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Favourite Things - Categorized


The game is on!
Alright, hi there! I'm making this thread so that everybody can post their favourite character, boss, mini boss, place, dungeon, music and moment from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword at one place. Feel free to copy the following text and paste into your post.



Mini Boss:





Here are my favourites:

Fi. The major reason why I liked Fi so much was because of all of her dialogues. To me they were all tremendously well written and I really enjoyed reading every single word. She is by far my favourite companion that Link has ever had in any Zelda game, and she is also very useful when it comes to battle and puzzle advice.

Demise. The battle against Demise had a rather simple structure, the setting was plain and the only weapons that were used were two swords against each other. Also Demise's dialogues, both before and after the battle, were very interesting indeed. I especially enjoyed the part when he said that he would rise again as an incarnation (which might suggest that he is the same as both Ganon(dorf) and Malladus).

Mini Boss:
Scervo. The mini boss of the Sandship, the fifth dungeon of the game. In my battle against Scervo I actually got my first game over in Skyward Sword, but I enjoyed the fight more than any other mini boss battle. The setting was unique and it took quite a lot of strategy for me to finally manage to push Scervo over the edge.

Skyloft. Without a doubt, Skyloft. I love that place! There are so many interesting characters who live there and it's quite large (compared to many other civilized arias in the Zelda series). Skyloft is the perfect place to begin an adventure, and it's a perfect place to do side quests. Oh, and it's beautiful too!

Sandship. The Sandship is probably one of the more unique dungeons in Skyward Sword. I've always been very fascinated by sea traveling and large ships such as this one, so that was grand! The mini boss of the dungeon was the best one of them all in my opinion, and the Bow (one of my all time favourite weapons) was the dungeon item. To be honest I was a little skeptical towards the the Sandship at first because I noticed it was going to be another dungeon using the Time-Shift Stones, I didn't think it would be fun with another one. But I was wrong. The Time-Shift Stones were used even better than in the Lanayru Mining Facility in my opinion.

Ballad of the Goddess. One of the most memorable songs from Skyward Sword and the first Skyward Sword song we ever heard (in the GDC 2011 trailer). There are several different versions of this song and they are all really good. The calm version played by Zelda at the beginning of the game is very beautiful and relaxing, while the Anniversary CD version and the trailer versions are really epic and have an adventurous feel to them (very fitting for a Zelda game).

The ending when Link and Fi say goodbye. This scene is the best scene ever in video game history in my opinion. What Fi says in that scene was just so grand and touching. To tell the truth I actually got tears in my eyes from reading those extraordinarily well put words. And I can assure you all that nothing like that has ever happened to me while playing a video game before.

So, what are your favourites, and why? Write them down in a post. And discuss!
Dec 4, 2011
Link (and why the hell not?)
He's a ninja-samurai-knight. He's just plain awesome.
The only one that makes you think about what to do.
Mini Boss:
All other mini-bosses are just minor annoyances. Scervo is actually pretty cool.
Lanayru Desert to Sandship. I love the timeshift effect.
Not really a dungeon, but that pirate's hideout place because of the timeshift orb.
I'm not much of a music buff, so if it doesn't have lyrics, I probably won't notice much of it. Although I have always enjoyed Zelda game's ending music, so I'll go with that.
Impa protecting Zelda, Link protecting Impa. Awesome scene.


The Pancake Pokemon
Feb 22, 2011
Castle Town Pancakes
Character: Ghirahim. First of all, he's so fabulous, you can't NOT like him. XD I agree, he's creepy, stalker-esqe, but he's definitely one of the best developed characters in the series. He's a great villain...and he can dance.

Boss: Ghirahim, Fire Sanctuary battle. Oh my gosh, words cannot describe how much I love this battle, ESPECIALLY the cutscene just before it. Ghirahim is great as a character as well as a boss, that's why I love him so much.

Mini Boss: Scervo. I just love the atmosphere and the "arena". All the other mini-bosses were boring, but Scervo...I just liked.

Place: Hm. This one's harder, but I'm gonna have to say either Lanayru Desert or Skyloft. I just love Skyloft. It's cool. I LOVE Lanayru because the concept of Timeshift Stones is so cool and amazing.

Dungeon: Fire Sanctuary. The design. The boss. The enemies. I dunno why, but I just love this dungeon.

Music: This one is so hard! I honestly don't have a favorite - I have three, in no specific order. Ballad of the Goddess, Ghirahim's Theme, and Eldin Volcano.

Moment: Zelda going to sleep. I'm not going to describe the scene, but Link's emotion...that's got to be the best cutscene ever.
Nov 28, 2011
Character: Ghirahim. When the "fake ending" gets interupted and Ghirahim's basically like, "What'd you think?...I'm a freakin' DEMON!" I was just like, "finally..."

Boss: Demise...less for the fight, more for the speeches.

Mini Boss: Scervo

Place: Lanyru Mining Facility/Spirit Tower

Dungeon: Final Dungeon. The whole dungeon is literally a puzzle.

Music: Ballad of the Goddess

Moment: Have to put two. First - when the game tells you "You're getting the Triforce". Second - seeing "what Zelda was doing" in the final credits. Now just give me some 'play-as-Ghirahim' DLC to see what "hardships" he supposedly went through and my life is complete.
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
Character: Ghirahim. His personality and arrogance got me. I loved reading his dialogue and his fights.

Boss: Third Ghirahim fight. IMO, this was one of the most strategic fights in this entire game. With pushing him off platforms, stabbing him in the chest, and breaking his sword to get to his weak point, that is why it's my favorite boss fight.

Mini Boss: Scervo.

Place: Faron Woods. I don't know why, but when it comes to Zelda games, the forest areas are almost always my favorite.

Dungeon: Fire Sanctuary. This temple had one of my favorite bosses, and actually made me think about what to do next.

Music: Tie between The Sky and Ghirahim's Theme.

Moment: The feeling you have once you finish one of the Silent Realms. You know what I mean, don't you? :right:


Moment: The feeling you have once you finish one of the Silent Realms. You know what I mean, don't you? :right:

I know this feeling. I enjoyed the moment that you have to pull the sword from the stone. good one nintendo!!

Rodmaster 2000

Boss: Ghirahim (3rd Time). It was very different in comparison of the Ghirahim strategy.
Miniboss: Stalwarrior.
Place: Sealed Grounds
Dungeon: Sandship
Music: Song of the Hero
Moment: Fatal Blow to Demise. Because it reminded me of how you kill Ganon in the Wind Waker, which is my 2nd favorite game
Dec 19, 2011
haha i see what u got with fi but i dont like how she always dances acrosse the entire place when she gets a message from the goddess. its kinda weird to me, and awkward and unnecessary.


Dec 19, 2011
She's beautiful, the shadings on her are simply breath taking, and how she's just all...I dont know, when Scrapper is around.

Ghirahim, 2nd time. He's just posing, and the perfect song at that moment would be "Sexy and I know it"

Mini Boss:
Um..the Stalfwarriors? Those are hard. D:

My favorite place would have to be the Faron Woods--they're just beautiful. I like them when they're flooded.

The Sandship, though Sky Keep comes close. It was hard, and the fact that the colors were different shades of the same color made it difficult for me to navigate.

The theme when you're atop/inside the Isle of the Goddess inside the thunderhead. It brings tears to my eyes.

So far, it's when Zelda encases herself in the seed thing, in the past. It was just so upsetting--especially when Link bangs on the case and then cries.


The game is on!
So far, it's when Zelda encases herself in the seed thing, in the past. It was just so upsetting--especially when Link bangs on the case and then cries.

Yeah, I liked that scene a lot too, although there was one thing that I found very weird... Link's eyes! At one or two occasions in that very scene, while Zelda was talking Link's eyes open up wider than I've ever seen his eyes open before. It just looks really strange in my opinion.


Defender of Hyrule
Oct 14, 2011
Character: Groose, as i mentioned in my TP vs SS comparison, they guy started as a typical high school bully but turned into a great character with many hilarious scenes and quotes. thyey guy is a legend and i'd quite like a Legend of Groose spin off

Boss: The statue that Ghirahim brings to life. such good fun and the stages change so rather than just having to do the same thing 3 times, you have to re-work out the strategy. loved it

Mini Boss: the pirate skeleton on the ship. not only a great battle it wasn't a case of 'hit it until it dies'. good fun

Place: erm...no where was especially great

Dungeon: the Lanayru Mines, loved the Timeshift puzzles. the Ship was good but having the localized crystals rather than one that affected the entire level was better

Music: the first song Fi learns to get you to the first trial is good but, as i said in my comparison, none of the music was especially great.

Moment: the ending. possibly the greatest ending in any ever. either that or when Groose jumped on Link going to the Forest. creased up laughing at that scene


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Character: Link or Groose. I don't need to place an explanation for Link, as we all know why we love him, but Groose...Groose is amazing. His comments such as Grooseland and Legend of Groose...I don't know why I repeatedly bring those up. He's just a great character all around, and I'd love for Nintendo to give us yet another Groose character.
Boss: Ghirahim I, he's a joke but I love replaying him.
Mini Boss: Scervo or Deathfuse.
Place: Skyloft – it's the prettiest place in the game, the only "pretty" place in the game.
Dungeon: Skyview or Sandship. Or maybe Ancient Cistern...it's a toss up.
Music: Song of the Hero and Credits Theme! Both are simply amazing!
Moment: The moment with Link and Zelda in that one room, also every single time Groose made a comment such as "Grooseland" and "The Legend of Groose"!
Last edited:


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Character: Ghirahim. He was one of the most well-balanced characters in gaming in general and was half of what made the story so enjoyable. He most definitely is...fabulous. :D

Boss: Koloktos and Ghirahim. Koloktos was an epic boss with a good mix of normal damage factors and stun/hit. Ghirahim was a challenge to hit properly and a master swordsman. Both great bosses.

Mini-boss: Scervo. I just like destroying him to avenge Skipper. (And he's a fun fight.)

Place: Lanayru Province. While it's not much to look at, it was a well-balanced area with all the puzzles and a challenging place to cross. The Timeshift Stones were also a nice touch.

Dungeon: Sandship. I don't think I need to explain this one. Best dungeon in the game.

Music: Ballad of the Goddess and The Sky's theme. Let's face it, Zelda's Lullaby backwards is one of the most kick-@$$ tracks in Zelda history, and The Sky's theme just feels so open and free, which harmonized (no pun intended) with the sky travel itself.

Moment: The ending scenes before and after the credits. Fi leaving and saying "Thank you" to Link was a heartwarming and bittersweet moment, and Impa's lines were just phenomenal. The end where Zelda is reunited with her father, Groose and his "pals" ride off into the sky, and Link and Zelda are on the statue at the end was absolutely one of the best open-ended conclusions to any game in history. Skyward Sword's story was such an incredible mix of emotions, and that's only one of the many reasons it's the best story in Zelda so far.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Sandship. The Sandship is probably one of the more unique dungeons in Skyward Sword. I've always been very fascinated by sea traveling and large ships such as this one, so that was grand! The mini boss of the dungeon was the best one of them all in my opinion, and the Bow (one of my all time favourite weapons) was the dungeon item. To be honest I was a little skeptical towards the the Sandship at first because I noticed it was going to be another dungeon using the Time-Shift Stones, I didn't think it would be fun with another one. But I was wrong. The Time-Shift Stones were used even better than in the Lanayru Mining Facility in my opinion.

I feel exactly the same way. There are so many other reasons why I love it though. One reason why i thought I liked it were that it wasn't a traditional dungeon kind of like the Snowpeak Ruins of Twilight Princess. Dungeons like these appeal to me over dungeons that are identified as an element with the word temple attached to it. The atmospere just feels different from other dungeons. A second reason is that it has somewhat of a pirate theme- one of my favorite games of all time is Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest which employs a pirate theme throughout the whole game. Finally I loved that the dungeon was nonlinear. The main objective of the dungeon is to power up the two generators and this is a problem that can be tackled in various orders. I even made a thread about the fastest way through the dungeon because I was so entralled by the many different ways of approaching the problems presented in the dungeon. My thread is here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/showthread.php?27204-Fastest-Path-Through-the-Sandship

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