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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Mafia Game Thread

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Man... the ****???
Oct 25, 2012
F***ing LaLa Land!!!
I kinda feel like I was sorta rushed in, you might've forgotten with me. :( Its ok, but it's kinda frustrating.

GWAF, please ask Rainy for the wincon word for word, otherwise you're getting my vote.



If you can do the first letter again, after contacting Rainy, I'll stop bugging you.

I already got it from Rain thats how I was able to tell you that what you said to me was wrong. When I asked what it was the first time I went and asked Rainy what you guys were talking about then she gave it to me because she forgot to when she gave me my role.


Also thanks for clarifying the role mix up Draco I was so confused.


Pokalink the avaricious
Feb 5, 2012
Outset Island
Pendio, i'm going for ALiT, dont suprise kill him, i dont want you killling the person i investagate, like the last two nights, lol


Jun 19, 2010
Why would you go for ALIT just out of curiosity?

I can't speak for Poka, but I want him too just so he can go for someone. To me, out of the "confirmed town", ALIT is the least confirmed to me. We have to use all the resources avalible to us, and besides you, LD, and Atticus, who are already being dealt with, ALIT isn't necessarily scummy at all, but he's kinda next in line. We can't just waste our cop. We need to use all of the resources available to us.


Pokalink the avaricious
Feb 5, 2012
Outset Island
Least confirmed to me are Atticus, ALIT, GWAF, and Lord Death, Atticus will be lynched today, GWAF possibly nightkilled, ALIT Investagated, and with the information gleaned from tonight we can decide on our next couple decisions.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend


Not long ago, several people were stating that I wasn't very scummy and now apparently I'm one of the most suspicious players. What gives? Go ahead. Investigate me. I thought my detailed role claim would be sufficient but it's a shame you doubt me.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
How is ALIT scummy? Waste of a cop investigation if you ask me.
We lynched Atticus. My opinion: Vig Lord Death. Protect Pendio, and Investigate anyone else. Alit also claimed Alphonse without a counterclaim. That's like going for Krillen in a Dragon Ball Mafia, or Cortana in a Halo Mafia... Makes zero sense. Pendio is the next confirmed townie. We know there is a vig, for sure. Everyone else is expendable.
But hopefully it won't won't matter.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Alright. With Atticus lynched that leaves eight players.

I trust Viral as town at this point as well as Poka, Pendio, and Furie with their important town roles (even if Furie did initially appear scummy after her role claim.)

I still think GWAF is town although I'm not 100% certain. I agree about vig killing Lord Death. Cop should investigate GWAF or Draco. I'm leaning Draco.


Jun 19, 2010
Alright. With Atticus lynched that leaves eight players.

I trust Viral as town at this point as well as Poka, Pendio, and Furie with their important town roles (even if Furie did initially appear scummy after her role claim.)

I still think GWAF is town although I'm not 100% certain. I agree about vig killing Lord Death. Cop should investigate GWAF or Draco. I'm leaning Draco.

What? I've already been investigated...

What will investigating me twice do?


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
My scummy behaviour stemmed from not having the wincon word for word, and not trusting Viral because of that fact. I mean, if I had to guess, I was certain he could, too.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Current vote tally:

5 – Atticus (Viral Maze, PokaLink, A Link In Time, Pendio, Dracomajora)
2 – Viral Maze (Atticus, Lord Death)

With 9 alive it takes 5 votes for a majority lynch.

The town argued forever, and finally they came to a decision. It was not quite dusk, but somehow the girl knew they were done. She came after the final vote, and brought out the accused. Atticus came forward willingly, although you could see that she was terrified. When she stepped onto the podium to be hanged, you saw her true colors. She was not a girl, but a man, with graying hair and he was wearing a military uniform.

The town was shocked, but the girl who was leading the hanging hushed them with a wave of her hand. They had voted for this man, and now he must hang. The girl brought the noose around his neck, but before she hung him, she asked if he had last words to the people.

“It was for the best brother, and I want you to avenge me. You might just get them, without me.”

The girl waited for more, then removed the stool beneath him. His body shot down, and he dangled there in front of the crowd. But there was something wrong, his body seemed to flash a little. He was turning into one person, then the other, over and over.

The town was confused, but the girl knew what was happening. She pulled out her glowing knife and plunged it through the man’s gut. The town gave out a gasp, and one of them ran up to the edge of the stage.

“What did you do that for?”

“He wasn’t who you thought he was. He was actually Envy, one of those who have been hurting you these past nights. But I sense that he was not the last one, so your troubles are still here.”

The town was saddened, and suddenly the body of the military man turned to someone they didn’t know at all. It was someone with very long hair, flying out because he wore a headband underneath. His body began to turn to dust, and that was the end of the homunculus.

The town’s people went back to their homes for the night, a little afraid of the other homunculi taking revenge on the town, but relieved that a few were gone from their troubles.


Atticus was Envy, a mafia member

Please send in your PMs containing what your night action is.


Night fell upon the town, and the fear that had entered the town still lingered, as there was still a threat to their lives. Pride was very upset now, and afraid. He figured that if he stayed in his home and did nothing, he might get through to the next day. But it was useless, he was the only one left to kill the rest of the town. He had to go out and do something about it.

Pride reluctantly left the room at the inn and headed outside, where he would choose someone to get rid of and possibly continue with his life. He scurried in the dark, making no noise at all, to the nearest house. He’d get it over with, so he can hurry back to safety.

Inside there was someone sleeping on a chair. It was a woman, who seemed just to be a house-wife, and she had her hair tied back. She didn’t seem to hear Pride come in, and Pride took this with delight. He crept closer to his victim, and raised shadowy knives to finish her off.

They fell with gravity into her gut and head, and she never saw it coming. When Pride closed the door to the house he saw a man standing across the street. He froze, and realized what might happen. This man had killed Father, and most of the other Homunculi.

The man with the scar on his face came closer, and Pride decided to melt into the shadows. Alright, he’d take care of this man too, and then there would be nothing to stop him. He hid in the shadows, and the scared man stopped. He looked around for Pride, but gave up after a few short moments.

Then Pride took the advantage and struck. The scared man apparently knew what was going to happen, so he dodged out of the way immediately. Pride was furious, but kept his calm as the battle raged on. Scar leapt at Pride with his right arm outstretched. But Pride was just shadows, and you cannot touch shadows. Scar grabbed at nothing, and Pride smiled maliciously.

“What’s wrong, can’t catch a shadow can you?” Pride mocked Scar.

“I can’t touch a shadow, but this can,” And before anything could have been done, Scar pulled out the glowing dagger that the girl from earlier had had. He plunged it into Pride as deep as it would go, and Pride began to get dizzy, and turned back into the little boy form.

“Where did you-?”

“I stole it from that girl, in case I would have need of it tonight.”

“But, we were supposed to win. We were supposed to take over the world.”

Scar said nothing, and retrieved the dagger which he’d stolen. Pride lay there on the ground, groping for the philosopher’s stone, but it was already disintegrating. He looked up at the sky, and saw shadows of all the other Homunculi, and they were… Smiling. They were smiling at Pride, as if to mock him.

When day came and the town gathered the girl noticed the missing members of the town.

“You have two missing members. One is Izumi Curtis, otherwise known as Viral Maze. And the other was Pride, or Lord Death if you will. I now sense that there are no more Homunculi in this town, and you are all free to know who you are.”

The strange alchemy feeling left the town, and everyone knew who everyone else was. There wasn’t much left of the town after that ordeal, but at least the Homunculi were finally gone.

Congratulations, the town won!

By the way, I noticed you guys did a mass claim. Well that shouldn’t have been allowed, because it takes the whole point of the game of mafia out, and it’s no fun because it’s an automatic town win. I would have stopped it, had I made it to read the thread in time, but there had already been some role claims before I got there, so I had to let it go. But in all of the games I will mod, there will be no mass claims allowed.

The Living(6):

A Link In Time

The dead:

Axle the Beast - Sloth_mafia member [Lynched day 1]
Kybyrian - Ling Yao_vanilla townie [Night-killed night 1]
Jedizora - Gluttony_mafia Strongman [Night-killed night 1]
MonkeyFightSquad - Lust_mafia member [Lynched day 2]
Thareous - Edward Elric_Town Hero [Night-killed night 2]
TheMasterSword - Wrath_mafia member [Night-killed night 2]
Durion – Greed_Third Party member [Lynched day 3]
Darknut_Hunter - Roy Mustang_Special Vote Townie [Night-killed night 3]
Rachel - Maria Ross_Vanilla Townie [Night-killed night 3]
zelda_geek - Olivier Armstrong_Vanilla Townie [Night-killed night 3]
GaroXicon – Father_Mafia Godfather [Night-killed night 3]
PK Flash - May Chang_Vanilla Townie [Night-killed night 3]
Atticus – Envy_Mafia member [Lynched day 4]
Viral Maze – Izumi Curtis_Vanilla Townie [Night-killed night 4]
Lord Death – Pride_Mafia member [Night-killed night 4]
Last edited:


Boy Wonder
Jun 22, 2011
Behind you
Mass claims kill games.

I had a much longer post detailing the bulk of my thoughts on the game's proceeding, but honestly all of that is inconsequential. Mass claims are against the spirit of the game itself, as are testing people with things like the wording of role information and win conditions.

I am typically a very gracious loser, and accepted my death. But the mass claim nonsense on the last day irked me greatly, because it is so opposite to the core of Mafia.
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