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Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a lovely sleep last night! This morning, we're eating pancakes drenched in maple syrup, yum yum.

Well, most of us at least, as you all wake up to notice one of you is missing. Say, where is Kirino? Upon further inspection, you find him 42 metres from the nearest RCMP office, covered in Timbits and blood. Although, I gotta say, I'm not too upset that another arrogant businessman has been killed. There are far too many of them, and now he can no longer run for Prime Minister (thank lord Trudeau, that would have been a travesty). Though, admittedly, Shark Tank will never be the same. May he rest in pieces in any case.

Kirino was Kevin O'Leary.
Hey, how ya doin Kirino? Welcome to Canadian Mafia II!

Do you ever watch Shark Tank? It’s a pretty good show about rich business people listening to pitches by up-and-coming entrepreneurs in order to find potential investment opportunities. In this game, you will be playing the role of Kevin O’Leary. Throughout your life, you have established a prominent career as a businessman and investor, spending several years as an investor on the Canadian version of Dragons’ Den before moving on to the American version Shark Tank. You are known for your blunt personality and an exceptionally large ego. In 2017, you campaigned to become the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, but dropped out despite having been high in the polls throughout much of the campaign.


In this game, you are town aligned and must work together with the rest of the townies to bring down the mafia. In order to emerge victorious, you simply need to eliminate every member of the opposing team from the game.

Please confirm that you have received your role PM in the signup thread.

The Living: (10)
The Dead: (2)
  • Storm ([any word but lynched] Day 1)
  • Kirino (Killed, probably by vengeful entrepreneurs, Night 1)
Day 2 begins!

With 10 alive, 6 votes are majority. Any existing vote threshold requirements are no longer in place. Day 2 will end Friday, July 16, 11:59PM MDT (60 hours).

Question #9 will be posted in about 3 hours. Anybody who answered a question Day 1 may answer again.

And lastly, here's some solid 80s jams to get you pumped up!


Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Okay, since actions are one shot I think it may be best if everyone claims if they got a question right yesterday and give any potential info they may have. Though if you'd get more info by asking questions first then definitely do that.

I think it's fairly likely SMS isn't mafia. I had a motion detector shot that I used on him last night, and he didn't move. I chose him because he was a low poster, and because I thought it was very unlikely he didn't answer any of the questions yesterday so I felt he wouldn't be moving due to using a one shot item he got.


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a lovely sleep last night! This morning, we're eating pancakes drenched in maple syrup, yum yum.
ngl I saw this and thought I got nightkilled for sure, don't scare me like that!

Okay, since actions are one shot I think it may be best if everyone claims if they got a question right yesterday and give any potential info they may have. Though if you'd get more info by asking questions first then definitely do that.
I answered a question, and got to give someone a pineapple - I chose Chevywolf


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Okay, since actions are one shot I think it may be best if everyone claims if they got a question right yesterday and give any potential info they may have. Though if you'd get more info by asking questions first then definitely do that.
I was able to get one in, got the Roleblock. Chevy was also my target, had to slap the "panic button" last minute.

Maple and/or Chevy, what does the pineapple do, if anything? Or can that be answered?


Jan 19, 2018
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i answered a question correctly and got a tracker shot which i used on mapel

unsurprisingly he visited chevy.


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
Maple and/or Chevy, what does the pineapple do, if anything? Or can that be answered?
I was reluctant to reveal my role at first because it applies to the next night (tonight). Considering Chevy and Rag have confirmed it, however, it may be a good idea to say what it does. I'll leave it up to you, Chevy, as it'll affect you much more than me

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