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Game Thread Bee Movie: Trial by Honey

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Jun 19, 2010
Well I, uh, where exactly? My posts tend to have a stream-of-conscious effect to them or whatever that’s called, but um, should I be offended?

That's mostly what I meant; they just seem spontaneous and disorganized, in a way that influences me toward a town read, since I'd expect scum to be more careful. I didn't mean any offense by it, lol.

When in want of genuine targets, you go find genuine targets, no self respecting mafia is going to glide to victory as an inactive. (Especially since they’re liable to be replaced)

I've played plenty of games with inactive scum, including one in which the entire Mafia team was inactive and none of them were lynched. So this strikes me as a weird post.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Storm was inactive until he was called out, and he got shot night 1. Stormageden and ragnarokio were inactive in inception
Scum lurk.
My preferred method for finding scum is "whatever works", which in this case would be nothing.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I've played plenty of games with inactive scum, including one in which the entire Mafia team was inactive and none of them were lynched. So this strikes me as a weird post.
Well idk what things were like you played but normally if players are inactive to the point of barely posting anything for an entire day phase they get replaced, so lynching someone for being inactive is a waste since soon enough they would either get replaced or get active.

Additionally in a scenario like that, I would do my best to get a read on everyone who was active and if I felt they were all town I would naturally assume that the inactives must be scum which is a much better way to go about it imo.

I have been in one game that sorta fits your description, where only one member of the scum team posted enough to be considered active and the other three posted just enough not to raise suspicion and they won complete intact. They did post though, so I don’t consider it the same as what you’re saying is inactive.

Anyway I find it plenty logical that most of the mafia team would be at least semi active.
Storm was inactive until he was called out, and he got shot night 1.
lol he died after making more than fifty posts I think, which is hardly an inactive day one. Also I’m pretty sure he was just busy until when he showed up. I’ve hardly ever made fifty posts on day one and I’m never considered inactive lol.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Stormageden is definitely the sk
No doubt about it at this point

That being said I don't think we lynch because possibility of hitting scum and issues with lylo
Sigh. I prefer you when you’re more wishy washy tbh.

Why do you expect an SK would bring up the possibility of an SK? Moreover why do you expect Town wouldn’t.

What do you mean don’t lynch because “possibility of hitting scum?”

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Storma brought up the sk BECAUSE they are the sk

SK has a chance of shooting scum in the night, so we let them.
Once we've killed a wolf it's safe to sk hunt for purposes of lylo. This is by no means a hard and fast rule but typically going for sk first is bad


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Storma brought up the sk BECAUSE they are the sk
The question is why lol. If I was SK I definitely wouldn’t be bringing it up.
SK has a chance of shooting scum in the night, so we let them.
Once we've killed a wolf it's safe to sk hunt for purposes of lylo. This is by no means a hard and fast rule but typically going for sk first is bad
I’m sort of inclined to agree with this, but I don’t think it’s easy enough to tell the difference between mafia and SK to not lynch someone because you think theyre SK, if you think they’re scum might as well lynch and be sure. Though atm I don’t really find storma scummy enough to lynch.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Town Hider
  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Hider.

  • Each night, you can choose to Hide behind a player in the game, which will protect you in the event you'd ordinarily be targeted for a nightkill.
  • If you Hide behind a player who is to be nightkilled, you'll die along with them.
  • If you Hide behind a Mafia member or a Serial Killer, you'll also die.
It's also theoretically possible Gumball hid behind scum or Minish last night and got killed as a result, based on how this role is worded.

I've never seen a Hider in a game before, but it seems like a pretty terrible role (it takes you from a 1/x chance of dying to a 4/x or 5/x chance of dying [where x is the number of living players]).


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Bringing up SKs is typically something scum does to distract from hunting for the scumteam.

IDK how true this sentiment is, but it's something I've heard quite a lot and I've certainly been tempted to do it myself as scum in the past.

The main difference in this scenario is that we know that there's roughly a 50% chance of there being an SK in the game due to the semi-open setup and the fact that two players died last night.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
SK sometimes brings up SKs because they want to feel special about themselves, but it's generally more likely for mafia to do it to try to distract from scumhunting.

Again, I'm not sold on this as much as usual in this setup where we know that SK is pretty likely. It could be the hider role or vig causing the additional death, although I'm not sure what the odds are on those possibilities. SK being in the game is a literal 50-50 coin flip, though. The hider had a 4 or 5 / 12 chance of causing their own death last night by using the ability. Vig isn't as likely as the other things, but it's still entirely possible.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Hunting mafia is more about noticing connections between players and higher knowledge about the setup/player alignment than should be expected.

Hunting an SK is more about finding a player who is primarily trying to preserve themselves.

They're both players acting in an anti-town way, but they're distinct.
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