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Dreams thread.


Spoonman, come together with your hands, save meee
Apr 12, 2021
In your head, in your head. Zombie zombie zombie.
So, last night I had a dream... and yesterday night a similar dream...
It's hard to put it into words, but, here we go!!! (Also, I know this formatting is odd)

Yesterday night I dreamt I was on a car trip with my best friend ("E")... and for some reason my crush (let's just call her "R" so I don't have to spell it out every time) and her friend ("H") were there, too. I have no remote idea the logic of four people cramming into the back seats of a single car but let's not try to make sense of it.

Anyways, me and my friend were playing on our switch (how I got a TV Screen and fit it into that car, I don't know) and, of course, I have my earphones bluetooth connected to my Ipad so I can listen to music. We're playing Smash Bros. and I'm absolutely smashing him (see what I did there?).
The driver pulls into a gas station and I ask how much longer is the drive. They reply "two hours".

Flash forward, I have bought a huge box of snacks for the trip that I bought at the gas station. I'm halfway through my fifth bag of cheetos and about to completely destroy E in our 75th round when I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's H.
"Do you have a crush on R?" H asks.
I bury my head in my hands, my face going red. E cracks up and throws me off the screen. Awkward silence.

And then I woke up at 12:00 in the morning :D

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Had a really weird dream last night. In it, I entered my room and looked down to the floor, and I noticed that my floor was a blue carpet. Except, my floor is hardwood now. The blue carpet was removed years ago. So I said, "Hey, my floor isn't a blue carpet anymore. This must be a dream." And as soon as I said that, everything went dark and I began to feel dizzy. I said "I knew it, I'm dreaming." and then it felt like I was lifted off my feet and began floating. My head became too fuzzy to think clearly anymore and that's where my memories of the dream stop.

Kinda freaky.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
frogs burst from tadpoles at the shops and one of the frogs tried to eat me!! i was wearing shorts i dont usually do and the fog did the frog thing with its tongue and got stuck to me and it wouldnt release me!!


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
We're playing Smash Bros. and I'm absolutely smashing him (see what I did there?).
You're reminding me of a dream I had where the doctor told me I only had 3 hours left to live. I wasn't all that bothered by the fact and I just went home and played Smash while I waited for the inevitable, because there's probably no Smash in heaven and I gotta get all I can in now. Now that I think about it, it would have been a pretty funny sight for my family to walk in on my lifeless body with the TV's popup screen saying "You have been disconnected from the match due to inactivity"... (Maybe not funny for them, but I would laugh.) I also remember not telling them because I knew that would lead to a long sentimental goodbye and therefore cut my Smash time short.


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
(Double-posting I think, it might just merge into my other comment)
Dreamed my Wolf Link Amiibo came without any of the scannable stuff, just as a plastic figurine.
I have had multiple dreams about going to thrift stores and finding Wolf Link action figures that don't really exist... One I remember particularly vividly was at Potter's House, I was in the toy section and there was a 6 inch long one sitting on the top shelf. He looked way cooler than any of the real ones (with maybe the exception of First 4 Figures), he was really detailed paint wise and there was a lever/button on his back that made his front legs move when you pushed it, like you see on happy meal toys... I remember even praying in the dream that it was real life. Needless to say I was absolutely furious when I woke up.
I feel like this thread is more of a public dream journal than anything but this is probably the best place to share anyway
I had a dream that I watched an entire first season of an anime because it was actually good but now that I've woken up I think my brain created an entire season's worth of story arc and now I'm sad that it's not a show I know because it was actually really good
This happens to me every now and then, I create these characters in my dreams that in the dreams feel like I've known them my entire life. And then I wake up and I realise I've never seen or though about them before, and I get this really weird feeling as I try to remember how I'm connected to them before the memory fades...

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
had a very intriguing dream that on disney plus, there was an attack of the clones series that was the events of the movie but an alternate take on it, and it was supposedly better
Like, live action remake with Portman, Christiansen, McGregor, and a cgi Lee?
If someone else scripted and directed it that would have a lot of potential


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
Had a dream last night where I was Crash Bandicoot and I had to climb my way though the jungle in order to get to a shopping mall where I had "stolen' a Crash figure the previous day to pay the store $10 in return for stealing it. And in the store a lot of weird stuff happened, like there were all these taxidermy animals and one of the store employees was a witch who brought the alligator to life just for fun before killing it immediately. And doing this made the other animals come to life too, so I was told to toss them back to her so she could kill them before they killed us (they were all predators). I remember the cheetah very clearly, I picked it up by the head to toss it and it's head crumbled like eggshells in my hand. The body was completely hollow and the "skin" was really thin and paper mache like. I know some other stuff happened too but I can't remember anything more. Weird dream lol


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Had a dream last night where I was Crash Bandicoot and I had to climb my way though the jungle in order to get to a shopping mall where I had "stolen' a Crash figure the previous day to pay the store $10 in return for stealing it. And in the store a lot of weird stuff happened, like there were all these taxidermy animals and one of the store employees was a witch who brought the alligator to life just for fun before killing it immediately. And doing this made the other animals come to life too, so I was told to toss them back to her so she could kill them before they killed us (they were all predators). I remember the cheetah very clearly, I picked it up by the head to toss it and it's head crumbled like eggshells in my hand. The body was completely hollow and the "skin" was really thin and paper mache like. I know some other stuff happened too but I can't remember anything more. Weird dream lol
I think we can easily make this into a crash twinsanity 2


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
I had a very odd dream last night (when I could actually sleep, lol) where I was being terrorized by these freakish things (I don't even know what they were) as I was trying to escape a house. The more I tried to leave, the more convoluted the house's layout became. Felt like the dream went on forever. Was glad to finally wake up from it when I did. I have no idea where that came from.

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