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Do You Make Fun of Depressed People?

Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Dec 6, 2012
Zelda Dungeon
Freaking (blankety blank blank) NO!!!!! I CANNOT STAND IT WHEN PEOPLE DO THAT! .... *counts to ten and cools down* Okay, I find it repulsive when people make fun of people who are feeling down. Sometimes people can be depressed for really stupid reasons, or seemingly stupid reasons, but that doesn't give anyone the right to start making fun of them. We can't know or understand some of the things that bother people, and we don't need to. What we do need to understand is that even though we don't understand we should respect that somethings just bug people, and that's okay, we should be supportive and try to help them feel better about the problem or just not get involved. Try to figure out why something bothers somebody. But never just start making fun of somebody just cause they're depressed, even if the reason they are depressed is stupid in your eyes. That's downright jerkish and says to other people that your a stupid immature dumb bell who failed kindergarten and can only make yourself feel better by being derogatory to people who are sad.


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
As someone who has suffered from actual clinical depression for most of my life, and particularly the past say 4 years or so, I stay away from the depression thread. Not because it's like a trigger or anything, but because I don't really want to feel any worse than I sometimes already do. I just think it's nicer to be positive.

Anyway, I would never mock a depressed person. But as has been said, some people are just drama queens who magnify the tiniest problem then say they're "depressed" and I'm like lol ok whatever. I don't mock them either but I don't take them seriously. Like "omg im so depressed this hot guy on the bus didn't smile at me AND i got an A instead of an A*" no. Depression is different for everyone, but don't take the mick. I think people fling the word 'depression' around like it's nothing these days and that is almost as bad as the people who mock it, because it belittles a very real and difficult thing.

I don't know why people feel the need to be mean to others when they have mental health problems- which is what depression is. Maybe it's because they don't truly understand it, but ignorance is no excuse in my book. :)


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
I don't see why I'd mock a depressed person... Regardless of if I think the reason they're depressed is stupid or not, need to be tactful and not ever make fun of people like that.

I know a few people who get depressed and I do sometimes not feel much sympathy. I mean, I see depressed people upset in their 3-storey house, with all their meals made for them, TVs and computers every Christmas, etc. So I think some people shouldn't take everything they have for granted. Sure, be upset, but, come on. But even then, I would never make fun of them, and especially if they're a friend I'd always comfort them through it all.

Whatever the reason, if someone's depressed, upset, whatever, you shouldn't make fun of them. I definitely don't. It's just not a nice thing to do.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I don't see why I'd mock a depressed person... Regardless of if I think the reason they're depressed is stupid or not, need to be tactful and not ever make fun of people like that.

I know a few people who get depressed and I do sometimes not feel much sympathy. I mean, I see depressed people upset in their 3-storey house, with all their meals made for them, TVs and computers every Christmas, etc. So I think some people shouldn't take everything they have for granted. Sure, be upset, but, come on. But even then, I would never make fun of them, and especially if they're a friend I'd always comfort them through it all.

Whatever the reason, if someone's depressed, upset, whatever, you shouldn't make fun of them. I definitely don't. It's just not a nice thing to do.

Possessions for the most part don't lead to happiness, some of the richest people can be depressed. So yeah, If only money could buy us everything.


Nov 9, 2010
Absolutely not. Making fun of those who are depressed is unacceptable. Suffering from depression myself, I know that nothing good will come of it, for the person you are making fun of, or for you. The last thing they need is someone adding to their suffering.

I'm not claiming to be a saint or anything. However there are already far to many cruel people in the world without being one myself. If someone comes to me with troubles they are having, I will try my best to help. Certainly not make them feel worse.


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
Holy crap, I am the EXACT OPPOSITE of making fun of depressed people. I feel like hugging them to death unless it turns out to be a stupid reason for being depressed, or they're just sad for a ridiculously annoying reason like my little brother not being able to use the computer for something he did. Even so, he only gets angry, so…

The thing is, though, if they're actually depressed that's when I feel bad for them. If they're any other form of it, like angry or stressed, it's something I kind of want to stay out of.
Jun 22, 2013
You shouldn't ever make fun of someone being depressed. It isn't a pleasant thing to be depressed and then kicking them while down is pointlessly cruel. And people who do stuff like that make me sick. I prefer hugging depressed people and try helping them through their problems.

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