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Dead Soldier



Never even noticed that, that's strange. But Ocarina of Time has quite a few glitches, so I guess it's just that, a glitch.
Oct 18, 2007
Seeing how Zelda 64 (OoT) keeps the record for most glitches in a game, my bet is that its just another one.


Gamer since age 2
Jan 18, 2009
in my house
well it seems nothing like a glitch to me glitches are like getting to the shadow temple before Dodongo's cavern GLitches are things Nintendo would accendantly make and I think Nintendo put the dying soldier in on purpose


The Real Master of Epona
Jul 10, 2008
The Name is E-Scope
I think I remember seeing him. My memory of OoT is very short for I haven't played it in so long. It was sort of creepy to see the dying soldior though. Very depressing.


I truly love reading about things like this, things still get discovered from time to time :)
I really look forward to trying this, and will have to search these forums for more similar discoveries.
But yes, its a sad thought thinking about this valiant soldier dying for the Princess. But its also a testament to the goodness that was in Hyrule before Ganondorf took over...


Agent Of Chaos
Feb 11, 2009
Santiago, Chile
oh man... I never thought I'd see something new about OoT.... and I never saw that guard...this is so cool.....glad to know the best game ever (imo) still shows some surprises

all hail OoT:clap:


Air Dancer
Jan 6, 2009
Wow! I have never even looked! All these years of haveing this game I never thought to go to the back ally? Doh! ><

What is the matter with me?! (goes to play OoT again just for this..wait.. my N64 quit >>)


Gamer since age 2
Jan 18, 2009
in my house
I've never actually took the time to come to the back of the alley and look for the dying soldier but I shall soon.Wait is there a certain time I have to come to the back of the alley?

I really dont think this has anything to do with a hack, I personally think Nintendo did this to add a secret and those who actually find the secret will get a little more suspense out of the game .To me a glitch is more of something like getting to the spirit temple without getting the master sword yet.But I'm gonna go checkit out next time I have the time to do it thanks for the idea ^^.


Agent Of Chaos
Feb 11, 2009
Santiago, Chile
I believe it has to be right after zelda runs away and ganondorf comes after her...but before you enter the temple of time....
Feb 1, 2009
In OOT after you get all three stones(but before you get the Master Sword)go to the back alley of Castle town,and you will find a dying solder.
Has anyone else seen him?

Yes I have seen him because when you talk to him first he says some stuff about how he tried to hold of Ganondorf and after you talk to him again I think Navi says he is unresponsive or something like that! :thinking:

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