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Twilight Princess Fans of Twilight Princess,

Who is you're favorite charectar(out of these)

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And now.. That imp has it
Nov 4, 2013
I liked TP, but it isn't my favourite one. Favourite character would be Malon I guess. The sarcasm in the conversations was quite hilarious sometimes. Zant was a cool villain as well.


Nature's troll
Mar 17, 2010
Pacific Northwest
Anyways, Am I the only person in the world who actually liked the whole Wolf thing. I mean the premise was pretty acceptable to me.

I really liked the turning into a wolf thing. It added a lot of potential both story and gameplay wise. I think it was done very well, and was implemented to a pretty good extent, but not too much. Not to mention turning into a wolf is a pretty sweet thing to be able to do, putting Link as my favorite character. While Twilight Princess isn't my favorite game in the series, it ranks pretty high up there. The graphics were beautifully done as well.
I liked the wolf thing too. And mask salesman,you're sig is awesome!

Zant was my fav villian and the prettiest place in my opinion was lanayru


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I hate Twilight Princess because its combat and story simply did not play out as well as it should have. For a T rating, we did not get any specially hurtful moments or gripping scenes. Combat was easy as pie. Puzzles were meh but when do we play Zelda for the puzzles? In general TP had too many hype and too little payout for me.

However I think TP's Link is by far the sexiest one in the entire series.


And Zelda?

Seriously. TP is not that great of a video game, but I love the main characters' designs (all except Midna)!
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
I really did like the concept of Zant, which in this case was a seemingly very threatening character that turned out to be a complete psychopath that was actually a tool the entire time. It's rather cliche to have a character that initially doesn't seem very threatening, only to have him/her be a much more potent threat later on down the line. Zant does the opposite, first appearing as the main villain and turning out to be a rather pathetic servant. It was a nice twist, I think, especially for a Zelda game, where the villains have been rather predictable throughout most of the series.

The execution isn't the best though, as I feel that Zant's true character lacks proper foreshadowing for it to be a truly unique plot twist. We do get the one scene with Ganondorf that shows that maybe there's more powerful forces at work, but that's about it. Maybe some more scenes with Zant somewhat losing his cool, then only to regain his cool composure immediately would've been more effective. I wouldn't call it a "wasted" opportunity, but it definitely could've been better. Zant's neck snapping at the end was a nice touch though, didn't think they'd actually do something like that.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Twilight Princess is an awesome game; has a special place in my heart. Link's Crossbow Training is cool too. ;)

I doubt it's getting a sequel. Nintendo doesn't seem too fond of the game themselves.
is that why link & zelda have their twilight princess design in smash bros 4?
1) Zelda, yes. Link, no.

2) Sakurai=/=Nintendo.
I don't get this. Are you answering his question with a yes in that "Yes, Zelda is based on her Twilight Princess design in Super Smash Bros. 4, whereas Link isn't, because Nintendo aren't fond of TP", which doesn't make any sense, or are you stating that Zelda has the TP look in SSB4 and Link doesn't, which not only isn't remotely true, it isn't even answering mαrkαsscoρ's question? I'm honestly lost.

No comment on the "Sakurai =/= Nintendo" regard.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Twilight is one of my favorite Zelda Titles, it's only superseded by Majora's Mask. The biggest letdown is how quick you can pummel the bosses into oblivion, apart from that it's all good. I think the best thing has to be the hawkeye simply because you can finally snipe mobs from afar. I literally sit there in hyrule field shooting foes to death.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Good morning kingofhuklebery! Have you offered your sacrifice to Queen Zelda this morning.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Good morning everyone!

Please do not use this thread as a chat ;) Just keep it on topic

I love TP. I think it is a great game. It is my fav Zelda game so far. Zant is my fav character because like Vergo said he starts as a vaillain and then turns out to be some sort of pathetic tool. Still he is cool. Although they should have done him more justice. It feels a bit rushed towards the end of his time.

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