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Boss Subtitles


Red as the Crimson Sun
Jun 27, 2011
McKinney, Texas
I very much enjoy it when there are "Boss Subtitles". Giving the name and explanation of what the Boss is ads depth to the game and the boss. It gives you the feeling of: I know what you've done, I know what you are, I know who you are, and you are going down. I, personally hope they continue to peruse this subtle characteristic.
Mar 20, 2012
Clock Town, Termina
By the way, some of Wind Waker's bosses have subtitles on their figurines: "Gohdan, the Great Arbiter," "The Monstrous Helmaroc King" and "Jalhalla: Protector of the Seal", "Molgera: Protector of the Seal".
Still, they don't label the bosses and the subtitles lack consistency since there are only 4. My favorites in the series are: "Usurper King: Zant", "Cyclok: Stirrer of Winds" from Phantom Hourglass, and "Fraaz: Master of Icy Fire" and "Phytops: Barbed Menace" from Spirit Tracks.


The Emperor
Apr 29, 2010
I've always enjoyed the boss subtitles. They certainly don't make or break a game but they are an interesting addition. I did find it strangely fitting though that Demise had no subtitle to boot.
Found this post of yours while checking if Wind Waker bosses have any subtitles in the expanded material.

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
Personally, I never much cared for boss subtitles I usually just fight them, kill them yoink my Heart Container wash rinse repeat. The only exception is Tentalus from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. I decided to create my own since he is arguably one of the most derpy looking bosses in the game next to The Imprisoned and he definitely looks like something from Monsters, Inc. So much so I was thinking of giving that boss the subtitle "Totally Not from Monsters, Inc. Tentalus"
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magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
it makes it easier to google how to fight that boss so youre not like spider boss twilight princess...


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
I view it as a more threatening title, seeing as the bosses are supposed to be the Generals of the Demon Tribe's army

Plus it invites not only more of an air of menace to the main bosses, but can also add in some comedic charm for a comic relief boss like Master Kohga.

Imagine if Tingle was made a boss with comedic relief?

- - TINGLE - -
- - - Con-Artist and Balloon Enthusiast - - -

- - TINGLE - -
- - - Master of the Rosy Rupeeland - - -

- - TINGLE - -
- - - 35 Year Old Man-Fairy - - -

- - TINGLE - -
- - - Single but Unable to Mingle - - -



Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
I like bosses having their own 'titles' such as "Parasitic Armored Arachnid" Gohma(OoT) or "Twilit Parasite" Diababa. I feel it gives each boss more character. Though, I feel that from TP onward titles are a little lacking in a way.

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
I like bosses having their own 'titles' such as "Parasitic Armored Arachnid" Gohma(OoT) or "Twilit Parasite" Diababa. I feel it gives each boss more character. Though, I feel that from TP onward titles are a little lacking in a way.
Yeah that is kind of the very few things I do not like about The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess were the boss subtitles a lot of them had that twilit cut and paste creature type scheme, Not to mention I am pretty sure Argorok is not actually a dragon like they say it is in game. In actuality argorok has only two legs and is presumably bipedal therefore the proper terminology is that he is actually a wyvern.
Mar 23, 2013
I think they can be cool, but they can also feel pretty pointless. If I'm in a final battle with Ganondorf then I don't really get much out of the game saying Ganondorf: King of Bananas. Just calling him Ganondorf works just as well.

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