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Breath of the Wild Do you love or hate Revali? And why?

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
if I had to choose between the two I'd pick love, but a lot of what others have already said holds true
the character ensemble is just unimpressive, Revali is the only character shown to have depths and complexities as a person especially in the champion's ballad where you clearly see how high of a standard he pushes himself to. He's not just hard on others, he's hard on himself too and just doesn't show it out of pride.
May 7, 2018
Champions are just a dumb concept in general so I "hate" Ravioli by default. Just get a team of bokos to pilot the damn divine beasts. Who tf cares.
Dec 12, 2019
On the Game make side : Revali's voice is 'irritating' when the flight gauge fills up.it sounds rude , mocking and un-gamely
on the other hand : Mipha's Grace voice is soothing & comforting.
I have only got these for the time being , so that was my take on Revali's voice acting.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
He's an absolute douchenozzle dude acts likea condescending asshole to link and mocks him near constantly, takes the piss outta him for being down for 100 years then treats it like "luck" that link freed him, yeah no, he had no adaptability which for a bow wielder you'd think he'd have, in a fight in the skies against a creature using his own element he lost miserably proving he was just bird stuffing than has the gall to act like a prick the moment link shows up to help him. Link proves he's more skillful and then revali yet again acts like a dick his beast doesn't even do alot of damage on it's own 1/8 of the final bosses health yeesh talk about thinking too much about your capabilities.

There is literally no like Revali dudes a collossal asswipe, out of all the champions glad he died the most. Such a useless asshole.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
He’s yet another example of that classic character trope that Zelda can’t seem to get enough of. You know, the same one that tatl, ezlo, Midna, Linebeck, and Groose all have. Yeah he’s easily the most complex of the 4, but it’s not like that’s a very high bar. I hate the way he’s designed, though I share this complaint with all of the Rito in BotW. I will give him one thing: he’s not a stereotype of his race like the other 3, instead he’s just falco. Overall I still prefer him to “cliché zora” and “cliché gerudo,” but he’s far from my favorite character in the series, or even BotW for that matter.
Jan 29, 2020
I love to hate him, honestly. I like yelling at him when Revali's Gale isn't ready. He's the one where I'm thinking 'gosh, THIS GUY RIGHT HERE MAN!' But at the same time, I'm glad he's that way. It's interesting, it's fun to take jabs at him because he's so arrogant. (Yeah, I always talk to my games, shows, movies....) I also really like his voice.


Oct 12, 2019
planet earth
i don't know about revali but i certainly like raviolis

Seriously, even though revali has the personality of a total jerk, he has at least personality and hes pretty rememorable, so he has a bad personality but on a good way. At least hes not just a boring and tasteless character.

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
I had a love hate relationship with him. He's a kind of a prick I think he is a bit of a control freak and almost entirely dependent on his own ego and selfishness to keep him alive. If anything he is definitely related to Falco Lombardi or is Him in an alternate dimension. On an unrelated note I like how he almost looks like the mascot for KU (University of Kansas).
Last edited:
Sep 5, 2020
I like how Nintendo added another rival for Link besides Groose. Revali's design is such an awesome addition to Zelda's already unique fantasy setting.

LOL! The whole "don't come crying to me!" scene nails this. He acts like a jilted BF, as if Zelda owes him anything. :lol:

Revali liking Zelda would explain a lot: his bitterness towards her, his hate of Link even after death. NintendoBlackCrisis thought something similar in one of his videos.


Twilight Princess Master
May 30, 2020
Bad explainer here, but Revali is epic. My second favorite next to Urbosa. Even more likeable in different game translations. Just a very cool character.

Here's a little saying I share with myself sometimes;

Love Revali, hate Komali.
Apr 20, 2020
I have not played Breath of Wild and instead I just watched a walkthrough of the game on youtube. I like how Revali was designed but I don't remember his personality. I think if I played the game I would probably be able to remember more on the characters.

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