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Wisdom Triforce

Call of duty FTL (spits)
well someones loved me we were going out than i broke it off and she went bawling into the bathroom and mixed her next class then all of her friends started yelling at be to the point that i yelled at them that scared em away. i have also had deep affection close to love but never love but has anyone love is when you get in 2 fights max youre whole relationship love is when you never want to be apart basically love is a connection stronger then any other force and love if it is true is always there.
Nov 22, 2010
Twisted Tea Cafe
I am in love with a beauty I have never met! I do not even know her name but I have seen her in visions..
She is everything to me! But I do not think she likes me back... X.O if this sounds completely awkward Private message me..
Also I had a crush on my childhood best friend but I had to let her gooo..... She was straight and well I am not :P


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
I have never loved anyone, or really been attracted to anyone. I'm somewhat devoid of such emotions, it seems.

But I do sometimes get very close to people as friends, and become very sad if they drift away.

Anyway, aside from that, I could be said to love computers and video games to the point that I might be able to count it as love in this sense.

donkey kong

Juicy pants.
Aug 10, 2011
Your house
Well as of right now a lot of girls like me. But one I will mention is one of my close friends likes me a lot and so does her sister, but I'm not interested in her in that sort of way. I like this other girl but she only views me as a friend. Probably because I am very shy toward girls unless they are one of my closest friends. So obviously I never tried to ask her out. Plus I act like a total dork around her :dry:.


Nov 21, 2010
My first crush was in like first grade and I don't remember it well. I have had a ton and a half of crushes in my lifetime and I'm still going! I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and that has gotten me hurt more than once. The thing is, I can't figure out how not to be the way I am. I develop crushes way too easy and once I like someone...it's over. LOL I mean there is nothing that they can say that would make me not like them. It's like I get tunnel vision and they are all I want and all I see. It's a pain in the butt when it's an online crush too cuz then if they don't like me they can just ...ya know...stop talking to me. *sigh* I hate crushes and I think they hate me too.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
Does it mke sense to be around someone you like and be the happiest you can be, yet being around them also causes emotional and somewhat physical pain?
Jul 22, 2011
I too have felt that same feeling for the exact same reason, the pain feels like a sharp knife being repetedly stabbed into my chest.
For me, it's more like a punch to the stomach, but yeah, it sucks. To make things worse, her boyfriend is just some random guy she met online, yet I'm right there in front of her.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
I too have felt that same feeling for the exact same reason, the pain feels like a sharp knife being repetedly stabbed into my chest.

That's the kind of thing I feel when I talk to this girl. the stabbing thing. And she doesn't have a bf. If you don't know what she did, it's one of my blog posts
Dec 19, 2011
When I was little I had little crushes on cartoon characters! xD I had my first crush when I was in 5th grade, on this blonde boy, who now three years later is a jerk. -__- My last crush was on this blacked haired boy named Elijah, he's a cool kid. He likes screamo music like me, but lately my feelings have been fading off and on. I had this one boyfriend who was my first, and the WORST! Ever sense I admire from afar, like on Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) and Fred Weasley (James Phelps)....... xD

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