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Do Horror Movies Scare You?

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
When I was younger I was afraid to watch them, but now a days I don't even watch horror/scary movies, and only because I think that there's no horror in them, more like blood and gore and killing. What about you guys/gals?


didn't build that
When I was younger I was afraid to watch them, but now a days I don't even watch horror/scary movies, and only because I think that there's no horror in them, more like blood and gore and killing. What about you guys/gals?

Well...I'm going to venture to disagree with you. Take one of the classic examples, The Exorcist. Sure, it's graphic, but most of the visuals have a point, and there really is a driving force behind the story. What stands out about the film are the dramatic elements and the atmosphere.

I used to be terrified of horror movies. I can find them unsettling. In any case, I love good ones. My favorites are probably The Fly (1980s remake), The Thing (1980s remake), Dracula (starring Bela Lugosi), Phantom of the Opera (silent film), The Invisible Man, and The Exorcist. Most of these are freaky in their own way, but I'm immune now--they don't scare me for the most part.

By far the most terrifying movie I have ever seen is the Japanese film Kairo. It's about ghosts invading Japan from machines. It sounds odd, but the atmosphere is imposing, and the overarching theme is lonliness--meaning that by the end of the film, there are few people left, and the effect is just awful. It still gives me nightmares. But it's a great movie, so I love it.

Very little gore, if any, btw. :)


poog tnalp yknuhc
Jul 11, 2012
They use to scare me when I was younger, but when I watch them now, it doesn't scare me at all. I haven't seen any of the older horror movies, which probably have some horror in them, but the ones that I watch now are just gory. I don't think i've ever watched a good horror movie.
Nope, i watch quite a few horrors and their ways and tropes never surprised me and now i'm pretty much just desensitized to their tricks, sudden jumps or big scares dont do anything to me at all. Blood and gore doesn't scare me either niether do loud noises and jolts... red herrings are also annoying as hell since i know there is nothing going to be there...

the one type of horror that does get a bit under my skin is the surrealist kind of horror where things dont make much sense so you cant really predict them, more so though rather than scares its the consistent tone (most famously for me in Eraserhead) where the film doesnt do anyhting scary but it keeps you locked inside a rising tension that never breaks, you're waiting for a scare that you know is going to be different from anyhting you have seen which never really comes.

Aside from that though, the character of Kayako freaks me out a little, she is pretty attractive but the idea of her being anywhere, in anyhting at any time is pretty tense.


birb overlord
Sep 16, 2011
It really depends on the movie. I am mostly more afraid of psychological horror movies than I am gore stuff. Blood and guts won't freak me out unless they're real. I don't even like gory movies at all. I will only watch those scary movies that mess with your head and confuse you and make you jump under your covers because you don't know what's going to happen next. I like those movies that are truly frightening in a mental sense and not just some bloody hacker film. Although recently I've found that I'm actually starting to become less and less afraid of scary movies. I guess it's because I'm getting used to them or something, but whatever, I still enjoy them every now and then.

Azure Sage

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I really don't do well with horror stuff. The same goes for blood and gore. (I'm lumping that stuff together with horror because that seems to be how the general public views them.) I'm really squeamish. I never look like it, though. I can keep my composure extremely well, but on the inside I'm having a miniature panic attack. I can't stand the sight of blood and gore (this really just applies to a lot of blood and gore), and horror stuff just plain freaks me out. Now, if the horror was mixed in with a mystery, I could maybe get into it out of curiosity about the mystery, but that's pretty much the only exception I have for this stuff.


Skeleton Of The Darkness
Feb 5, 2013
No, they don't scare me. I don't get scared anymore. But the only thing that scared me as a kid was the Goosebumps TV show, that's when I would get scared easily.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
You're pretty much right, Atsume. These days so called "horror" films rely too much on shock violence for cheap scares. Blood, excessive use of gore, and an over-reliance on loud sudden noises. Of course we're going to be scared by that!! It's a natural reflex if someone were to sneak up behind us and yell "BOO!" :boo:

Besides, it's not "scary" it's "surprising." There is nothing "horrific" about that.

No, what it takes for a film to scare me is ambiance. There has to be a tone, a mood, an aesthetic. Horror is about what you can't see. Horror is about the unseen threat that is lurking around the corner. This is what legendary horror films such as Alien and The Shining do so well. The Shining was even set in a plain old everyday place, but it was the isolation of the characters and the prevailing sense of unease, the prevailing undercurrent of some unknown threat that had yet to even befall the characters that made The Shining so bone chillingly creepy from start to finish.

Also today, horror films rely too much on special effects. CGI is meant to be seen, but that just doesn't work for a horror film. The Alien monster was nothing but an animatronic puppet and a big dude in a rubber suit in the first film. Back then the monster would have looked fake if displayed out in the open like CGI is today, so the film-makers had to shroud it in darkness. It took more thinking than a couple of CGI artists can hack up in a few hours to generate some flashy CGI and still makes for one of the most legendary horror monsters in literature.
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Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Okay, I don't think I've ever seen a movie that's intentionally in the horror genre in my whole life. Ever. But I can base my response on other movies. And from that, I'd have to say...

Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Jump scares, blood, and any kind of scary scenes HORRIFY me. I cry in movies a lot, too. I'm such an emotional person that I can't help it – movies manage to affect me greatly. That's the reason why I can't watch horror movies. I just KNOW I'd hate them. I get scared from things that aren't even supposed to be scary. Just put some creepy music in a dark scene and I'll be ready to scream at the slightest quick movement.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Yes they do which is something I don't like to always admit. I think I'm getting better at watching them now, I've come a long way as a kid. (Cartoons used to scare me)

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
Well, the movies themselves don't scare me so much as the villain(s) in it. I remember watching this awful movie (The Messenger) and still being afraid of the pasty-blue zombie things.

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