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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Mafia Game Thread

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Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Finally, the game you've all been wating for! The intro to your game, and the game itself. Please enjoy. ;)

Deep in Central City, Father was devising a plan, a cruel plan that would make him immortal. With the help of his Humunculi he would overthrow Amestris and from there, start working his way to the top. He dug deep below Central City to make his layer, where he’d oversee Amestris and all the world’s happenings. From there he looked about all human kind over the centuries, finding new tactics to fulfill his plan. Sooner or later he gathered all the information he needed. All the materials he had, except one thing. Five sacrifices. He himself decided to go into the world with his Humunculi and search for the sacrifices that would fit his liking.

He found himself in a town called Resembool. He had seen this town only once during his overlooking the world, but paid it no attention. He only went here now, because he had heard of the Elric brothers, who were assumed to be the best alchemists in Amestris. He thought he’d use them as his sacrifices. But there was a problem with this town. There was some force over the town, some kind of Alchemy he’d never seen before, covering the town like a force field. Therefore he didn’t know who the Elric brothers were, and had a hard time finding them.

Soon the town’s people heard of a strange man in town. They got an evil vibe from him, and avoided him. Not too long after he stayed his first night was someone’s body discovered in the inn he stayed at. The body was of Jean Havoc, a second Lieutenant in the Amestris Military. They all panicked, knowing that this new face in town was responsible.
But when they tried to find the mystery man, he was nowhere. And they didn’t know who anyone around them was. There seemed to be some sort of strange and powerful Alchemy controlling everything. Suddenly, someone they’ve seen before, but couldn’t quite place the name, came along. She looked about the town as they pondered at the Alchemy.

“Please calm down, and don’t worry about the Alchemy,” She said to everyone. “The Alchemy is for your safety. None of you know each other, and none of you can leave. Now, as for why I’m here, I’m here to help settle problems. I noticed there’s been a strange killing in your midst. I have a simple solution to your problems.”

The girl awaited a response, but found none. Everyone eagerly awaited her plan to get rid of all their troubles.

“We will get rid of those who you think are suspicious enough to be the one, or ones, who killed your friend. Each of you will vote, and at the end of the day, I’ll be back to hear your decision.”

Everyone looked around. They knew that they didn’t know who each other was, so it would be risky knocking off their friends. But they knew they had to take the chance. One of them stepped up out of the crowd and replied to the girl.

“We agree to these terms.”

“Good. Then I’ll be back at dusk.”

The strange girl left, and everyone gathered together. Father was furious because he couldn’t leave the town. But at least, since he was a Humunculus, he could see his own Humunculi. He knew who his friends were, and now he just had to pick off these pathetic humans.

Day end’s on 11/24/2012 at 11:00PM ET.


A Link In Time
Axle the Beast
PK Flash


Jun 19, 2010
Weird how the town can just murder people like this. Doesn't the town have a government or police force to prevent such happenings and keep order and civilization? I suppose if the town is in a very rural area, but if it really it that small and isolated, why would the Mafia want to take it over? I guess none of this really applies in a themed game like this, but it's still strange.

Anyways, it's good to finally have a Mafia game to play again. Lets hope it's not as inactive as Doctor Who Mafia.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Weird how the town can just murder people like this. Doesn't the town have a government or police force to prevent such happenings and keep order and civilization? I suppose if the town is in a very rural area, but if it really it that small and isolated, why would the Mafia want to take it over? I guess none of this really applies in a themed game like this, but it's still strange.

It's very possible that the "townspeople" who had gathered the girl were supposed to be us. According to the member list, that would give the town/village 21 residents. Now, usually in a Mafia game there is a Cop, and also a similar role concept known as Vigilante; so there could be some sort of enforcement, even if it is "taking the law into one's own hands", so to speak. But in this case, the Cop would have to be undercover so he can find out the people responsible of Havoc's murder. That's how I see it, anyway.

Very excited about this theme. Good luck to everyone!
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