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Dreams thread.


Staff member
ZD Champion
a couple days ago I had this cute dream I was visiting some relatives (that didn't exist) and they had this little daughter who was a smartass brat but super sweet and we had a fun time messing around configuring stuff in her pc for her to play

when we were saying goodbye she asked me if I could visit her in the following week and I was like "sorry only next year" and then woke up and realized I cant keep with what I said so it felt kinda bad umu

also had a weird dream today but I remember literally nothing from it
kinda bizarre how they fade away so quickly


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
Idk why, but my dreams last night were about death. My own and someone else’s. Everything else around those two events was just nonsense crap (apart from me sobbing a lot), but the part about death (unsurprisingly) stuck out to me.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I was in a bed in my dream last night and decided to get out of bed, but I wrapped my covers around me like a cacoon, plopped onto the ground and was sliding on the floor instead of walking, lol. So I'm just sliding on the floor like, this is fine, but then I wanted to stand up but couldn't because the floor was too comfty.

I think this was a byproduct of talking about sleeping on the floor in the SB before I went to bed.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Dreamed me and my family got covid, ok, nbd, but the way we found out was we got a notification our phones, there was this app we had that told us we had sat close to someone on a bus that had it. Yikes. Luckily just a dream.

Then I had to go to the dentist but the office was like, this empty church building with a lot of hallways, I was vaguely aware of dentists and hygienists there but the hallways were my lasting impression. That was probably from me going down a rabbit hole of liminal spaces yesterday.


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
Had some really weird dreams last night, so I wrote what I could remember down this morning.
My family was on vacation in a big city and we saw a little bear on the side of the road, wounded. So we were gonna stop and help it, but just before we pulled over the bear got hit by a car and went flying, then hit by a semi truck and rolled into a ditch. So we drove on, dissapointed, but then we saw another bear, a big one, playing with a car in a taco bell drivethrough, so when we got to the hotel I begged and begged my mom to let me go see it but she wouldnt let me. Eventually she did give in though so I got on my bike and headed back, but at this time I was for some reason an anthropomorphic bear and the dream was laid out like a picture book. When I got to the taco bell it was sunset, things were normal again and I was somehow back in my hometown. The bear was gone though, but it was then that I realised I was dreaming and Frank from 30 Rock showed up out of nowhere so we decided to go out clubbing together (it's a dream, I can do what I want).
But before we could go anywhere cool a rude little girl "woke me up" (I was sleeping in the dream, apparently), walked into my hotel room and took my phone, saying that she was the hotel owner's daughter so she was allowed to. I was ready to take it back, but then we noticed the dead little boy on the floor of my shower. My family comes in and sees him too, everyone is asking me what happened but I have never seen this kid before. But then the annoying little girl reveals herself to be some sort of demon, who had 2 pieces of the triforce, and put one in the human boy, killing him, so that she could take a human form. But the boy started to breathe again, so she took the triforce piece back from him and turned into her demon form right in front of us, turned out I had a piece of the triforce too and I turned into Link. Then she left and I split into 4 Links like in 4 swords, so the other Links and I just sat on the bed while we thought about our next move. In that time we shared a box of sour patch kids, and this is the most vivid part because we spent the whole time aguing about who ate how much and how to ration it out- just like I do with my siblings in real life lol.
Second dream, I was in Little Big Planet making a race level or something. There was an elephant family in the level, and the smallest one told me about how she was actually a princess and how her dad had married a really mean elephant and how her stepsister was also really mean. The stepsister elephant took off running to be mean (idk how that works), so I ran to catch up, but in doing so the animals around me realised that I wasnt an animal like them and got mad. But then came in some evil dude with an army, including Ash and Goh for some reason. I don't remember what he wanted but then Link and Midna showed up and when he saw them he said that Midna was actually his wife and that her real name was Ms Jackson, and Link was like "lol I dont believe". and then my mom woke me up before i could see that drama play out but i bet it would have been juicy


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I had a dream where I entered this competition at a summer camp of some sort, and every team had to take turns performing challenges of various types, none of which we knew about before hand. I don’t remember them off the top of my head, except that none of them were particularly dangerous, and all of my teams challenges involved flooding the arena and riding a boat for some reason.

Anyway, I got to the final challenge, and my team boarded a canoe of some sort. So the challenge starts, and this whirlpool starts up. It’s so strong, it somehow caused an updraft strong enough to knock all 4 of us out of the canoe, and then carry the canoe outside of the ring, knocking out some of the crowd.

All we had to do was stay in the whirlpool for a certain amount of time, with one of us needing to say in an even longer period of time. We all made it the required time, and then the others almost immediately got out, but I was determined. I held my breath, and just waited it out. Eventually, everyone started cheering. I had won. I was now a champion. I got out and they told me that I had achieved a world record.

I went back to normal life, but I also just kinda wanted to overhear people taking about my achievement, as someone with a big head tends to do. So I went to eavesdropping, and I heard one person say that “that man is either incredibly brave, or incredibly stupid.” I was confused, so I went and asked what exactly my world record was in.

I figured that my record was just how long I could stay in a really strong whirlpool without being thrown out or sucked in. Nope. My world record was based on how long I could stay in a whirlpool…. That had a hammerhead dolphin in it.

What the hell is a hammerhead dolphin? I had to look it up, both in my dream and in real life. Naturally it just straight up doesn’t exist in real life, but in my dream it’s apparently a hyper aggressive sea predator (the only picture I could find in my dream looked like ClipArt of a bad fan made Pokémon). All of my teammates figured this out before hand and ditched me to fend for myself in dolphin infested waters, but apparently I didn’t get the memo.

I was insanely pissed, but this was about that point in time where your dreams stop losing any semblance of a coherent plot. I’m pretty sure I became an accomplice to a bank heist, ended up in a mental hospital, and then went to a store that had the aesthetic of an Apple store but the products of a Home Depot.


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
Forgot what thread this was in for a sec and was very confused

had a dream we were made to watch this badly animated cgi film at school where cartoon animals killed themselves by doing stupid **** so we'd know what not to do, kinda freaked me out lol
Apr 5, 2021
Older dream but trust me it's stuck with me till this day. I had a dream a few years ago that I killed a spider, and when I went to open my freezer later on in the dream, it was filled with spiders (:

Most of my dreams are pretty graphic and gorey but that's one of the less intense ones!

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