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Bosses ONLY RP


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
( i did research motherfu*ka)
lechku gets trapped in an orb of pure thunder and Lightning, and ghirahim gets dropped down a pit with pillows on the bottom, but this is mostly diversionary, since Dormin is on Ghirahim's Side


Smash is Life
Sep 23, 2012
Beijing, China
Ha, you entrapped a hologram, foolish Dormin.

You pitiful beasts. I find your lack of faith disturbing.

*Vader then proceeds to bring the room down upon all of them, and encasing himself in a hurricane of Force power.*


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
"Vader. your momma was so slutty, she actually had sex with the sand people WILLINGLY, oh yeah. Your wife padme actually asked Obi Wan to kill you. You are the Reason Qui gon Jin is dead. you are responsible for millions of deaths. The Emperor was never your friend. he plasyed you like a fool. you are more of a robot than R2D2. you know C-3PO has daddy issues because you left him to die on courascant during order 66"
Dormin Possesses Vader, and makes his head explode and his chest collapse,


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
eh. im not even trying. im enjoying watching the owl shock in his INESCAPABLE INFINITE NO LOOPHOLE shock ball


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
(why exactly does lechku get a pass? he has died several times, and when someone finally does what hurts him, he is let go??)


Smash is Life
Sep 23, 2012
Beijing, China
(i just realized how much this RP sucks. No matter what anyone does, people will always find some crazy excuse to have stayed alive)

*Vader laughs from the shadows* None of you seem to be able to figure out my abilities to manipulate the medichlorians. Everything you see is a vision. You cannot handle my power. Dormin, you think your insolent threats can harm me? I am the Dark Lord. None can challenge me.

This battle is foolish. I have better uses of my time.

*Suddenly, a TIE fighter takes off, leaves the planet, and jumps into light speed, leaving the galaxy before anyone can follow.*

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
(I'm with Keeseman here, there's no way any of us here should still be alive at this rate, and Storm's insistence in particular on never being hurt is really pissing me off. At least I tried to roll with the crap thrown at me instead of saying nothing can ever hurt me.)

"Thanks Ghirahim."

*looks at pocketwatch, shocked at how late it's gotten.*

"Now I believe it is time for me to leave. This was a fun little exercise, but Yami the true dark lord summons me and I have matters to attend to concerning a certain white wolf. Ghirahim... Give 'em hell for me."

*freezes time again for everyone but Ghirahim. His final act in place, Lechku explodes in a blossom of sakura flowers, which fly off into a time portal created just beforehand, which shuts off the moment he has passed through.*

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