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Breath of the Wild Do you love or hate Revali? And why?

Jul 19, 2019
United States
Revali is both my favorite and my least favorite Champion. He's the reluctant Champion, the one who had to be asked twice by Zelda to pilot a Divine Beast. And let's be honest, he's the most complex out of the four supporting characters. Creating A Champion stated that he was never satisfied with his role as Link's support, which makes you wonder what kind of turmoil and motivations were swirling in him as he helped save Hyrule.


Yet his extreme arrogance is off-putting. He was bitter that Link was the chosen hero and expressed it by heckling him and just in general being the negative one of the group. I get that he was jealous of Link and saw him as a rival, but my biggest issue with Revali was his douchebag attitude towards Zelda. What did she ever do to him? You can say that he was a jerk towards everyone but Link and Zelda are the two he jabs at the most in his diary. He knew he was going to accept Zelda's offer but deliberately withheld his answer to QUOTE, "let her sweat". WHAT THE ****??? As if she isn't already going through enough anxiety! Him calling her "talentless" and that he didn't think he could "spare the time" to go with her to the Spring of Wisdom, their last chance to awaken her power and stop the kingdom's doom, was something I just couldn't comprehend.
So what do you think? Do you have your own ideas about why he acted the way he did? And do you love or hate Revali? Please leave comments below!

A portable computer that looks like a Switch, launched Feb. 25th.
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I like Revali, I don't think he was the most complex but I was entertained whenever he was on screen. His voice actor was decent too which us more than what can be said for the majority of the others.

He also has the funniest line in all of Zelda; Well, I'll be plucked...


Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I'm indifferent I guess.

my biggest issue with Revali was his douchebag attitude towards Zelda. What did she ever do to him?
Well because she is "talentless" and hasn't been able to awaken her sealing power he doesn't hold her in high esteem I guess. He obviously has a supriority complex. He's probably also mad that Zelda doesn't change her mind to make him the Chosen Hero instead of Link.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
He's just a jealous douche there is no complexity to his character. He is shown as a completely one dimensional character like most of the champions.

Pretty much this. He's not enough of a character for me to feel particularly strongly in one way or another.

I get that he was jealous of Link and saw him as a rival, but my biggest issue with Revali was his douchebag attitude towards Zelda. What did she ever do to him?

Probably hated her for the same reason most people in Hyrule did. She was being lazy when it came to her own duties. And to add insult to injury, you have someone asking you to put your time and energy into solving the problem, but you know that all of your effort will be meaningless if they don't do their part....and whereas your part is support, their part is crucial, and if they don't do it, literally nothing you do will make a difference.
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Jul 19, 2019
United States
He's probably also mad that Zelda doesn't change her mind to make him the Chosen Hero instead of Link.
LOL! The whole "don't come crying to me!" scene nails this. He acts like a jilted BF, as if Zelda owes him anything. :lol:

He's just a jealous douche there is no complexity to his character. He is shown as a completely one dimensional character like most of the champions.

As much as I loved the Champions, I gotta admit this is mostly true.
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Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
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Angel of Darkness
I couldn't care less about him. He was extremely arrogant and thought everything envolved around him. Even after Link succeeded he still acted bitter. Never a fav of mine and never will. He reminds me a bit of that dude in ALbW. The one with the Sands Rod. But unlike Revali I found him very entertaining. The only good thing about Revali is his special skill hè gives you
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The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
He grants you the most useful champion ability, and is one of the few NPCs in the game with decent voice acting, so he's a-okay in my books.
i typically like sarcastic asshole characters, so hes my favorite of the champions. but botw's character cast is terrible imo, so saying i like a character on a scale of botw's characters (or even just the champion) doesnt reallg say much. but yeah i like revali, for a champion. but he, like the other champions, is way too anime tropey. his rivalry with link could have been expressed better without a ****ty anime narrative.

Deleted member 88720

I like Revali because his rivalry to Link is a very sound one and a perfect way to build character. Having that one hero that everyone hates but still does what it takes to save others in the end is a stronger character (to me) than one who automatically accepts everything without fault or complaint. To counter how sweet the entire team is, you have to have a bit of salt.

Plus, if we didn't have a salty Revali, we wouldn't have those wonderful Messenger-chatroom gimmicks between the champions.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
I just hate him because he’s a d-bag. I don’t really like any of the champions much to be completely honest but I hate Revali with a passion.
Sep 21, 2014
I love Revali: his character is hilarious, he's an interesting foil, his skills are genuinely top notch, and his voice acting is the best in the game.

I just hate him because he’s a d-bag. I don’t really like any of the champions much to be completely honest but I hate Revali with a passion.
He's arrogant and a bit jealous, but really that's about it. If anything, he's one of the only champions to actually have a personality.

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