he's tiny compared to him, wouldn't he be Ganon as a dwarf. Leading to Ganondwarf, and to give it a different spelling I guess, Ganondorf. Like I said, this does not explain why the Gerudo would name him that, just why Nintendo would name him that.


Randomus Pervertus
May 13, 2010
I always just figured he was called Ganon as a wordplay on 'gamon' which is pork. Y'know, because Ganon was originally just a giant blue pig.....


or, his name was dorf and he changed
it to ganondorf when he found out
that he had ganon's powers, putting
his and the king of evils names
together, and poof...ganondorf was

you guys have good points though.

Peace Of Heart

Piece of Heart Collector
Oct 26, 2010
Interesting claim! This would make sense and would fit into the Gerudo lifestyle and culture(seemingly).

I don't think that there is any strong proof to kill off this theory but I think it has a chance. I haven't played every single Zelda game so I may sound ignorant. But from my personal experience, I see nothing "wrong" with this claim.
Dec 23, 2010
well the "dorf" is probably there because it or variations are in human names, and Ganon simply happened to take on a human form in Ocarina of Time. Given that the OoT chronology is before LTTP, it means Ganon tried to take on a human form originally as deceit and failed.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I'd like to ask, since when was Ganon the official name of only the beast form?

It was the introduction of the boss Beast Ganon or somesuch in OoT when Ganondorf turns into the giant boar. Ever since then fans have decided that Dorf would forever be the human shape while Ganon would be the pig form. Which later led the way to thinking that the two are separate characters all together. I am not completely sure how that thought process came about. But the naming scheme has been accepted as this for so long it is considered fan cannon.
Oct 22, 2010
What about WW? He was a human named Ganon in WW!

I never got how that worked... :(

Wind Waker > Ocarina of Time
(C'mon we all know its true)

OCARINA OF TIME RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
It depends on the game. In WW, the KoRL first refers to him as "Ganon," but I believe his title in the final battle was "Ganondorf."
What about WW? He was a human named Ganon in WW!
The KoRL refers to him as Ganon up until he actually sees him and discovers he's in his Gerudo form. It doesn't make much sense, but in the intro he's depicted as a beast when he escapes the OoT seal and I assume when he's resealed as well. Daphnes must not have expected him to revert back to his Gerudo form. I haven't examined the quotes, but I've heard that as soon as we meet Ganondorf face-to-face Daphnes starts naming him as such.

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