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Game Thread Bee Movie: Trial by Honey

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King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
I obviously did not have the power to make the lynch coin flip on a whim so suggesting I do is not only hypocritical since anyone had the power to not make it a coin flip including yourself but also ignorant of plain facts. Desiring to leave it as a coin flip is not the same as forcing it and presuming to tell me what I will and will not do in the future is frankly a waste of time. If you have any suspicions you’d like to give please do.

I would have gladly broken the tie if I'd been online at the time.

You left a literal 10 minute window for someone else to break the coin flip.

Unvoting into a position that can change the results of the lynch is something that you can and should be held accountable for. In my eyes, your unvote is equivalent to being the last vote on the player whose wagon you weren't on before unvoting. Either way, you caused a 1 vote swing that changed the result of the lynch.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I would have gladly broken the tie if I'd been online at the time.

You left a literal 10 minute window for someone else to break the coin flip.

Unvoting into a position that can change the results of the lynch is something that you can and should be held accountable for. In my eyes, your unvote is equivalent to being the last vote on the player whose wagon you weren't on before unvoting. Either way, you caused a 1 vote swing that changed the result of the lynch.
It’s ridiculous to say I left a ten minute window, the votes were tied for hours and left plenty of time for people to assert which they would like lynched. I also noted that I would prefer a coin flip many hours before that and I don’t believe anyone argued with me.

I could have chosen which one to lynch, I made it clear I did not trust my judgment well enough and neither of them convinced me either way, so I was perfectly satisfied leaving it up to chance/seeing what everyone else would do. I dare say (excuse me I’ve been reading British novels) that you would care less if Deku had been mafia, but he wasn’t and we’re all disappointed.

Also, I am curious, which way would you have broken the tie?


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
“I think it’s a bad idea but I’m going to do it anyway”

By the by, how about one of your signature reads lists and PBP analysis?

I don't think lynching lurkers is a bad idea, I think exclusively voting for them early in the day is. I support pressuring lurkers into posting and killing them if they fail to do so because lurking is a convenient way for scum to fly under the radar.

Please don't put words into my mouth. Me voting for you is nothing personal, I just think that what you did was scummy and that's why I'm voting for you and I'll change my vote if I think someone else is engaging in an even scummier play pattern. There's no need for that kind of rhetoric.


Idk about those being signature. How frequently I post and how in depths my reads are depend on how much free time I have and how invested I feel in the game.

I can almost certainly get at least a modest read list up before EOD; I can't afford to go all-out every game, though.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Please don't put words into my mouth
I was summing it up the way I saw it, there’s a difference.
Me voting for you is nothing personal, I just think that what you did was scummy and that's why I'm voting for you and I'll change my vote if I think someone else is engaging in an even scummier play pattern. There's no need for that kind of rhetoric.
I know perfectly well it’s not personal and I hope you’re not taking anything I’m saying personal (though my aggravation is very real)

I wasn’t even being very much annoyed in that post so I don’t know what exact rhetoric you are referring to though I find it useful to be aggravated so uh, try not to let it bother you?


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
It’s ridiculous to say I left a ten minute window, the votes were tied for hours and left plenty of time for people to assert which they would like lynched. I also noted that I would prefer a coin flip many hours before that and I don’t believe anyone argued with me.

I could have chosen which one to lynch, I made it clear I did not trust my judgment well enough and neither of them convinced me either way, so I was perfectly satisfied leaving it up to chance/seeing what everyone else would do. I dare say (excuse me I’ve been reading British novels) that you would care less if Deku had been mafia, but he wasn’t and we’re all disappointed.

Also, I am curious, which way would you have broken the tie?

I would have probably broken the initial tie by voting for Deku, had he not self-preserved.

I would have broken the tie during the 10 minute window you left by voting for YIG to nullify your coinflip and prevent you from backing out of your wagon without learning the result you were potentially trying to avoid.


YIG is really weird for me this game because it's the first time he hasn't felt scummy to me (which might mean that he's scum this time), but the fact that I was scum the past two games when I was artificially forming opinions might have colored my opinion on him.

Trying to read him is baffling because of how much of a false flag he is.

I didn't really have much of an opinion about Deku before he died (because he was a replacement) and there's not really much sense in me trying to come up with a retroactive opinion about him now that he's dead.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
I was summing it up the way I saw it, there’s a difference.

I know perfectly well it’s not personal and I hope you’re not taking anything I’m saying personal (though my aggravation is very real)

I wasn’t even being very much annoyed in that post so I don’t know what exact rhetoric you are referring to though I find it useful to be aggravated so uh, try not to let it bother you?

I'm not personally bothered by it, I just don't want this to spiral into an endless chain of frustration. If it devolves into a state where every post you make is you being exasperated by me "not getting it", we won't be able to communicate with each other as effectively as if we just treated each other like we're both capable of rational thought.

That sort of thing is common in mafia, and I'd prefer to avoid it.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Causing a kitb is objectively bad for town, I would've unvoted just to stop it if I had been here.
This is looking uncannily like inception mafia
I'd prefer to lynch inactives and solve later when we have more info
I know I'm being super wishywashy right now, I can't just trust my gut and vote funnier here and that's frustrating.
Lumine is essentially a toss at a dartboard with my eyes closed, since that will be more effective than logic for the time being.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
If it devolves into a state where every post you make is you being exasperated by me "not getting it", we won't be able to communicate with each other as effectively as if we just treated each other like we're both capable of rational thought.
I don’t think you have to worry about that, I know plenty well you’re capable of rational thought, it’s understanding each other’s perspectives was what I was after. Also because I wasn’t sure if I could convince you of anything and I was a lil exasperated about that.
Causing a kitb is objectively bad for town, I would've unvoted just to stop it if I had been here.
This is looking uncannily like inception mafia
I assume kitb means the same as coin flip? What’s it stand for btw? It’s a bit much to say it’s objectively bad, scum have literally voted the opposite party at the last minute to avoid coin flips before. (However unlikely it may seem) So I think there’s a lot to be gained more often than not. Unfortunately half of all the real reactions from this one are from people who are dead which pretty much just leaves me and Yiga.
I'd prefer to lynch inactives and solve later when we have more info
How can you expect to get more info by lynching inactives? What’s you’re preferred method of gathering info if not asking questions?

@Storm do you have any thoughts you’d like to share.


Jun 19, 2010
It's hard to help being suspicious of Funnier, especially given his unvote on Yiga yesterday, but his aggressive activity, poor and haphazard wording, and seemingly genuine frustration all tempt me to read him as town. But apparently he's good enough, and this is his meta, to the point that I can't necessarily trust that.

I'd like to see some activity from @PancakeSamurai and @Lumine. One of my worries right now is that we'll have a situation in which active townies are eating each others while the Mafia lurks in the background. I wouldn't necessarily mind policy lynching an inactive in the absence of any genuine targets.

here’s a list of people I want see more of/would lynch today.

@YIGAhim @Doc @Rubik @Pendio @Kirino

Can you explain the composition of this list? Weird to just make a post saying "yeah I'd lynch any one of these people" with no context or explanation, especially from someone who asks for explanations as much as you.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Can you explain the composition of this list? Weird to just make a post saying "yeah I'd lynch any one of these people" with no context or explanation, especially from someone who asks for explanations as much as you.
I literally said right above that that I wasn’t feeling motivated and I’d post analytical junk later.

I’ve been busy since then and haven’t gotten around to it, it’ll get done today most likely.
poor and haphazard wording,
Well I, uh, where exactly? My posts tend to have a stream-of-conscious effect to them or whatever that’s called, but um, should I be offended?
. I wouldn't necessarily mind policy lynching an inactive in the absence of any genuine targets.
Policy lynch bad.

I will prepare a very long speech against it if it ever looks like that’s where it’s going.

When in want of genuine targets, you go find genuine targets, no self respecting mafia is going to glide to victory as an inactive. (Especially since they’re liable to be replaced)
Knife in the box
Can’t say I’ve heard of that before, how about those two other questions under your other post I quoted?

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Cardflips give info, we will always have more information regarding living players later in the game
I want to keep active players like funnier and Rubik alive because the longer the game goes the more likely we are to be correct regarding their alignment
I'm fine with a funnier lynch just to prove me wrong but I think the best path toward victory is lynching inactives till lylo, then make a more informed decision


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Cardflips give info, we will always have more information regarding living players later in the game
I want to keep active players like funnier and Rubik alive because the longer the game goes the more likely we are to be correct regarding their alignment
I'm fine with a funnier lynch just to prove me wrong but I think the best path toward victory is lynching inactives till lylo, then make a more informed decision
If we do nothing but lynch inactives from here to lylo there won’t be anymore information to make an informed decision than there is now, besides the townier people will be night killed.
Except the past two games I've seen here included inactives in the scum team, so it's a safe strategy.
I don’t see how pancake/storm/Deku were inactive at all last game.
Funnier questioning me as if I haven't played mafia here once yet
"What's your preferred method for finding scum?"
I don’t remember if I’ve asked you before okay, you always seem to have a bunch of different ideas and I wanted a clear answer.
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