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Do you want link to have an instrument in BotW 2?

Do you want link to have an instrument?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 59.1%
  • No

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 5 22.7%

  • Total voters


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
(Az gave me inspiration for this, so, thanks Az! ❤️)

So, I think if he had an instrument in BotW 2 would be very nice. I don’t think I was particularly disappointed when he didn’t have one in BotW, because I was just so amazed at the world I saw before me, and being able to do all this stuff, from riding horses to exploring new areas each time I played.

Do you think link having an instrument in BotW 2 would be a good idea? And, if so, do you have a specific instrument you would want him to play?
Sometimes Link having an instrument can get in the way, be a chore or be a bit of a hindrance, so I wasn't disappointed when BotW didn't have one.

It also didn't feel as if it needed one since we could pass the time and warp whenever we wanted to.

I wouldn't mind if he had an instrument in the next game, so long as it doesn't get in the way and isn't forced in.

I don't think he will have an instrument in BotW2, though.


Jun 22, 2011
I'd be fine with that. My wish is that they don't do anything physically interactive with it like the harp or spirit flute. I wouldn't mind seeing more puzzles using a musical instrument like the song of time puzzles in Ocarina of Time Master Quest.
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not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
I’d love a little side quest where you can unlock stuff by learning songs/getting better at the instrument, but please nothing physical. I don’t wanna have to shake my Switch.


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
I don’t really think Link having an instrument fits BotW's world. It made sense when an instrument was introduced as an integral part of the story and gameplay, like in Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Skyward Sword (even in SS it was kind of unnecessary), but the only character to play an instrument in BotW that I can think of is Kass, and I prefer his songs being the hints to shrines rather than Link having and using any instrument of his own.

The Bread Pirate

Sep 11, 2016
The Milk Bar
I don’t really think Link having an instrument fits BotW's world. It made sense when an instrument was introduced as an integral part of the story and gameplay, like in Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Skyward Sword (even in SS it was kind of unnecessary), but the only character to play an instrument in BotW that I can think of is Kass, and I prefer his songs being the hints to shrines rather than Link having and using any instrument of his own.
We did have the whistle in BotW though. Would it be too far fetched to see Link wielding a flute for that button instead?
Feb 7, 2014
If it's an optional thing that you can just do for fun, then sure. I never got very far in BotW, but I felt like the Sheikah already provided the functions that an instrument would have had. If the slate comes back, then there's really no need.


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I wouldn't mind an instrument that was sort of just for fun, or maybe a small side-quest. I don't think we're going to see the need for an instrument like in Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask or anything, but I would love to sort of just mess around with one. I could see it having cute little interactions with wildlife and NPCs as well.

One thought I had was since you can disguise yourself to enemies in BOTW, maybe have something like the Bremen's Mask in that, if an enemy trusts you, maybe you can get it to do a little animation when you do music of some sort, whether that be a march, a dance, or whatever.

Another thought was just to have some ruin with some sort of musical ability. Maybe Link pulls out the CLASSIC keyboard app on his Sheikah Slate and taps keys for fun.

Long story short, I'd like to see it in a minor way, but I sort of doubt it. It's a shame that you can't play some random little tunes like you could in the N64 era, but those were limited as well and really just a distraction from the main game and plot related songs.

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