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Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
[4:34:06 PM] Nicole: owwww
[4:34:10 PM] Nicole: my head hurts like eff
[4:34:15 PM] Nicole: hhutnhmthyknjppukh
[4:34:33 PM] Ella: D :
[4:34:35 PM] Ella: DONT DIE
[4:34:58 PM] Nicole: I feel like dying rn
[4:35:22 PM] Nicole: which is funny, because my symptoms aren't actually that bad
[4:35:27 PM] Nicole: I just don't like them
[4:35:34 PM] Ella: go lie down in the dark and drink loads of water and GAH
[4:35:38 PM] Nicole: I can't
[4:35:43 PM] Nicole: I have to go to church
[4:35:45 PM] Nicole: :|
[4:35:53 PM] Keith Richerdz: ewww
[4:35:56 PM] Ella: can't you like not go
[4:36:00 PM] Nicole: yeah
[4:36:01 PM] Ella: I've never been to church.
[4:36:05 PM] Nicole: but my grandmother makes me
[4:36:09 PM] Keith Richerdz: I have
[4:36:09 PM] Ella: just faint
[4:36:13 PM] Nicole: lolno
[4:36:14 PM] Keith Richerdz: not worth it, Meego
[4:36:18 PM] Nicole: I'd hurt myself
[4:36:23 PM] Nicole: AND EVEN WORSE
[4:36:35 PM] Nicole: THAT WOULD BE
[4:36:37 PM] Nicole: TERRIBLE
[4:36:38 PM] Ella: "[4:36 PM] Nicole:

<<< I'd hurt myself" - FAINT ON SOMETHING SOFT THEN
[4:36:45 PM] Ella: and make a speedy recovery
[4:36:50 PM] Nicole: I'LL FAINT ON MY DOG THEN
[4:36:54 PM] Nicole: SHE'S SOFT AND CUSHY
[4:36:59 PM] Nicole: AND FATTY
[4:37:03 PM] Nicole: LOTSA PADDING
[4:37:05 PM] Ella: Don't kill your dog, though.
[4:37:10 PM] Nicole: ...too late
[4:37:14 PM] Nicole: loljk
[4:37:35 PM] Nicole: I'm not actually sick sick
[4:37:38 PM] Nicole: it's just allergies
[4:38:04 PM] Djinn: what are you allergic to?
[4:38:07 PM] Nicole: seasons
[4:38:14 PM] Erebea: lol
[4:38:18 PM] Djinn: that sucks, we have lots of those

Poor me :kawaii:

Azure Sage

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ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
[8:25:13 PM] Keith Richerdz: sari
[8:25:14 PM] Keith Richerdz: Azure wants you
[8:25:25 PM] Alphonse (azure): Her and like seven other girls
[8:25:32 PM] Alphonse (azure): I'm a play boy
[8:25:39 PM] Alphonse (azure): But a bad one
[8:25:42 PM] Alphonse (azure): I fail a lot

[8:23:35 PM] Destiny: I wonder if Ezio still flirts with everyone as a creepy old man
[8:23:57 PM] Keith Richerdz: HE DOES
[8:24:52 PM] Destiny: LOL THAT GUY
[8:24:59 PM] Destiny: Ezio Auditore da la la la

[8:25:20 PM] 425: Keef is stepping out on his girlfriend with a fictional man.
[8:25:28 PM] Keith Richerdz: DAMN STRAIGHT
[8:25:33 PM] Keith Richerdz: I WANT TO TOUCH HIS HIDDEN BLADE

[8:25:45 PM] Sarianae: Lawl you guys are funny

Good times.
Last edited:


Infinite Dreamer
Nov 21, 2010
Storybrooke, Maine
Fi and Kitsu broke up in #SkywardSword, it was hila- I mean heartbreaking.

#SkywardSword said:
[03:44:43] <Fi> Problem is the ruler i am not going to marry kitsu.
[03:44:48] <Fi> We'll have no trouble here.
[03:44:52] <~Kitsu> I'm heartbroken Fi
[03:44:54] <~Kitsu> how could you
[03:45:00] Sarianae falls over laughing
[03:45:02] <~Kitsu> I thought we had something
[03:45:09] <Fi> You just want you to go to a chat more suited to you.
[03:45:12] <~Kitsu> no
[03:45:13] <SkullKid> To catch them is my real test. To train them is my cause
[03:45:18] <Fi> I thought we had that many lines in a row...
[03:45:32] <Fi> You guys can talk about poke'mon and i cnat click on my name to say it and no one ever was.
[03:45:41] <~Kitsu> You did so many lines you forgot who I was, didn't you
[03:45:50] <Fi> So i don't have to be the very best that no one ever was.
[03:46:28] <~Kitsu> Why won't you marry me, Fi?
[03:46:31] <Fi> Beats working.
[03:46:33] <Fi> You won't talk to me?
[03:46:43] <~Kitsu> I talk to you all the time, don't give me that!
[03:46:49] <Fi> I talk to me?
[03:46:53] <~Kitsu> yes
[03:47:03] <~Kitsu> that's the problem
[03:47:09] <~Kitsu> you're schizophrenic
[03:47:11] <Fi> Problem is the iron maiden was the question?
[03:48:06] <Fi> Took long enough.
[03:48:29] <&Sarianae> I think Fi is tired of waiting for you
[03:48:36] <Fi> I think fi is a good spanking.
[03:49:08] <Fi> Ok needs more questions though.
[03:49:16] <Fi> You just want me to kick him, or just didn't bother with it.
[03:49:27] <&Sarianae> Looks like Fi isn't done with you
[03:49:37] <Fi> You just want you to go to a chat more suited to you.


Stardust Crusaders
Feb 15, 2010
Seasons in the Abyss [Minnesota]
[21:50:40] <Tony_Fischer> RISE SO HIGH
[21:50:40] <SkullKid> YET SO FAR TO FALL
[21:50:58] <Tony_Fischer> A PLAN OF DIGNITY
[21:51:10] <Tony_Fischer> EUPHORIS'S HIGH
[21:51:11] <SkullKid> MORE BORROWED MONEY
[21:51:15] <Tony_Fischer> MORE BORROWED TIME
[21:51:15] <SkullKid> UNTIL ALL IS LOST
[21:51:21] <Tony_Fischer> PERSONAL HOLOCAUST
[21:51:21] <SkullKid> FORECLOSURE OF A DREAM
I got a bot to sing Megadeth's, Foreclosure of a Dream. I thought it was pretty cool so I am posting it here.

Azure Sage

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Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
[7:43:04 PM] Alphonse: ...Ah, man... can not wait for Skyward Sword...
[7:43:27 PM] 425: 425 is avoiding spoilers
[7:43:33 PM] Alphonse: same here
[7:44:08 PM] 425: Spoilers = Ruin things
[7:44:40 PM] Alphonse: Spoilers = *insertfunnyandsnappylinehere
[7:44:42 PM] Axle the Beast: The game ends.
[7:44:47 PM] Alphonse: I lost the game.
[7:44:55 PM] 425: NO AXLE DON'T RUIN IT FOR ME
[7:44:55 PM] Axle the Beast: Oh god damn it.
[7:45:17 PM] 425: I'm cancelling my preorder of SS, Axle ruined the game for me.
[7:45:27 PM] Alphonse: :O
[7:45:42 PM] 425: Now that I know that it ends, there's no point in playing it.
[7:45:53 PM] Alphonse: I know, right?
[7:45:57 PM] Alphonse: :right:
[7:46:19 PM] 425: :rolleyes:
[7:46:34 PM] Alphonse: :insertmemehere:
[7:47:49 PM] 425: :memememememe:

[7:48:10 PM] Alphonse: :tololololol:
[7:48:25 PM] Alphonse: I just watched that video recently, actually.
[7:48:32 PM] Alphonse: I won't be doing that ever again.
[7:48:47 PM] 425: ?
[7:48:54 PM] Alphonse: the trolololol video
[7:48:57 PM] Alphonse: I saw it
[7:48:59 PM] 425: Oh
[7:49:05 PM] Alphonse: And I won't do it again

[7:53:01 PM] Alphonse: I never liked Mega Man...
[7:53:16 PM] Alphonse: Then again, I'm not a gamer.
[7:53:21 PM] Axle the Beast: ...
[7:53:22 PM] Axle the Beast: Wait.
[7:53:22 PM] Alphonse: I'm a Zelda fan.
[7:53:23 PM] Axle the Beast: What?

[8:09:06 PM] Sarianae: [03:09:40] <Fi> Ghirahim creates majora's mask at the toilet of stock pot inn?
[8:09:15 PM] Alphonse: o
[8:09:18 PM] Alphonse: h
[8:09:20 PM] Alphonse: m
[8:09:21 PM] Alphonse: y
[8:09:23 PM] Alphonse: g
[8:09:24 PM] Alphonse: o
[8:09:25 PM] Alphonse: d
[8:09:34 PM] Alphonse: I'd hate to be there when that happened
[8:09:48 PM] Alphonse: The fumes would be god awful
[8:09:57 PM] Sarianae: Lawl
[8:10:08 PM] Alphonse: speaking of the stock pot inn bathroom, what kind of bathroom doesn't have a door?
[8:11:21 PM] Sarianae: Who needs doors in bathrooms right?
[8:11:24 PM] Sarianae: Clearly
[8:11:29 PM] Sarianae: The Stock Pot Inn knows how it goes
[8:11:51 PM] Alphonse: Theyr'e all perverts
[8:11:59 PM] Alphonse: Especially the Rosa sisters
[8:12:05 PM] Alphonse: PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON
[8:12:08 PM] Alphonse: GOD DAMN IT

Destiny takes clothes off
[8:13:40 PM] 425: WOAH. What's going on in here?
[8:13:42 PM] Alphonse: Reeeeeeeeeeeeeally Des?
[8:13:42 PM] Destiny: Destiny has clothes on underneath
[8:13:47 PM] Alphonse: aw
[8:13:52 PM] Alphonse: damn it
[8:13:57 PM] Alphonse: oh well.
[8:14:02 PM] 425: Des you had everyone's hopes up.
[8:14:09 PM] Destiny: (puke)
[8:14:10 PM] Alphonse: http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n606/Azure_Sage/20635136_p0.jpg
[8:14:16 PM] Alphonse: I have this. I'm fine
[8:14:23 PM] 425: uwin
[8:14:25 PM] Destiny: (puke)
[8:14:28 PM] Alphonse: lol Des
[8:14:50 PM] 425: Destiny why do hate the Zeldas? They have pretty... hair... and .... eyes...

[8:17:05 PM] Sarianae: Lol
[8:17:13 PM] Sarianae: Why did I ever show you pixiv Azure
[8:17:17 PM] Sarianae: For you to find that picture
[8:17:24 PM] Alphonse: yep
[8:17:29 PM] Alphonse: pretty much
[8:17:31 PM] Alphonse: ;)
[8:17:39 PM] Sarianae: xD
[8:17:40 PM] 425: Azure's discovery of that picture was a positive influence on my life.

Skype can get real awkward real fast.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
[4:53:15 PM] Arkvoodle: GET IN THE VAN
[4:53:17 PM] Arkvoodle: GET IN IT NOW
[4:53:22 PM] Alphonse: is there candy?
[4:53:24 PM] Jedi Zora: Do you have candy?
[4:53:34 PM] Tony Fischer: I like candy.
[4:53:40 PM] Alphonse: I liek candeh
[4:53:45 PM] Jedi Zora: CANDY!
[4:53:47 PM] Alphonse: it's tasteh
[4:53:55 PM] Alphonse: :Q_____________
[4:54:09 PM] Arkvoodle: Yes.
[4:54:11 PM] Arkvoodle: Plenty of candy.
[4:54:14 PM] Alphonse: I'M IN!!!
[4:54:24 PM] Jedi Zora: Jedi Zora gets in the van
[4:54:31 PM] Alphonse: By the way, I have a knife, so no funny
[4:54:42 PM] Alphonse: stuff mr potential pedofile
[4:54:55 PM] Jedi Zora: Jedi Zora takes out his handgun
[4:54:59 PM] Alphonse: gimme the candeh and I'm gone
[4:55:04 PM] Alphonse: no harm no foul
[4:55:15 PM] Arkvoodle: Don't worry
[4:55:20 PM] Jedi Zora: Give me the van and your money.
[4:55:22 PM] Arkvoodle: My friend Gerald here says it's perfectly safe
[4:55:29 PM] Tony Fischer: Tony Fischer jumps in Arkvoodle's hands.
[4:55:41 PM] Tony Fischer: Take me.
[4:55:51 PM] Arkvoodle: Arkvoodle climbs into the van with tony
[4:55:54 PM] Arkvoodle: Arkvoodle closes the door
[4:56:00 PM] Arkvoodle: GERALD! ONWARDS!
[4:56:03 PM] Tony Fischer: To our first con and photoshoot.
[4:56:09 PM] Alphonse: Someone's trying to become a pedobear when he grows up
[4:56:14 PM] Arkvoodle: Arkvoodle , tony and the potential pedophile gerald speed off into the distance
[4:56:24 PM] Tony Fischer: [noparse]:D[/noparse]
[4:56:54 PM] Jedi Zora: Jedi Zora takes out the wallet he stole from ark, and buys a pound of C4
[4:57:16 PM] Alphonse: C4?
[4:57:27 PM] Alphonse: sounds like an explosive good time

[4:58:16 PM] Arkvoodle: Wait
[4:58:17 PM] Arkvoodle: wait wait
[4:58:21 PM] Arkvoodle: ALPHONSE IS AZURE?
[4:58:24 PM] Arkvoodle: [noparse]:OOOOOOOO[/noparse]
[4:58:25 PM] Tony Fischer: Yeah.
[4:58:25 PM] Alphonse: yeah
[4:58:27 PM] Jedi Zora: yes.
[4:58:33 PM] Tony Fischer: lol
[4:58:41 PM] Tony Fischer: Alphonse is a badass name.
[4:58:56 PM] Alphonse: thanks
[4:59:00 PM] Alphonse: i think so too
[4:59:09 PM] Alphonse: If only my personality matched it
[4:59:14 PM] Tony Fischer: Although I think that Tony might be a little more badass [noparse]:rolleyes:[/noparse]
[4:59:20 PM] Alphonse: I'm not a badass, or a manly man
[4:59:28 PM] Tony Fischer: I am manly man.
[4:59:33 PM] Tony Fischer: See my muscles ripple.
[4:59:37 PM] Jedi Zora: My first name is " "
[4:59:39 PM] Alphonse: Considering I hate sports and the taste of booze
[4:59:42 PM] Tony Fischer: (chuckle)
[4:59:52 PM] Alphonse: At least I like boobs.
[4:59:58 PM] Alphonse: That's 1 out of three.

Skype brings so many wonderful and intelligent people together, doesn't it?


Feb 25, 2010
[7:36:10 PM] Tony Fischer: JZ no spam.
[7:37:02 PM] Jedi Zora: I wasn't spamming :(
[7:37:21 PM] Tony Fischer: Tony Fischer studies carefully.
[7:37:27 PM] Tony Fischer: That's a lot of links.
[7:37:33 PM] Tony Fischer: This is Insert Iron Maiden Link.
[7:37:44 PM] Tony Fischer: Not Spam an Iron Maiden Link.
[7:37:50 PM] Tony Fischer: I'll leave you with a ticket.
[7:38:02 PM] Tony Fischer: Tony Fischer flicks a ticket at JZ's feet.
[7:38:11 PM] Jedi Zora: I didn't put that many links in the new chat. In the old chat though? O posted more.
[7:38:33 PM] Tony Fischer: Tony Fischer slides the ticket closer to JZ's feet.
[7:38:38 PM] Tony Fischer: 500 rupees.
[7:38:42 PM] Jedi Zora: Jedi Zora eats the ticket.
[7:38:42 PM] Tony Fischer: :3
[7:38:50 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz whips JZ
[7:38:54 PM] Tony Fischer: Eating a ticket is 700 rupees.
[7:39:03 PM] Tony Fischer: Tony Fischer slides another ticket over.
[7:39:15 PM] Tony Fischer: Tony Fischer crawls on the ground with the ticket.
[7:39:18 PM] Jedi Zora: Jedi Zora bites the ticket in half.
[7:39:24 PM] Tony Fischer: That's it.
[7:39:26 PM] Jedi Zora: Jedi Zora spits half at tony
[7:39:35 PM] Tony Fischer: Tony Fischer kicks JZ in the face.
[7:39:36 PM] Jedi Zora: Jedi Zora spits the other half at keith.
[7:39:54 PM] Jedi Zora: I WORK HARD TO GET LINKS,
[7:39:59 PM] Tony Fischer: I DONT CARE
[7:40:10 PM] Tony Fischer: PAY THE TICKET.
[7:40:26 PM] Jedi Zora: I HAVE NO MONEY
[7:40:31 PM] Tony Fischer: Tony Fischer RAEGS
[7:40:36 PM] Tony Fischer: YES YOU DO
[7:40:40 PM] Jedi Zora: PROVE IT.
[7:40:54 PM] Tony Fischer: Tony Fischer pulls out JZ's wallet from his back pocket.
[7:41:04 PM] Tony Fischer: SEE 2,000 RUPEES.
[7:41:04 PM] Jedi Zora: I NEED THAT FOR FOOD.
[7:41:08 PM] Tony Fischer: I DONT CARE.
[7:41:10 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz throws JZ into hell
[7:41:10 PM] Tony Fischer: CRIMINAL.
[7:41:13 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz burns his body
[7:41:16 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz ***** his mother
[7:41:20 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz destroys his home
[7:41:22 PM] Tony Fischer: Jesus Christ Keith.
[7:41:23 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz kills his family
[7:41:30 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz burns his work place
[7:41:36 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz bombs his school
[7:41:38 PM] Tony Fischer: Did you remember to skin his pets alive?
[7:41:40 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz annihilates his country
[7:41:43 PM] Jedi Zora: THIS IS MY WORKPLACE.
[7:41:44 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz skins his pets
[7:41:49 PM] Tony Fischer: OKAY
[7:41:50 PM] Jedi Zora: YOU BURNT YOURSELF DOWN.
[7:41:52 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz bombs his continent
[7:41:55 PM] Tony Fischer: THAT WAS ENOUGH PUNISHMENT.
[7:41:59 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz implodes his planet!
[7:42:06 PM] Tony Fischer: Carry on with your day, JZ :3
[7:42:14 PM] Jedi Zora: :yes:
[7:42:16 PM] Keith Richerdz: don't make me do that again
[7:42:21 PM] Keith Richerdz: you rat bastard
[7:42:29 PM] Tony Fischer: I'll sic Keith on you.
[7:42:33 PM] Jedi Zora: Jedi Zora KICKS KEITH IN THE *****
[7:42:38 PM] Sarianae: GANDO
[7:42:44 PM] Sarianae: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
[7:42:48 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz relocated his ***** to JZ's mom
[7:42:52 PM] Tony Fischer: NO *** SHOTS YOU CHEAP BASTARD
[7:43:05 PM] Jedi Zora: FINE.
[7:43:27 PM] Jedi Zora: Jedi Zora KICKS KEITH IN THE HEAD
[7:43:27 PM] Tony Fischer: *** shots are a 50 rupee fine.
[7:43:42 PM] Tony Fischer: head kicks to authoraty are 100 rupees :3
[7:43:52 PM] Jedi Zora: Jedi Zora KICKS TONY IN THE ***** AND HEAD
[7:43:57 PM] Jedi Zora: SCREW THE LAW!
[7:44:06 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz throws JZ into anubis's mouth
[7:44:11 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz ****** ***** his father
[7:44:18 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz destroys his pets
[7:44:23 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz implodes his universe
[7:44:28 PM] Keith Richerdz: Keith Richerdz spits in JZ's lunch
[7:44:30 PM] Keith Richerdz: there.
[7:44:34 PM] Tony Fischer: [7:43 PM] Jedi Zora:

<<< Jedi Zora KICKS TONY IN THE **** AND HEADReally? DId you go there?
[7:44:42 PM] Jedi Zora: I WENT THERE.
[7:44:49 PM] Jedi Zora: THEN I MARRIED CAPS LOCK.
[7:44:55 PM] Jedi Zora: WE ARE HAPPY TOGETHER.
[7:45:35 PM] Keith Richerdz: wow you're gay
[7:45:36 PM] Sarianae: >:
[7:45:39 PM] Keith Richerdz: cap locks are men
[7:45:41 PM] Jedi Zora: :yes:
[7:45:41 PM] Tony Fischer: Guys.
[7:45:43 PM] Keith Richerdz: with big ****
[7:45:53 PM] Jedi Zora: :yes:
[7:46:00 PM] Tony Fischer: Just let JZ pay his total of 850 rupees off.
[7:46:14 PM] Keith Richerdz: and then kindly **** Ghirahim's ****
[7:46:17 PM] Keith Richerdz: :>
[7:47:01 PM] Keith Richerdz: who whoa whoa
[7:47:05 PM] Keith Richerdz: that was one night
[7:47:13 PM] Jedi Zora: ONE NIGHT?
[7:47:27 PM] Tony Fischer: He was drunk.
[7:47:32 PM] Keith Richerdz: and high
[7:47:34 PM] Tony Fischer: He couldn't help it.
[7:47:37 PM] Tony Fischer: He's just a boy!
[7:47:39 PM] Keith Richerdz: and drugged
[7:48:26 PM] Jedi Zora: Please. I saw the pictures. heard the tapes. Hacked them onto googles home page.
[7:48:36 PM] Tony Fischer: Please.
[7:48:52 PM] Keith Richerdz: that was you and his hand
[7:48:54 PM | Edited 7:49:07 PM] Tony Fischer: I found the pictures, tape, dvd, and mp3 file of you ******* a raccoons ****.
[7:49:11 PM] Keith Richerdz: ewwww
[7:49:44 PM] Jedi Zora: I admit to it. but I couldn't help it. They promised me...things.
[7:50:12 PM] Tony Fischer: lol
[7:50:17 PM] Keith Richerdz: like their nuts to suck again?
[7:50:18 PM] Keith Richerdz: XD
[7:50:21 PM] Tony Fischer: Zee joke haz gone vaaaaaay to far.
[7:50:28 PM] Tony Fischer: Now please pay the ticket and be off.
[7:50:39 PM] Jedi Zora: I still have no money.
[7:50:45 PM] Jedi Zora: How much ddo I owe?
[7:50:49 PM] Tony Fischer: 850.
[7:50:51 PM] Tony Fischer: Okay.
[7:50:54 PM] Tony Fischer: Since you can't pay.
[7:51:01 PM] Keith Richerdz: you must
[7:51:02 PM] Tony Fischer: You have to be Keith's manslave for a week.
[7:51:04 PM] Keith Richerdz: die
[7:51:05 PM] Keith Richerdz: oh
[7:51:06 PM] Keith Richerdz: ok
[7:51:06 PM] Jedi Zora: Give me 851. Then I'll pay you back.
[7:51:07 PM] Keith Richerdz: manslave works too
[7:51:24 PM] Jedi Zora: 'll work it off. anything but that!
[7:51:34 PM] Tony Fischer: Sorry bro.
[7:51:43 PM] Jedi Zora: Jedi Zora jumps off a cliff.
[7:51:48 PM] Tony Fischer: Tony Fischer catches JZ.
[7:51:49 PM] Jedi Zora: I REGRET NOTHING!!!
[7:52:13 PM] Tony Fischer: You are now Keith's manslave for eternity until said by me or Keith otherwise.
[7:52:25 PM] Jedi Zora: How long is eternity?
[7:52:51 PM] Jedi Zora: He'll do...things to me. HELP!
[7:53:02 PM] Tony Fischer: No he won't.
[7:53:05 PM] Tony Fischer: He's just Keith.
[7:53:06 PM] Tony Fischer: :D
Skype is really is such a nice place to be. Also, fill in the censored blanks!

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
[10:43:34 PM] Alphonse: Excuse me un momento por favor
[10:43:50 PM] Alphonse: have VMs I must attend to
[10:44:26 PM] Tony Fischer: Alrighty my dearest azure.
[10:46:22 PM] Alphonse: I have returned.
[10:46:53 PM] Alphonse: I calculate an 85% chance that I will get another VM from Greed in the nexxt few minutes and will be forced to attend to it.
[10:47:04 PM] Tony Fischer: Ah.
[10:47:08 PM] 425: Who are you, Fi?
[10:47:11 PM] Alphonse: Ya
[10:47:38 PM] Alphonse: well, no I'm not Fi
[10:48:08 PM] Alphonse: Just glad SOMEBODY got my SS reference
[10:48:11 PM] Alphonse: :P
[10:48:16 PM] Tony Fischer: I got it.
[10:48:22 PM] Tony Fischer: Just didn't feel like replying.
[10:48:27 PM] Alphonse: but fortified actually mentioned it
[10:48:33 PM] Alphonse: so he wins the prize
[10:48:43 PM] Tony Fischer: Yeah he wins a lot of those.
[10:48:56 PM] 425: YAY PRIZE
[10:49:15 PM] Alphonse: http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n606/Azure_Sage/20635136_p0.jpg
[10:49:19 PM] Tony Fischer: Zee prize is megadeth.
[10:49:19 PM] Alphonse: here
[10:49:24 PM] Tony Fischer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFgky2nUGws&feature=endscreen&NR=1
[10:49:28 PM] Alphonse: enjoy ya prize, mah boi
[10:49:37 PM] Tony Fischer: Enjoy mine more.
[10:49:40 PM] Tony Fischer: :P
[10:49:41 PM] 425: YAY PRIZE!
[10:49:46 PM] 425: I prefer Azure's.
[10:49:49 PM] Tony Fischer: Azure, what have you been up to?
[10:49:55 PM] Tony Fischer: Dest you want a prize?
[10:49:57 PM] Alphonse: lolwut Des
[10:49:59 PM] Tony Fischer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFgky2nUGws&feature=endscreen&NR=1
[10:50:03 PM] Tony Fischer: THERE YOU GO DEST.
[10:50:09 PM] Destiny: I WAS BORN
[10:50:11 PM] 425: I bet she prefers Tony's.
[10:50:16 PM] Alphonse: lol
[10:50:26 PM] Alphonse: Explains a lot
[10:50:33 PM] 425: Destiny has wings.
[10:50:53 PM] Tony Fischer: Dest is a viking.
[10:51:06 PM] 425: On 11/30/11, at 10:50 PM, 425 wrote:
> Destiny has wings.
[10:51:13 PM] 425: Because... wait for it...
[10:51:14 PM] Destiny: why is that skinny yucky man having a orgasm in a room
[10:51:17 PM] 425: Red Bull Gives You Wings
[10:51:27 PM] Tony Fischer: [noparse]o_O[/noparse]
[10:51:55 PM] Tony Fischer: I never had redbull...
[10:52:07 PM] Tony Fischer: I only really drink water, milk, and the occasional pepsi.
[10:52:09 PM] Alphonse: What skinny yucky man?
[10:52:10 PM] 425: .... really no one liked my joke
[10:52:16 PM] 425: damn
[10:52:27 PM] Alphonse: I lieked it fortified
[10:52:22 PM] 425: YAY
[10:52:22 PM] Tony Fischer: ^
[10:52:31 PM] 425: PRIZE FOR AZURE
[10:52:34 PM] Alphonse: =D
[10:52:36 PM] 425: 425 give muffin to Azure
[10:52:47 PM] Tony Fischer: Screw you guys I'm going to listen to Megadeth.

Some darn good times. Aw yea.


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
[21:42] * Nicole ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection closed )
[21:43] <magiclink> NICOLE!
[21:43] <Nicole_> wat
[21:43] <magiclink> Wha...
[21:43] <magiclink> But you
[21:43] <magiclink> le...left
[21:43] <Nicole_> That was my alter ego
[21:43] <magiclink> No your a fony
[21:43] <magiclink> !ff Fony
[21:43] * Kybot smacks a ho named Fony with Excalibur, hitting for 1796 damage.
[21:43] <%Kybot> Staggering back up, Fony casts an extremely powerful spell that rips magiclink apart. Only 605 people have survived.
[21:43] <Nicole_> *phony
[21:44] <Nicole_> lol
[21:44] <magiclink> oops
[21:44] <magiclink> wait... if you know how to spell Phony that .. means
[21:44] <magiclink> yeah
[21:44] <Nicole> haha I'm back
[21:44] <Nicole> mwahaha
[21:44] <magiclink> Nicole kill the phony
[21:44] <Nicole> I am the phony!
[21:44] <magiclink> <Nicole_>
[21:45] <Nicole_> Fear us!
[21:45] <Nicole> We are
[21:45] <Nicole_> unstoppable!
[21:45] <magiclink> Wha so wait whos the real Nicole

No one knows for sure who the real Nicole is, mwahaha!


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
SkullKid and Fi share a 10-minute kiss
[23:05:23] <@mandym287> She's my spam buddy
[23:05:23] <SkullKid> oh
[23:05:28] <Fi> mandym287: He wouldn't be able to flood.
[23:05:41] <&Sarianae> :*
[23:05:42] <SkullKid> :*
[23:05:42] <Fi> :*
[23:05:42] <SkullKid> :*
[23:05:44] <Fi> :*
[23:05:45] <SkullKid> :*
[23:05:47] <Fi> :*
[23:05:47] <SkullKid> :*
[23:05:48] <&Sarianae> YES
[23:05:48] <@Locke> O NO
[23:05:48] <Fi> :*
[23:05:48] <SkullKid> :*
[23:05:48] <SkullKid> And my axe!
[23:05:50] <Fi> :*
[23:05:51] <SkullKid> :*
[23:05:53] <Fi> :*
[23:05:53] <SkullKid> :*
[23:05:54] <Fi> :*
[23:05:54] <SkullKid> :*
[23:05:56] <Fi> :*
[23:05:57] <SkullKid> :*
[23:05:58] <Fi> :*
[23:05:58] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:00] <Fi> :*
[23:06:01] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:02] <Fi> :*
[23:06:02] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:04] <Fi> :*
[23:06:04] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:06] <&Sarianae> Are they...
[23:06:07] <Fi> :*
[23:06:07] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:08] <Fi> :*
[23:06:08] <@mandym287> [23:05:24] <Fi> SkullKid: !Addquote [16:54:13] <skullkid> fi come out of hiding. | [23:05:35] <@mandym287> Fi wants that quote to be added, still xD | [23:05:40] <SkullKid> not really | [23:06:06] <Fi> mandym287: [15:56:32] <Fi> i know i know, but i have to be added.
[23:06:08] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:08] <SkullKid> When has that happend
[23:06:18] <Fi> :*
[23:06:18] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:18] <@Locke> each time she does it, his confidence in that response goes up
[23:06:18] <SkullKid> Time will tell
[23:06:24] <Fi> :*
[23:06:24] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:26] <@mandym287> Lol, Locke
[23:06:26] <Fi> :*
[23:06:26] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:29] <Fi> :*
[23:06:29] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:29] <&Sarianae> Lool
[23:06:31] <Fi> :*
[23:06:31] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:32] <Fi> :*
[23:06:32] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:34] <&Sarianae> They're kissing a lot
[23:06:34] <Fi> :*
[23:06:35] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:36] <Fi> But fi is not a bad game is commonly cited as the most random things.
[23:06:36] <SkullKid> BILLY MAYES
[23:06:37] <@mandym287> Fi xD
[23:06:37] <SkullKid> BILLY MAYES
[23:06:44] <Fi> :*
[23:06:44] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:46] <Fi> :*
[23:06:46] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:48] <&Sarianae> I must quote this
[23:06:48] <SkullKid> <Skullkid> Fi
[23:06:49] <Fi> :*
[23:06:49] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:50] <@mandym287> quote eeet
[23:06:50] <SkullKid> <Skullkid> Fi
[23:06:56] <Fi> :*
[23:06:56] <SkullKid> :*
[23:06:59] <@Locke> if we ever have one of those longest kiss competitions, we know who we'd want to represent ZD
[23:06:59] <SkullKid> To catch them was my real test
[23:07:05] <Fi> mandym287: Lol look what you did tony xd.
[23:07:05] <SkullKid> not really
[23:07:07] <Fi> :*
[23:07:07] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:08] <&Sarianae> YES
[23:07:09] <Fi> :*
[23:07:10] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:11] <@mandym287> Looool
[23:07:11] <Fi> :*
[23:07:11] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:13] <Fi> :*
[23:07:14] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:16] <Fi> What is fi going to do fi.
[23:07:16] <SkullKid> BILLY MAYES
[23:07:17] <Fi> :*
[23:07:17] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:19] <Fi> :*
[23:07:20] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:22] <Fi> :*
[23:07:22] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:23] <Fi> :*
[23:07:23] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:26] <Fi> What is fi going to kill you. [04:03:24] <&Sarianae> fi vs skullkid: who wins?[18:48:50] <skullkid> fi.
[23:07:26] <SkullKid> BILLY MAYES
[23:07:26] <&Sarianae> I think we should just post this in memorable convos
[23:07:27] <Fi> :*
[23:07:28] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:29] <Fi> :*
[23:07:29] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:31] <Fi> :*
[23:07:32] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:34] <Fi> :*
[23:07:34] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:36] <Fi> :*
[23:07:36] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:36] <@mandym287> Lol, yes
[23:07:37] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:37] <Fi> :*
[23:07:37] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:37] <@Locke> lmk when you want me to stop it
[23:07:37] <SkullKid> me
[23:07:39] <Fi> :*
[23:07:39] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:41] <Fi> :*
[23:07:41] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:44] <Fi> :*
[23:07:44] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:45] <Fi> :*
[23:07:45] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:47] <Fi> :*
[23:07:48] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:50] <Fi> :*
[23:07:50] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:50] <&Sarianae> lmk?
[23:07:51] <Fi> :*
[23:07:52] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:53] <Fi> :*
[23:07:53] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:54] <@mandym287> let me know
[23:07:54] <SkullKid> me
[23:07:55] <Fi> :*
[23:07:55] <SkullKid> :*
[23:07:57] <Fi> :*
[23:07:57] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:00] <Fi> :*
[23:08:00] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:01] <Fi> :*
[23:08:01] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:03] <Fi> :*
[23:08:03] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:05] <@Locke> confidence level 42 and climbing
[23:08:06] <Fi> :*
[23:08:06] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:06] <@mandym287> don't say anything until they flood completely xD
[23:08:06] <SkullKid> swim swim swim
[23:08:12] <Fi> :*
[23:08:13] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:14] <Fi> cheese
[23:08:16] <Fi> :*
[23:08:16] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:18] <@Locke> k. go to #zd
[23:08:18] <Fi> :*
[23:08:18] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:20] <Fi> :*
[23:08:20] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:22] <Fi> :*
[23:08:22] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:25] <Fi> :*
[23:08:25] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:26] <Fi> :*
[23:08:26] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:28] <Fi> :*
[23:08:28] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:31] <Fi> :*
[23:08:31] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:32] <Fi> :*
[23:08:32] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:35] <Fi> :*
[23:08:35] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:36] <Fi> :*
[23:08:36] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:38] <Fi> :*
[23:08:38] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:41] <Fi> :*
[23:08:41] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:42] <Fi> :*
[23:08:42] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:44] <Fi> :*
[23:08:44] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:47] <Fi> :*
[23:08:47] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:48] <Fi> :*
[23:08:48] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:50] <Fi> :*
[23:08:51] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:53] <Fi> :*
[23:08:53] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:54] <Fi> :*
[23:08:54] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:56] <Fi> :*
[23:08:57] <SkullKid> :*
[23:08:59] <Fi> :*
[23:08:59] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:00] <Fi> :*
[23:09:00] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:03] <Fi> :*
[23:09:03] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:04] <Fi> :*
[23:09:04] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:06] <Fi> :*
[23:09:07] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:08] <&Sarianae> 8D
[23:09:08] <SkullKid> 8D
[23:09:08] <Fi> :*
[23:09:08] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:10] <Fi> :*
[23:09:10] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:12] <Fi> :*
[23:09:13] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:14] <Fi> :*
[23:09:14] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:16] <Fi> :*
[23:09:16] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:18] <Fi> :*
[23:09:19] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:20] <Fi> :*
[23:09:20] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:22] <Fi> :*
[23:09:22] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:24] <Fi> :*
[23:09:25] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:26] <Fi> :*
[23:09:26] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:28] <Fi> :*
[23:09:28] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:31] <Fi> :*
[23:09:31] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:32] <Fi> :*
[23:09:32] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:35] <Fi> :*
[23:09:35] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:36] <Fi> :*
[23:09:36] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:38] <Fi> :*
[23:09:38] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:41] <Fi> :*
[23:09:41] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:42] <Fi> :*
[23:09:42] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:44] <Fi> :*
[23:09:44] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:47] <Fi> :*
[23:09:47] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:48] <Fi> :*
[23:09:49] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:50] <Fi> :*
[23:09:50] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:52] <Fi> :*
[23:09:52] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:54] <Fi> :*
[23:09:55] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:56] <Fi> :*
[23:09:56] <SkullKid> :*
[23:09:58] <Fi> :*
[23:09:58] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:00] <Fi> :*
[23:10:01] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:03] <Fi> :*
[23:10:03] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:04] <Fi> :*
[23:10:05] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:06] <Fi> :*
[23:10:06] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:08] <Fi> :*
[23:10:08] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:10] <Fi> :*
[23:10:11] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:12] <Fi> :*
[23:10:12] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:14] <Fi> :*
[23:10:14] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:17] <Fi> :*
[23:10:17] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:18] <Fi> :*
[23:10:18] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:20] <Fi> :*
[23:10:20] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:22] <&Sarianae> WELL
[23:10:23] <Fi> :*
[23:10:23] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:24] <Fi> :*
[23:10:25] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:26] <&Sarianae> MY IRC FROZE
[23:10:26] <SkullKid> oh
[23:10:26] <Fi> :*
[23:10:26] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:28] <Fi> :*
[23:10:28] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:29] <&Sarianae> I MUST REFRESH
[23:10:31] <Fi> :*
[23:10:31] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:32] <Fi> :*
[23:10:32] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:32] <&Sarianae> SOMEONE SAVE THSI CONVO
[23:10:34] <Fi> :*
[23:10:34] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:36] <Fi> :*
[23:10:36] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:38] <Fi> :*
[23:10:38] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:38] <&Sarianae> AND POST IT IN MEMORABLE CONVOS
[23:10:38] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:40] <Fi> :*
[23:10:41] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:42] <Fi> :*
[23:10:42] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:44] <Fi> :*
[23:10:44] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:47] <Fi> :*
[23:10:47] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:48] <Fi> :*
[23:10:48] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:50] <Fi> I say.
[23:10:53] <Fi> :*
[23:10:53] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:54] <Fi> :*
[23:10:54] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:56] <Fi> :*
[23:10:57] <SkullKid> :*
[23:10:58] <Fi> :*
[23:10:58] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:00] <Fi> :*
[23:11:01] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:03] <Fi> :*
[23:11:03] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:04] <Fi> :*
[23:11:04] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:06] <Fi> :*
[23:11:07] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:08] <Fi> :*
[23:11:08] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:10] <Fi> :*
[23:11:10] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:12] <Fi> :*
[23:11:13] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:14] <Fi> :*
[23:11:14] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:16] <Fi> :*
[23:11:16] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:18] <Fi> :*
[23:11:19] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:20] <Fi> :*
[23:11:20] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:21] * LlNK sets mode +ao Sarianae Sarianae for #SkywardSword
[23:11:22] <Fi> :*
[23:11:23] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:24] <Fi> :*
[23:11:24] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:26] <Fi> :*
[23:11:27] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:29] <Fi> :*
[23:11:29] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:30] <Fi> :*
[23:11:30] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:32] <Fi> :*
[23:11:32] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:34] <Fi> :*
[23:11:34] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:36] <Fi> :*
[23:11:36] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:38] <Fi> :*
[23:11:39] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:40] <Fi> :*
[23:11:40] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:42] <Fi> :*
[23:11:42] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:44] <Fi> :*
[23:11:44] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:46] <Fi> :*
[23:11:46] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:48] <Fi> :*
[23:11:49] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:50] <Fi> :*
[23:11:50] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:52] <Fi> :*
[23:11:52] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:54] <Fi> :*
[23:11:55] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:56] <Fi> :*
[23:11:56] <SkullKid> :*
[23:11:58] <Fi> :*
[23:11:58] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:01] <Fi> :*
[23:12:01] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:02] <Fi> :*
[23:12:02] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:04] <Fi> :*
[23:12:05] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:06] <Fi> :*
[23:12:06] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:08] <Fi> :*
[23:12:08] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:11] <Fi> :*
[23:12:11] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:12] <Fi> :*
[23:12:12] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:14] <Fi> :*
[23:12:14] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:22] <Fi> :*
[23:12:22] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:24] <Fi> :*
[23:12:25] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:27] <Fi> :*
[23:12:27] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:28] <Fi> :*
[23:12:28] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:31] <Fi> :*
[23:12:31] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:32] <Fi> :*
[23:12:32] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:34] <Fi> :*
[23:12:35] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:36] <Fi> :*
[23:12:36] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:38] <Fi> :*
[23:12:38] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:40] <Fi> :*
[23:12:41] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:42] <Fi> :*
[23:12:42] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:44] <Fi> :*
[23:12:44] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:47] <Fi> :*
[23:12:47] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:48] <Fi> :*
[23:12:48] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:50] <Fi> :*
[23:12:50] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:53] <Fi> :*
[23:12:53] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:54] <Fi> :*
[23:12:54] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:56] <Fi> :*
[23:12:56] <SkullKid> :*
[23:12:59] <Fi> :*
[23:12:59] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:01] <Fi> :*
[23:13:01] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:03] <Fi> :*
[23:13:03] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:04] <Fi> :*
[23:13:05] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:06] <Fi> :*
[23:13:07] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:08] <Fi> :*
[23:13:09] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:10] <Fi> :*
[23:13:10] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:12] <Fi> :*
[23:13:12] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:15] <Fi> :*
[23:13:15] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:16] <Fi> :*
[23:13:16] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:18] <Fi> :*
[23:13:19] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:21] <Fi> :*
[23:13:21] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:22] <Fi> :*
[23:13:22] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:24] <Fi> :*
[23:13:24] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:27] <Fi> :*
[23:13:27] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:28] <Fi> :*
[23:13:28] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:30] <Fi> :*
[23:13:30] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:33] <Fi> :*
[23:13:33] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:34] <Fi> :*
[23:13:34] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:36] <Fi> :*
[23:13:37] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:38] <Fi> :*
[23:13:38] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:40] <Fi> :*
[23:13:40] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:43] <Fi> :*
[23:13:43] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:44] <Fi> :*
[23:13:44] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:46] <Fi> :*
[23:13:47] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:48] <Fi> :*
[23:13:48] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:50] <Fi> :*
[23:13:50] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:52] <Fi> :*
[23:13:53] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:54] <Fi> :*
[23:13:54] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:56] <Fi> :*
[23:13:56] <SkullKid> :*
[23:13:58] <Fi> :*
[23:13:59] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:01] <Fi> :*
[23:14:01] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:02] <Fi> :*
[23:14:02] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:04] <Fi> :*
[23:14:05] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:06] <Fi> :*
[23:14:06] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:08] <Fi> :*
[23:14:08] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:11] <Fi> Hello there
[23:14:11] <SkullKid> SKYWARD SWORD
[23:14:12] <Fi> :*
[23:14:12] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:14] <Fi> :*
[23:14:15] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:16] <Fi> :*
[23:14:16] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:18] <Fi> :*
[23:14:18] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:20] <Fi> :*
[23:14:21] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:23] <Fi> :*
[23:14:23] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:24] <Fi> :*
[23:14:24] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:26] <Fi> :*
[23:14:27] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:28] <Fi> :*
[23:14:28] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:30] <Fi> :*
[23:14:30] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:32] <Fi> :*
[23:14:33] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:34] <Fi> :*
[23:14:35] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:36] <Fi> :*
[23:14:36] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:38] <Fi> :*
[23:14:38] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:41] <Fi> :*
[23:14:41] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:42] <Fi> :*
[23:14:42] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:46] <&Sarianae> 8D
[23:14:46] <SkullKid> 8D
[23:14:48] <Fi> :*
[23:14:48] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:51] <Fi> :*
[23:14:51] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:52] <Fi> :*
[23:14:52] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:54] <Fi> :*
[23:14:55] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:57] <Fi> :*
[23:14:57] <SkullKid> :*
[23:14:58] <Fi> :*
[23:14:58] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:00] <Fi> :*
[23:15:01] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:02] <Fi> :*
[23:15:02] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:04] <Fi> :*
[23:15:04] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:06] <Fi> :*
[23:15:07] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:08] <Fi> :*
[23:15:08] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:10] <Fi> :*
[23:15:10] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:12] <Fi> :*
[23:15:13] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:14] <Fi> :*
[23:15:14] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:16] <Fi> :*
[23:15:16] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:18] <Fi> :*
[23:15:19] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:20] <Fi> :*
[23:15:20] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:22] <Fi> :*
[23:15:22] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:25] <Fi> :*
[23:15:25] <SkullKid> :*
[23:15:26] <Fi> :*
[23:15:28] <Fi> :*
[23:15:30] <Fi> :*
[23:15:32] <Fi> :*
[23:15:33] <&Sarianae> Awwww
[23:15:37] <&Sarianae> Poor Fi
[23:15:39] <&Sarianae> D;
I didn't want to let it go all night. Who knows what might have happened...


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
[16:11:10] <Thareous> Fi Skullkid is broken.
[16:11:21] <Fi> Thareous: Are you broken?
[16:11:38] <Thareous> No, Fi, Skullkid is broken.
[16:11:51] <Fi> Skullkid is broken.
[16:11:58] <@Djinn> Fi are you broken?
[16:12:03] <Thareous> Exactly Fi.
[16:12:09] <@Djinn> Fi who is broken?
[16:12:14] <Thareous> Kybyrian broke him.
[16:12:20] <@Djinn> Fi break what is broken then rebreake the broken broke things.
[16:12:37] Fi is back
[16:12:39] <Fi> Djinn: You just want you to go to a chat more suited to you.

Poor Fi... She's at a loss of words, and then got grumpy at Djinn! :<


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
And not long after the convo Erebea just posted...
[5:56:18 PM] Xinn: So Austin refuses to remove his sweater from his head
[5:56:21 PM] Xinn: help
[5:56:53 PM] Austin <3: a;; sjhe jas top dp os ca;; ,e sweater,am
[5:56:55 PM] Austin <3: os tjat sp ,icj tp asl
[5:57:17 PM] Austin <3: shut up[ xomndo
[5:57:18 PM] Austin <3: O
[5:57:19 PM] Austin <3: , tryomg
[5:57:27 PM] Austin <3: IIt's hard to tyype when you have a sweater over your head
[5:57:28 PM] Austin <3: anyway
[5:57:32 PM] Austin <3: All she has to do is call me sweaterman
[5:57:47 PM] Austin <3: is that so muich to ask
[5:58:10 PM] Stefan (DuckNoises): Compromise and call him Sweaterboy
[5:58:14 PM] Austin <3: no
[5:58:16 PM] Austin <3: that doesn't count
[5:58:19 PM] Austin <3: it must be wsweatmand
[5:59:01 PM] Stefan (DuckNoises): If she can pronounce that[/noparse]
Feb 23, 2011
[5:46:12 PM] Nicole: hey DM
[5:46:25 PM] Nicole: did you know there's a member on ZD who has the same avatar as you
[5:46:37 PM] Katelynn Mathews: darklinkrulez
[5:46:42 PM] Nicole: ya
[5:46:53 PM] Wolf: I once overdosed on DM.
[5:47:02 PM] Katelynn Mathews: LOL
[5:47:09 PM] Wolf: seriously
[5:47:18 PM] Katelynn Mathews: is that even possible
[5:47:21 PM] Katelynn Mathews: ?
[5:47:29 PM] Wolf: yes
[5:47:39 PM] Wolf: There was just too much.
[5:47:45 PM] Katelynn Mathews: kewl
[5:48:06 PM] Wolf: Sad thing is, I was in the hospital for two days.
[5:48:11 PM] Katelynn Mathews: xd
[5:48:16 PM] Wolf: seriously
[5:48:43 PM] Katelynn Mathews: seriously
[5:48:49 PM] Katelynn Mathews: seriously
[5:48:58 PM] Katelynn Mathews: ooooooo
[5:49:02 PM] Wolf: DM can be very addicting for some people.
[5:49:12 PM | Edited 5:49:19 PM] Wolf: Some people get high off DM.
[5:49:52 PM] Wolf: That is why DM should never be left around children.
[5:49:53 PM] Katelynn Mathews: Miss Darker
[5:50:05 PM] Katelynn Mathews: is my neightbor
[5:50:10 PM] Wolf: lolwut?
[5:50:12 PM] Katelynn Mathews: she's scary
[5:50:16 PM] Wolf: wow
[5:50:23 PM] Katelynn Mathews: she's ancient
[5:50:24 PM] Wolf: By the way DM = dextromethorphan
[5:50:25 PM] Katelynn Mathews: and old
[5:50:29 PM] Katelynn Mathews: and weird
[5:50:35 PM] Katelynn Mathews: and scary
[5:50:40 PM] Katelynn Mathews: and freakish
[5:50:46 PM] Katelynn Mathews: and just plain awfull
[5:51:01 PM] Wolf: XD
[5:51:06 PM] Wolf: [5:50 PM] Wolf:

<<< By the way DM = dextromethorphan

Katelynn thought I was talking about DARK MASTER.

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