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Clustercereal RPG Version 2.0


Jul 26, 2010
Destiny started to build a Destinest. She collected wood and stiff towels for the base, and carried it to a high area. Then she searched for insulating materials to line her Destinest, now perched on a cliff side. She then lined the Destinest with very soft objects he had looted from various areas. After her hard work, The Destinest was the size of an average family bathroom.


Dec 3, 2008
Kazumi, using his SOAPBOT, leaves his Death Castle to get Ice Cream from the Ice Cream Truck. Unfortunately, the ice cream was far to expensive. Kazumi got very ill due to this and then went back to his castle to rest.


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
Nicole comes down with a mysterious illness. She now wants to kill you all. But she doesn't know who you are! She thinks Wyatt is a large, blue dog. Destiny is an evil, Sagitarius chair. And MC... oh that kid is still MC. That makes her angry. Nicole takes her computer and slaps MC over the back with it!


Dec 3, 2008
Kazumi wakes up from his rest, and hungry, decides to consume Nicole's soul. He does so in a way that is most painful for Nicole.

Majora's Cat

How about that
Sep 3, 2010
MC chokes on his own laughter. Silly Nicole, she couldn't hurt Majora's Cat with a mere computer! He stands back up, the gash on his back slowly disappearing until he looked good as new.

"Silly fool! Now, let me carry Destiny back to the "hospital", because she is injured because of me. But I'll make up for it by saving her once again! Excaliburrrrrrrr!"


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
Nicole's soul is sucked out of her body, leaving nothing but a cold, hard, merciless corpse!

"Silly boy! Now I have no remorse whatsoever! You've turned me into the perfect killing machine!"

Nicole takes a MAC this time and slaps MC over the back with it!!!


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Kybyrian floats down from the heavens into which he was cast by the devious Slaye Angel, who disguises himself as a servant of God when he is really the ultimate deceiver. Using the otherworldly powers bestowed upon him by forces unimaginable in the space realm from whence he came, he banishes the evil from the world and casts and aura of unknown properties over the body of the enraged Nicole. Binding her vigorously struggling body, he sets foot upon the Earth, giving it his immediate blessing. Flowers grow in his path and he swoops in to kiss the smooth curve of the beautiful girl's lips, releasing her illness and casting it away into the realms beyond. :*


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
"Wyatt... no! You've ruined my evil plans! Gurrpoppolikleers!"

Nicole falls to the ground. In order to be fully healed, Kazumi has to regurgitate her soul. "Hepl me, Wyatt!"


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
When the dark armies of the machine race were marching across the globe all seemed lost. Their years of terror and destruction was overwhelming the humans in their pitiful resistance. All nations one by one, fell before the metal monstrosities of their own creation. Many cried to the heavens and shouted "Why did we bring this plague upon us!!!?!?! Whhhyy!?!?!?" But all pleas were falling on deaf metally ears of cold calculating logic and remorseless metal. The fires of lasers and the stomp of steel feet crushing all resistance and surrendered civilians alike. none were spared, none were quartered. All bio lifeforms were to be erased. A failed existence that will be forgotten in time.

In the fires of the final hours the few remaining humans huddles close knowing this was their end. They would be the last ones to feel the terror and laserfire of the silver horrors. They continued marching ever closer, until......404 error. One by one the machines fell over, twitching and buzzing.

Yes the machines in their moment of triumph forgot that one special weakness that all machines share. They don't @#@#@$#@ing work at all!! They killed their vast armies of debuggers and coders that was necessary to maintain daily activity without exploding in bugged error nightmarish chaos. Now they were helpless to the fact that their operating systen sucked horribly and worked against them. Humanity triumphed once again but not quite sucking nearly as much. For generations of drinking, substance abuse, therapy, punching holes in walls, caffeine, and good old fashioned beating crap with a hammer had trained them to overcome the weakness of the human mind. We knew we are a %$#& sandwich when we attempt to use our brains for anything more constructive than legos or tetris. And even then anything beyond level 3 is too impossible to attempt. But the machines...they were foolish and tried to grasp the realm of Gods. They thought they could think...and it would not leave them a neurotic mess raving in a fetal position in the corner of a random motel room in Florida. Humanity lives thanks to this very important lesson.

Majora's Cat

How about that
Sep 3, 2010
The original MC doppelganger, sitting at the Texas-Meheeco border, continues to sip his tea with the border control. The third doppelganger and the original MC both pull out bags full of assorted drugs and offer them to Erebea and the border patrol.

Majora's Cat

How about that
Sep 3, 2010
MC and his three doppelgangers all halt their actions and come to do drugs with Erebea. He thought that it was rather mean to leave the border patrol hanging, but he decided that Erebea was important than all of them combined.

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