3. Erupted Volcano
Metal Gear Zelda: The Rise of Link. I've always enjoyed the sneaking around portions in the Zelda series, but I was a tad disappointed when the only sneaking around you did in Twilight Princess was carefully maneuvering around some pots as a wolf in Telma's Bar. So when found myself in prison, low on health, with no items save for the Fire Shield earrings and the harp - I considered it an apology from Nintendo. While its not featured in this particular video, whenever you get close to an enemy and the music cuts away to nothing more than a little shaking sound, I felt the adrenaline rushing through my blood.
2. Message from the Goddess
While its only The Ballad of the Goddess transposed into a different, slower key, this is one heck of a soothing theme. Also, Fi's dancing while translating the message for you was all sorts of adorable.
1. Fi's Farewell
Truthfully, I loved all of Fi's different themes, but this one hit me the hardest. Saying goodbye to her was the hardest thing about the end of Skyward Sword - at least for me. I genuinely enjoyed Fi as a companion, even though her constant repeating did get rather annoying at times.
When I sat down to think about it, even though Fi is still within the Master Sword, she's practically dead in one timeline, and sealed away with old Hyrule in another. And it makes this theme even sadder than it should be.