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Game Thread Fate/ZD Mafia

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King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Vote Count:

LG, Silverfish, Pen, SMS, Doc, Rag, Naga,
Funnier6: Giri
Pen: Minish,
Naga: funnier6,

Not Voting: All Might, Kirino, Ex, Johnny,

(Hammer Threshold is 8).

Deadline has been reached, it is now Twilight.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Eh, not disappointed really. Gets rid of a useless role ultimately. Jester's no help past D1, just dead weight. Narrows the pool of potentials and possibly keeps Ex from being petty and ****ing over votes.

I'm gonna be rereading and formulating my thoughts for D2.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
End of Day One

has been lynched. ExLight was Ragnarokio.

"I knew this day would come."

Ragnarokio walked through the streets of Zelda Dungeon, a large wolf trailing behind her.

"I would have done everything I could to help you fight against the destruction of this world, but I knew you'd all do this."

Thirteen other masters surround her, having decided collectively that she was to be the first one to be slain.

"'Let's just lynch Rag day one, that's a safe bet!' It makes me sick. This time, I was prepared. This time, was an opportunity. A mulligan."

An narratively ambiguous servant suddenly appeared behind Ragnarokio and chopped off her head, but her fallen head continued speaking.

"This only works because it happened with 13 other masters gathered around me. Such an unlucky number was necessary for this ritual to ensure my immortality."

Ragnarokio picked up her head off the ground. Suddenly, her voice was coming from the wolf behind her.

"I've fused myself with Hessian Lobo's spirit origin. I am now the headless horseman. I am now the King of Currumpaw."

What was once Ragnarokio's body straddled the giant wolf, becoming its new rider. The wolf continued speaking.

"I wish you all luck, despite the injustice you have attempted to push onto me. I will be watching from the shadows, but I have little stake in this anymore. If mankind survives this, it will be but an added bonus."

The wolf looks back sadly upon the other thirteen figures, then bounds away at speeds no mortal creature could match, to observe mankind for the rest of time.

You are Ragnarokio, town-aligned not Jimmu.


Fool’s Mulligan: You may win the game as a jester day one by getting lynched.

Your servant is Avenger (Hessian Lobo)


You summoned Lobo using your wolf-like nature as a catalyst.

Hunt: Once per night, you may choose a dead player and a living player. You learn whether or not that living player killed that dead player at any point during the game.

ExLight has won the game and has been removed from the game.


It is now Night One

It is now night.
Players may not speak in the thread unless otherwise stated.
Players who have neighborhoods may continue to speak in them.
Players may not speak to Minish during the night unless they would also be able to do so in the thread. (Minish may speak to them regardless.)
Night ends in 24 hours.

Living Players:
1. Minish - @Morbid Minish
2. LG - @LittleGumball
3. Rag - @Ragnarokio
5. All Might - @All Might
6. funnier6 - @funnier6
7. Giri - @Giri
8. Johnny - @Johnny Sooshi
9. Naga - @naga10
10. Silverfish - @Silverfish
11. SMS - @Spiritual Mask Salesman
12. Kirino - @Kirino
13. Doc - @Doc
14. Pen - @Pen

Immortal Wolves:
4. Ex - @ExLight


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Ex's wincon has been fulfilled. I'm not sure what he'd gain by telling everyone straight up that his role was dangerous, but it seems that he got his wish in the end. But the scum are likely celebrating the easy D1 kill. It'd be hard to link them to anything since there weren't really any opposing wagons for a change.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
End of Night One:

I'm not sure what happened last night, but I'm not sure I want to.

The arbiter of the grail war was found disassembled on the ground.

A smelly dog and a young Brazilian man appear to have fallen into a gorge near Reichenbach Falls and died, their bodies tucked in for their eternal slumber.

An elephant's body was found in a room, never to be forgotten.

I'm not writing detailed flavor for four deaths, you can't pay me enough for that.

Funnier is dead, he was:
You are DekuNut, town-aligned elephant in the room.


Avatar change: Once per night, you may change my forum avatar to anything you want so long as it’s appropriate for the forum.

Your servant is Archer (Nikola Tesla)


You summoned Tesla by using your Electrical Engineering assignments as a catalyst.

Alternating Current: Every odd night, your servant may roleblock a player. Every even night, your servant may make a player’s abilities unblockable.
Minish is dead, she was:
You are Rubik, town-aligned game arbiter.


Arbiter: You may at any point in the game have yourself be revealed to the thread as Rubik. After you do so, you can break the rules of the game as long as you're alive (this doesn't allow other players to break the rules). You may talk with other players about the game outside the game so long as you include me in the conversation. You may post during the night phase. You may directly quote your role pm and neighbor chats. You are also welcome to lie about your role information. You lose this ability when you die. If you’re unsure if there’s a rule you can ignore, please ask me to clarify instead of assuming it doesn’t apply.

Your servant is Avenger (Angra Mainyu).


You summoned Angra by using the fact that everyone assumes you're scum as a catalyst.

All the World's Evil: You will always get the guiltiest possible result from being investigated. You will appear to be targeting any player who gets killed during the night.
Kirino is dead, he was:
You are funnier6, town-aligned mafia addict.


Bonds of Trust: You are a pseudo-mason with Minish [the player playing as her will be revealed when the game starts]. You know that Minish isn't scum. Minish will learn your alignment day 3. You may speak to each other in a discord channel during both day and night.

Boomerang: Target master targets you with their master ability tomorrow night if they activate a targeted ability tomorrow night. (They will not be made aware that their ability was redirected.) This ability does not work on servant abilities.

Your servant is Ruler (Sherlock Holmes).


You summoned Holmes using a Sherlock Holmes novel as a catalyst.

The Greatest Detective: Your servant has the following abilities: 1 shot cop (reveals alignment), 1 shot tracker (reveals which players the target targeted), 1 shot watcher (reveals which players targeted the target), 1 shot gunsmith (reveals if the target is able to kill other players), 1 shot voyeur (learn what kinds of actions were performed on the target tonight).

The Final Problem: Holmes is aware that another master’s servant is Professor James Moriarty and you’re positive he knows that Holmes has been summoned in this grail war as well. Should Moriarty die, you will gain an additional shot of each of your 1-shot investigations. Moriarty will benefit from your death should you be killed first.

Natural Insight: You know that Avenger (Edmond Dantès, AKA the Count of Monte Cristo) is a safe claim to hide your servant’s identity from Moriarty, because funnier6 has also read his book.
Naga is dead, he was:
You are Exlight, mafia-aligned vodka addict.


Russian roulette: Once per night, you may give someone a gun loaded with a bullet in 5 of the 6 chambers. This gun only works on themselves for some reason. They may, at any point for the rest of the game, use the gun a single time at any point for a 5 in 6 chance of shooting themselves. This gun will always fire a blank chamber if you fire at yourself.

Insomniac: You may post at night.

Your servant is Archer (James Moriarty).


You summoned Moriarty using a particularly difficult math assignment as a catalyst.

Frame: Once every night, you may make someone appear as guilty as possible to all investigative roles. This ability also works as a voyeur check on them, revealing what kinds of actions were performed on them that night.

The Perfect Crime: Once per game, you may perform a strongman ninja kill during the night. Nothing can stop this kill from occurring.

The Final Problem: Moriarty is aware that another master’s servant is Sherlock Holmes and you’re positive he knows that Moriarty has been summoned in this grail war as well. Should Holmes die, any player who you use the framer ability on from that point onward will permanently become a secret miller (they will always appear guilty when investigated). You know that Holmes will benefit from your death should you be killed first.

Alibi: You know that Caster (Zhuge Liang [Lord El-Melloi II]) is not in this grail war and can be used as a fake claim against Holmes that would fit ExLight, using the fact that ExLight looks similar as a catalyst.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
It is now Day Two

You have 72 hours.

Living Players: (9)
2. LG - @LittleGumball
3. Rag - @Ragnarokio
5. All Might - @All Might
7. Giri - @Giri
8. Johnny - @Johnny Sooshi
10. Silverfish - @Silverfish
11. SMS - @Spiritual Mask Salesman
13. Doc - @Doc
14. Pen - @Pen

Dead Players: (4)
1. Minish - @Morbid Minish
6. funnier6 - @funnier6
9. Naga - @naga10
12. Kirino - @Kirino

Immortal Wolves: (1)
4. Ex - @ExLight

(It takes 5 players to hammer.)

Zelda Dungeon Front Page said:
The first day is hard. That's what I always say. As usual I wasn't able to do much good. It feels like I'm on a slope looking down, soon about to tumble to the bottom. But at least I can write you all a short article at night. With pen in hand I gaze into the sky. I wonder if my ancestors felt this way too when they drove their ships to new lands.
—Spiritual Mask Salesman
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The game is on!
Nice to see a Mafia member dead already!

Can't say I'm too surprised Minish was killed.

I'm going to go back and reread some parts of the first day in hopes of learning something useful with the new info we have now.

Btw I think I was roleblocked, probably.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
I'm always suspicious of All Might in games, so when he starts grasping at straws to make a Day 1 read, of course I'm going to find that really weird.
what do you expect??? do you want him to sit back and not do anything? day 1 reads are always weak of course he's going to latch on to anything he finds suspicious. your reaction is both suspicious and, imo, faulty logic. you're suspicious of him for being suspicious of you.
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