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Feb 6, 2012
Yeah I had a crush on Sailor Moon when I was little. I don't think cartoon crushes are that unusual.

lol ^
I remember that show XD


I'm in love with someone, but I don't think they feel the same way D:... Although, sometimes I do get the hint... I'm just really shy >_>......
Apr 17, 2011
Where you least expect it!
I actually started a relationship from a guy who joined my forum... I wouldn't recommend it, not only did he live quite far away, and was in an open relationship, I still don't know if what he says is true (it ended about a couple weeks a go)

But seriously, I've learnt it's much better talking to someone face to face
Feb 6, 2012
I actually started a relationship from a guy who joined my forum... I wouldn't recommend it, not only did he live quite far away, and was in an open relationship, I still don't know if what he says is true (it ended about a couple weeks a go)

But seriously, I've learnt it's much better talking to someone face to face

Online relationships aren't always the best.. I been in that spot before, never again though :P
Apr 17, 2011
Where you least expect it!
Online relationships aren't always the best.. I been in that spot before, never again though :P

To be honest, I do not properly understand how I got in that position in the first place

I had a small crush on a guy on my forum
He got depressed
He committed suicide
Decided to talk with his boyfriend so we could support each other
He got mad because he found out I had a crush with the other guy
He forgave me
I felt really good when speaking to him
I poured out my feelings to him
Then we were in a long distance online open relationship for a month
He broke up with me because his other half wanted to get more serious
Feb 6, 2012
To be honest, I do not properly understand how I got in that position in the first place

I had a small crush on a guy on my forum
He got depressed
He committed suicide
Decided to talk with his boyfriend so we could support each other
He got mad because he found out I had a crush with the other guy
He forgave me
I felt really good when speaking to him
I poured out my feelings to him
Then we were in a long distance online open relationship for a month
He broke up with me because his other half wanted to get more serious

That really sucks... My experience wasn't too well either... It was nothing but lies... Especially the part of him telling me how he would "move to my city", but he never did... *sigh* So I just told him if he won't come, then it just won't work out. Now I'm single though, sadly... The sad part is I always get crushes over people from afar, never local... I don't understand why it's like that... =/
But I wish you the best, and hope you find "the one". Just keep positive ^_^
Apr 17, 2011
Where you least expect it!
That really sucks... My experience wasn't too well either... It was nothing but lies... Especially the part of him telling me how he would "move to my city", but he never did... *sigh* So I just told him if he won't come, then it just won't work out. Now I'm single though, sadly... The sad part is I always get crushes over people from afar, never local... I don't understand why it's like that... =/
But I wish you the best, and hope you find "the one". Just keep positive ^_^

That's the same thing with me, I always get crushes from afar, I did have one crush on my friend... but he's heterosexual lol
Feb 6, 2012
We're pretty alike aren't we
Did I mention that the guy online was 25 years old (9 years difference) lol
I always seem to go for older guys in their twenties rather than my own age lol

9 years difference..? wow, that's a lot haha
Apr 7, 2012
I had a tragic lovestruck in 6th grade so it wasnt soooo big because of my age.

I was in love with a girl, I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she said she would think about it.
She, my best male friend, and many others went to the city center, but I couldnt go. They told much about it to me and i wished to be there.
My best friend came to me and said: "I promise, Im not togheter with her."
I didnt think so much of it, but the next day, the girl i had a crush on said no because she got togheter with my best friend the day after I asked her. sad...

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