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Game Thread Everything is Backwards!

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Feb 16, 2020
I'm sorry guys, it's been a week and I haven't had the chance to put the right effort into this game. I probably deserve the lynch bceause of my inactivity.

I'm a Bartender, but only in the daytime. I'm mafia aligned (so town). I have no abilities because I have to work all day. It is because of this that I speculate that getting money may unlock an ability, but mod confirmed for me that I'm essentially vanilla, so nothing interesting.


Jan 19, 2018
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here but only skimmed the thread and its unlikely i'll contribute much of substance

naga is probably a decent lynch because i get the feeling he won't contribute much going forward and he has claimed vanilla and there is also decent reason to believe he is scum, at least comparatively. At this point I'd probably prefer him over kirino who has been significantly more active.

When i said minish could be a PGO i guess i meant minish could be a bomb. basically if someone killed her she'd kill them back. this fits her role title and explains the double death in away that fits (though is still just speculation).

if you want anything else from me before day end let me know i should be able to check the thread once or twice more before day end


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Okay, midterms are over for the moment. I'll see if I can catch up before EoD, but I have a meeting in a bit so I doubt it. The meeting will go until about EoD, but hopefully I'll be around for that.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Vote: Naga10

Kirino is a decent wagon, but some people I town read are voting Naga and I'd rather not accidentally kill a decent power role if Kirino has one he hasn't claimed. This seems like a wagon that could hit scum and is less likely to matter if it's a mislynch.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
The dead vote moved off Naga and onto Rubik before the last vote, so that was not a hammer. I was out and did not notice this until now.

EoD is in 30 minutes.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Vote Tally 2.3

Naga10 (4) - funnier6, Ragnarokio, Kirino, Rubik
Kirino (2) - Johnny Sooshi, ExLight
Pen (1) - DekuNut
Rubik (1)
Not Voting - naga10, Pen

With 9 alive, 5 votes are majority. Day ends in about 25 minutes.


Jun 19, 2010
In all seriousness, I'm not sure what's going on either. It's possible that they want to lynch Rubik, but switched to Naga in order to save me for some reason, and now that I was relatively safe, they switched back. I'm not sure why they'd want to go after Rubik, but they probably don't know anything we don't, so it's likely just their own suspicions. If Poy is scum then he has some influence, but he'd still need someone to go along with him. Pretty unlikely that two scum are in there.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Final Tally

Naga10 (4) - funnier6, Ragnarokio, Kirino, Rubik
Kirino (2) - Johnny Sooshi, ExLight
Pen (1) - DekuNut
Rubik (1)
Not Voting - naga10, Pen

The night was fairly quiet, must have been lots of people sleeping! Nonetheless, there was some great discussion, and oh look, someone else has died! And oh gosh, it's Naga10! Well hmm, according to his employment records he was a Bartender.

I'm tired, imma go get a drink at the bar... wait, nvm, I can't cuz y'all killed my favourite bartender! :kawaii:
don't try to read into this lol, the flavour in the scenes doesn't mean anything

The Living (8)
  1. Kirino
  2. funnier6
  3. Rubik
  4. Johnny Sooshi
  5. ExLight
  6. Ragnarokio
  7. DekuNut
  8. Pen
The Dead (4)
  1. Spiritual Mask Salesman - High School Teacher (Voted out night 1)
  2. Morbid Minish - Suicide Gunner (Died day 1)
  3. Poyzin - Zookeeper (Died Day 1)
  4. naga10 - Bartender (Voted out night 2)

Day 2 begins

Deadline for actions is May 1, 2020 at 8pm MDT.

Rubik and Kirino will be in neighbourhood chat today. Please do not post in the thread until the next night begins.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
The day ended with the group realizing something was wrong. The bad guys had lost two more of their own. One of them had been infected the previous day by the good Nurse, while the other had been shot by a weapon given to the Nurse by one of their fellow bad guys.

ExLight has died. He was a Gambler.
Kirino has died. He was a Lyncher.

The bad guys began panicking. "Have we even killed any of the good guys then? Are they outsmarting us this much?" Well, as it happened, the good guys had in fact been outsmarting the bad guys. Or perhaps the bad guys had just spent all their time accidentally killing each other (and themselves). By the time the second day had ended, there were only 6 people left. And the bad guys just had a feeling in their hearts that something was wrong. And indeed, three of the remaining people were in fact good people, and the bad guys realized their chances of continuous survival were low, practically non-existent. The bad guys knew that with their philanthropic friend having caught a deadly sickness today, they had lost.

The bad guys surrendered. The fight was lost. The good people had achieved their goal of parity, and went to the bar to celebrate (but it was incredibly boring since y'all killed my favourite Bartender). The bad guys were locked up and thrown in prison for the remainder of their lives.

The Living (6)
  1. @funnier6 (Detective)
  2. @Rubik (Philanthropist)
  3. @Johnny Sooshi (Passive Jack-in-the-Box)
  4. @Ragnarokio (Nurse)
  5. @DekuNut (Cab Driver)
  6. @Pen (Active Jack-in-the-Box)
The Dead (6)
  1. @Spiritual Mask Salesman (High School Teacher)
  2. @Morbid Minish (Suicide Gunner)
  3. @Poyzin (Zookeeper)
  4. @naga10 (Bartender)
  5. @ExLight (Gambler)
  6. @Kirino (Lyncher)
Good guys Win!

Thank you all for playing! This game was quite short, but some unlucky shots and a glorious gift of a double kill to the mafia allowed them to sweep.

I'll post the roles here shortly, and an explanation of night actions so you all can know exactly what happened. I think I should've done alignment reveals at the very least, then everybody would have known that no good guys had died yet. The "Secret Advantage" that Rubik could have given someone was that; it would have revealed the alignment and full role of all dead players to whoever received it (which, funny enough, was going to be Rag). Also Rubik the $2000 didn't actually do anything, but it was the only one of your gifts that didn't. And Ex, you were responsible for Poy's death, something that only had a 5% chance of occurring. Also Minish killed herself. Full explanation coming soon.

Thanks again for playing! I might tweak the setup a bit and then return to it at a later time.
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