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Do Nintendo fans still get bullied in 2023?


Just a loser loving Legend of Zelda and anime
Jul 19, 2016
In an unknown universe.
I could've sworn that the bullying Nintendo fans are over and it's more acceptable in today's society, but is it still happening in middle to high school? I know it's not college since it's acceptable there.
Are you guys in middle and high school still get bullied for liking Nintendo in 2023 even though it seemed more accepted.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
I used to get some odd looks, but never outright bullied because of it. I feel like it's been more acceptable over the years. But I don't know about nowadays, I don't really socialize much these days.


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
Unpopular opinion, bullying partially depends upon the person getting bullied. It's about how much space you give others into your life. One shouldn't let people treat them like that.

I had a schoolmate in 10th grade who also watched anime, played botw on cemu and liked pokemon. But he's kind of a guy who doesn't set boundaries, so he got bullied for the exact same things I liked. Meanwhile, I posted Dragon Ball edits on my stories and nothing happened.

Bottom line, bullies will find a way to bully you whatever you like,  if you let them.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Unpopular opinion, bullying partially depends upon the person getting bullied. It's about how much space you give others into your life. One shouldn't let people treat them like that.

I had a schoolmate in 10th grade who also watched anime, played botw on cemu and liked pokemon. But he's kind of a guy who doesn't set boundaries, so he got bullied for the exact same things I liked. Meanwhile, I posted Dragon Ball edits on my stories and nothing happened.

Bottom line, bullies will find a way to bully you whatever you like,  if you let them.
I'm going to heavily disagree with that. I wasn't bullied because I let people bully me, I was bullied simply because I was neurodivergent, but at the time, I didn't have this knowledge that I was ADHD and autistic.

Because of my experience, I was bullied literally for no good reason, simply because I was different. I would frequently tell them to stop, leave me alone, and nothing worked until my emotion came to the forefront and caused a fight.

No matter what I tried, I got no help or accommodations from people, and this continued all the way up to my sophomore year of high school, until it finally stopped.

I didn't let people bully me, I made my boundaries known, but it didn't matter in my case.

How would you explain that?


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
No one gets bullied just for it these days, Nintendo is extremely popular. I did get bullied in general though, and those people did use it as ammo at times, but it wasn't the reason I got bullied, rather they just ran with something they knew i liked. In short, you won't get bullied for liking it if you're normal, but if you're a wee bit speshal like I was then you might. It's not about the subject but the person behind it.


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
I'm going to heavily disagree with that. I wasn't bullied because I let people bully me, I was bullied simply because I was neurodivergent, but at the time, I didn't have this knowledge that I was ADHD and autistic.

Because of my experience, I was bullied literally for no good reason, simply because I was different. I would frequently tell them to stop, leave me alone, and nothing worked until my emotion came to the forefront and caused a fight.

No matter what I tried, I got no help or accommodations from people, and this continued all the way up to my sophomore year of high school, until it finally stopped.

I didn't let people bully me, I made my boundaries known, but it didn't matter in my case.

How would you explain that?
Sad to hear that man. I don't have an explanation. Maybe it's because I heard that in some states over there both parties involved are punished.

I just derived a conclusion from what I saw in school.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Sad to hear that man. I don't have an explanation. Maybe it's because I heard that in some states over there both parties involved are punished.

I just derived a conclusion from what I saw in school.
Not really. The only time both parties are punished, is if there's a fight, and when you're emotionally impulsive, instead of addressing the bullying, it became more of them trying, and failing to give me tips on how to keep my emotions in check.

I love my country, my countrymen, and I didn't go to terrible schools, just pointing out that there weren't many tools or accommodations for those who were ADHD and autistic about how to address and deal with bullying in the 1990's when I was young, as well as not even knowing that I was neurodivergent to begin with.

At least, that's my experience.
May 21, 2023
I think there are pretty much two constants: fanboys of any different company, whatever it is, are likely to always be around, and people who tend to bully - and I mean really bully, not just pick on or make jokes about - will find anything that gets to their victims regardless. Probably a bit of overlap but a lot of specific stuff about Nintendo or even about the others I wouldn’t necessarily constitute as outright bullying, just self important people arguing which company they simp for more. Not to say it can’t get ugly. But then, I’ve been long done with school by now, and was mostly homeschooled, so sometimes I forget what it’s like to be young like that where it can feel like everything is in your particular bubble.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I think there are pretty much two constants: fanboys of any different company, whatever it is, are likely to always be around, and people who tend to bully - and I mean really bully, not just pick on or make jokes about - will find anything that gets to their victims regardless. Probably a bit of overlap but a lot of specific stuff about Nintendo or even about the others I wouldn’t necessarily constitute as outright bullying, just self important people arguing which company they simp for more. Not to say it can’t get ugly. But then, I’ve been long done with school by now, and was mostly homeschooled, so sometimes I forget what it’s like to be young like that where it can feel like everything is in your particular bubble.
Pretty much in 100% agreement.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I absolutely still bully nintendo fans in 2023

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