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BANNED - Another ZD Fan Fiction

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
Chapter 7 ~ I Am...

The serious Kokirion made eye contact with the one leading the group; a girl named Ari.
“You all aren’t supposed to be here.” he said with a stern expression.
“What I wanna know is...why are YOU two here?” Ari replied.
“That’s none of your business,” the frustrated Kokirion replied. “Mido, I think you need to take care of this. I’ll be your defense.”
Mido leaped out in front of Kokirion and drew a strange looking weapon of some sort. All it appeared to be was a short piece of metal.
“Ha, what are you gonna do with that? Throw it at me?” Ari laughed.
Suddenly, a red laser beam shot out of the side of the metal piece. Mido swung it at a tree branch. It snapped and shortly after, burst into flames. Ari’s eyes widened.
“WHO’S LAUGHING NOW!?!?! OL’ MIDO’S GONNA GETCHA WITH A LIGHTSABER!” Mido screeched with a demonic laugh. He approached Ari cautiously as she tried to figure out what to do. Suddenly, a green laser beam appeared in front of her.
“I’m the only one allowed to touch Ari,” Pendio said, leaping before Ari to stop Mido’s attack.
Mido swung the light saber but missed. Pendio swung back and a duel between the two began. Everyone watched with anxiety.
“I’m not going to let you all get away!” Mido yelled as the fight continued.
Pendio carefully guarded himself and the others as he and Mido fought it out. Suddenly, Kokirion grabbed him from behind. They both fell to the ground. Mido put his foot on Pendio’s chest and muttered...
“Pendio...I am your father.”
Everyone looked at each other in shock, including Kokirion.
“What?” Pendio replied.
“I’m your real father, my son,” Mido explained. “I’m sorry it had to be like this.”
Kokirion got up and brushed his clothes off.
“Dad, you never told me I had a brother,” he said to Mido.
“I’m sorry. I thought it would be best not to tell you.” Mido replied, taking his foot off of Pendio’s chest and putting his light saber away. “I didn’t want to make you feel bad for having a missing brother out there somewhere.”
“So...I have a brother?” Pendio replied. He glanced at Kokirion, noticing a few of the similar details in their appearances.
“Enough of this sappy ****, I’m tired,” Kokirion yawned.
“Are you gonna let us go now?” Ayano asked abruptly. “I’m getting bored with this ****.”
“Yeah, you all are free to go. Anyways, we really didn’t want to do this in the first place,” Mido explained.
“What do you mean?” Ari asked.
“The thing is, neither I nor Kokirion signed up to work here. We just happened to be strolling by one say and this strange man in a red cloak told us we’d make really good money if we worked for him. We signed a contract and everything, but we still get **** pay and we can’t leave for another ten years.”
“Yeah, it’s the worst, I never have ‘me’ time anymore,” Kokirion added.
Mido scanned the group of misfits and suddenly had a realization.
“You know...maybe we could break out of here somehow...” Mido mentioned. “There’s only two men who run this place, it shouldn’t be that hard to take them down. Anyways, what they’re doing is wrong, we could get them thrown in jail if we all work together!”
“Yeah!” everyone cheered.
“Okay, I know a secret entrance where they won’t find us. Everyone needs to be as quiet as possible though when we go inside,” Mido said, leading everyone to a secret door on the side of the building.
“Hey, this is that door that leads to the treasure!” Huck said to Ari.
“You’re right. I guess we’ll see where they take us.” she replied.
Mido unlocked the door and let everyone in. Kokirion made sure that no one was watching, and closed the door as the last one made their way in.


Heavy footsteps approached the giant steel door. The three girls heard it unlock. All of them prepared for the worst. Physical, mental, or emotional abuse was sure to come their way.
“Get in there, you filthy creature!” a man yelled, as a woman with brown hair in a ponytail was thrown into the cell. The steel door slammed shut, and was locked up again. Differing from the other girls, this woman had tape over her mouth and rope tying her hands together. She struggled to break free.
Snow pulled the tape off of her mouth while Dark Link 7 and Bri untied the rope.
“Ms. Beauts? Are you alright?” Snow asked when she realized who the woman was.
“Do I look alright?” Ms. Beauts replied with attitude; her hands finally free. She pushed some hair out of her face and brushed her clothes off. “I don’t understand what’s going on. I was getting into my car to go home when this weirdo in a red cape dragged me in here.”
“Yeah, that happened to all of us too,” Snow said.
“I don’t understand it at all. Is this some kind of weird rapist?” Ms. Beauts commented, when suddenly the door unlocked. It slammed against the wall as it opened.
“Who said that about me?”
The Red appeared in the doorway, as evil and majestic as ever.
“No one said anything. We weren’t even talking,” Snow lied.
“Hmph.” The Red scoffed. “I want you girls to know that I truly appreciate you coming here to be with me.”
“Coming here? You mean...dragged here against our will?’ Dark Link 7 commented.
“Yeah, you should be arrested because this isn’t right! You can’t just kidnap us and make us your slaves! Or whatever the hell you’re gonna do with us!” Ms. Beauts exclaimed.
“Oh, I don’t need slaves,” The Red told them. “I need you all for...heh...a little experiment I’m working on.”
“What kind of experiment?” Ms. Beauts asked.
“I need five female humans to complete this project I’ve been working on,” the Red explained. Everyone looked around.
“But there’s only four of us,” Snow said.
“Yes...the fifth and final woman is on her way. In fact, she’s in this very building, about to get caught in my little trap!” The Red explained with an evil laugh.
“Ari...” Snow said to herself in desperation.
“I’m still confused. Why do you need females humans exactly for a science experiment?’ Ms. Beauts said.
“My wife...she is gravely ill,” the Red began. “In order to keep her alive for another hundred years, I need the souls of five other human souls. Specifically females. And without her...I would never be able to take over the high school again. That stupid Principal Seth...he was never cut out to be the leader of the school! He took my position after they banished me...and all my dreams were squashed! Now my only hope is my wife to get me my job back, since she is as sweet as an apple pie. I can one hundred percent guarantee you she can get my job back. With the power of persuasion. Anyways, I’ve done way more for that school than that ****ing principal has ever done.”
“What are you talking about? Seth has done a great job!” Ms. Beauts argued.
“Heh...I strongly disagree.” The Red replied.
The Red slowly pulled his hood off to reveal his identity.
Ms. Beauts gasped and said, “I knew it was you.”


“Now everyone, be quiet!” Mido said, putting his index finger over his lips. Everyone walked down a very long and narrow hallway. There were no windows and there were cobwebs everywhere.
“This place is disgusting, I don’t see how anyone could work here for more than 24 hours,” Ayano complained.
“I don’t see how I’ve worked here for a year and a half.” Kokirion sighed.
“Shh! I hear someone coming!” Mido explained, looking around for somewhere to hide. There was a small closet on their left, so Mido led everyone in there, Unfortunetly, not everyone could fit, so Mido and Kokirion stood outside. The short bald sidekick of the Red appeared, straightening his tie and making his way down the long hallway.
“Hey!” he yelled at Mido and Kokirion. Everyone in the closet huddled together nervously.
“You two are supposed to be outside at the front gate.” the man told them.
“Sorry sir, we thought it would be a good idea to come in here for a few minutes and cool off.” Kokirion explained.
“You thought it would be a good idea?” the man said. “Well, you thought wrong! Get back out there! And get out of my way, I need to get in this closet,”
Mido and Kokirion instantly panicked.
“What for, sir?” Kokirion said with a gulp. The man scanned his expression and put his hand on his hips.
“What are you hiding?” the short man asked.
“N-nothing...I was just wondering...um, didn’t the boss call for your assistance right now? A-at least, that’s what he told me,” Kokirion stuttered.
“I don’t think so,” the man said. “Now get back to work and get out of my way!”
The short, bald man pushed him aside and turned the knob. Mido and Kokirion watched in horror. Before he could enter, Kokirion grabbed his father’s light saber.
“What are you doing?” Mido whispered to him.
“Saving my brother.” he explained.
Kokirion turned on the light saber and swung at the man...but it was too late. The man opened the closet door and jumped up into the air and landed behind everyone.
“Haha! I knew you two were hiding something!” he exclaimed, starting to float in the air again. Everyone stared in amazement, as it was a shock to see such a little man with such a strong power. Even Mido and Kokirion were surprised, they were so used to seeing this man as a lowly human being.
Pendio raced in front of his father and brother.
“Who even are you?!” he shouted with rage.
“Who am I?” the man began. “Who AM I???”
The man began ripping off his skin, throwing it at everyone.
“Ew, this bloddy skin **** is getting all over me. Yuck.” Ayano sighed miserably.
The man slowly revealed his true identity. His face was covered in blood red scars and blisters, and his mouth was wide and filled with nasty, crooked fangs. He was far from human. He had claws the size of a vultures, and his hands and feet were covered with matted chunks of black and red fur. He grinned with an evil gleam in his eyes, preparing to eat everyone alive. But instead, he flew at Ari.
“Ari, run!” Mezlo screamed.
Pendio grabbed Ari’s hand and ran as fast as he could to get her to safety. The beast ran face first into the wall, causing it to crumble on top of him. Kokirion gave his brother a high five.
“This isn’t over!” the beast yelled, quickly getting back up. It flapped it’s poisonous wings and took off once again towards Ari. It screeched a murderous, blood-curdling screech before almost grabbing Ari with it’s talons. She ducked and only managed to get a tiny scratch on the back of her head.
“Aw, baby, are you okay?” Pendio asked, petting her head delicately.
“I’m fine. But this creature clearly isn’t,” she remarked.
The beast made a u-turn and came back for Ari, when suddenly a man in green clothing and overalls came running down the hallway.
“LET’S A GO!” the man yelled, when suddenly a red Koopa appeared out of nowhere. The man in overalls jumped on the Koopa and rode it like a surfboard all the way to the action. Everyone gawked with confusion.
The Luigi imposter jumped off of the Koopa as it made it’s way down the hall and up the stairs. He eyed the flying beast with intensity for a few moments, before speaking these eight words.
“I’m going to cut you a new butthole!”
The Luigi imposter giggled and left as quickly as he came.
“...” the beast began. “Okay...”
Suddenly, a gun shot went off and the beast fell to the ground, groaning in agony. At the end of the stair case, stood the two guards from earlier, Stitch and Sadia.
“Serves him right,” Stitch said, putting his gun back in the holster.
“Thank goodness,” Sadia sighed with relief. “It’s over.”
“Not exactly,” Stitch began. “We still have the boss and his wife...even though to be honest, she’s pretty useless.”
“IS IT BECAUSE SHE’S A WOMAN?!?!?!” Ayano yelled with fierce anger.
“...No, it’s because she’s not even human and made out of sugar and spice or something like that,” Stitch explained.
Suddenly, the beast began to speak.
“Do not forget this day,” it said. “Do not forget who I am...as I lie here, in my final moment of life. Do not forget...I am...Axle...the Beast.”
Axle took one last breath before drifting off. He was defeated for good. He was dead.
Everyone hooted and hollered with excitement.
“Shh! We can’t let the boss know all these people are here!” Mido hushed.
“You’re right,” Sadia replied.
Everyone looked at each other in silence for a few moments.
“Wait...why did we come here in the first place?” Terminus asked.
Everyone in the original treasure hunt group had to think about it.
“Oh right! The treasure map!” Pendio exclaimed excitedly.
Ari pulled out the map and handed it to Stitch.
“Do you know where this is?” she said, pointing to the map.
“...Yes, I do.” Stitch said. “But there’s no treasure there, unless you consider four women a treasure,”
“I know I do,” Terminus said under his breath.
“What do you mean?” Ari asked Stitch.
“Didn’t you know? Our boss kidnapped a few of the female students from the nearby high school to save his wife. He even took one of the teachers!”
“So that’s where Snow and the others have been,” Huck realized.
“I know the older woman goes by Ms. Beauts...” Stitch explained.
“Oh no, they took her too? Mr. Rep is gonna be pretty salty,” Ayano commented.
“You know what? I think we should help these good folks get there friends back. This has gone on long enough.” Mido explained. “Afterall, this is my son and his friends. I could never abandon my son.”
Pendio looked at his father lovingly.
“We can do this together,” Pendio began. “Thank you.”
Mido nodded and led the way up the stairs.
“Mr. Red...here we come!” he cheered.
“Wait, we’re dealing with the Red? Oh gosh, now it all makes sense.” Ari sighed.
Everyone marched up the stairs, anxious to save their dear friends and get back home to play Pokemon.


The game is on!
Omg, this chapter had so many amazing parts! XD I'd probably have to say it's the funniest chapter you've written thus far! Mido telling me that he's my father, the random Luigi impostor with that awesome line, Axle the Beast's revealed identity, and Terminus' under-his-breath comment there near the end! lol I was almost out of breath from laughing after I'd finished reading this! XD

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
Chapter 8 ~ The X

“Someone kidnapped my beautiful Ms. Beauts???...er I mean...my average looking Ms. Beauts???” Mr. Rep cried after hearing the news from the Spiritual Mask Salesman. He sipped his coffee calmly as Mr. Rep had his meltdown.
“Geesh, Jamie, we all know you’re secretly in love with her, you can stop trying to cover it up now,” Mr. Kitsu sighed.
“This is horrible. What kind of lunatic steals women for his own pleasure?” Mr. Dan said.
“Rapists, serial killers,” Mr. Kitsu commented.
“I know what you all must do,” the Spiritual Mask Salesman said, looking up from his coffee. “There is one girl who is in particular danger. I can feel it. The future is foggy, and I can’t tell whether the company she’s with will be able to save her or not. You four, Rep, Kitsu, Seth, and Dan, you have to confront this evil along with everyone else!”
Seth nodded. “I understand. It’s my main duty to protect the students and staff of my school.”
“LOL HE SAID DOODY LOL LIKE POOP EXCEPT FUNNIER!” Mr. Kitsu giggled along with Mr. Dan. Mr. Rep couldn’t laugh as he was still in the process of having a meltdown.
“Ms. Beauts...oh sweet Ms. Beauts...you’ll be okay...Ms. Beauts...” he murmured to himself.
“So, are you all in?” the Spiritual Mask Salesman asked.
Everyone nodded and stood up.
“Yes!” they all said.
“Good, if you need my assistance, you’re welcome here anytime,” the Spiritual Mask Salesman said with a giggle. “Good luck!”


“Cinnamon wife! Cinnamon wife!” a male voice yelled. He ran into a pitch black room and switched the lights on. The lights slowly warmed up, and revealed an odd looking woman slumped over in a chair watching the Twilight Zone on a small television.
“Cinnamon wife! Did you happen to overhear the news?” the man wearing a red cloak asked excitedly. Cinnamon wife did nothing and continued staring at the television.
“Baby, you’re gonna be able to stay alive for another hundred years just like we planned! Isn’t it great?” he exclaimed. Cinnamon wife said nothing. The Red jumped up and down with joy and ran over to her. He took her hand, delicately. He gazed into her crystal brown eyes.
“You and I will be able to rule the school again, just like we did all those years ago,” he told her, kissing her hand, when it suddenly snapped off. Crumbs of cinnamon fell all over the floor.
“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry, let me fix that,” the Red said, getting up to get her a bandage. He reattached her hand and wrapped the bandage around her wrist.
“All better.” he said, kissing it. He looked back at Cinnamon wife who was still staring at the TV.
“And soon, my Cinnamon wife, we will rule the world.”


“Hurry! This way!” the anxious Mido yelled to everyone as they ran up a tall flight of stairs. Behind him were the fierce group called the CCC, which included Ari, Pendio, Mezlo, Ayano, Annie, and Little Gumball. Following them were the guards, Stitch and Sadia, and Pendio’s newfound brother, Kokirion. Right behind them were Terminus and Huck.
“We’re almost there!” Kokirion said.
They finally reached the top of the steps. They had reached the 5th and final floor. On the right side of the staircase, there was large closed door with a tiny slit for mail underneath the doorknob. Across the hall was a small but fancy looking balcony. Ari and Annie ran over to the balcony and gazed at the setting sun in the distance.
“This would actually be a very romantic spot for a date!” Ari commented.
Annie nodded and replied, “Yeah, but the rest of this place gives me the creeps!”
“Don’t worry about that, as long as I’m by your side, nothing will hurt you.” Ayano said suddenly, putting his arms around Annie. Pendio appeared next to Ari and kissed her right cheek.
“I will protect you forever, Ari.” he whispered lovingly.
“OKAY OKAY ENOUGH! WE NEED TO TAKE DOWN THE BOSS NOW!” Kokirion yelled, interrupting the serene moment.
“Oh, right!” Ari said, itching the back of her head.
“Let’s do this,” Ayano added.
Mido slowly crept towards the closed door.
“The four of us will go in first, since we’re technically not a threat to him,” Mido explained, gathering Kokirion, Stitch, and Sadia.
Mido slowly turned the doorknob, when it suddenly flung open from the other side.
“Oh no!” Ari gasped.
There he was. The one all the girls feared, and the one all the boys resented. Covered with a red cloak, he stood there silently for a few moments to observe the faces around him. Underneath the top of the hood, you could see a grin beginning to form on his face. His teeth were green and yellow, and a few were missing. Everyone cringed at the sight of this man.
“You fell right into my trap!” the Red yelled with a maniacal laugh. He ran as fast as a jack rabbit to Ari, and grabbed her by the throat.
“Make one move, and this girl gets it!” he screamed.
Everyone panicked. Pendio began sweating nervously, staring at Ari with a worried expression.
“Cinnamon wife! Bring those four good-for-nothing’s here!” the Red hollered.
Suddenly, a woman made entirely out of cinnamon walked out, dragging Snow, Ms. Beauts, Bri, and Dark Link 7 all tied together on a little red wagon.
“Are you all okay?” Annie asked the girls. They shook their heads, struggling to break free.
“Cinnamon wife, are you ready to come back into full power? Just like the olden days?” the Red asked his sweetheart. She said nothing, but let go of the string attached to the red wagon. Her hand snapped off, still holding onto the wagon.
“Here, I’ll take care of that for you,” the Red said, walking over to her.
“...” Mido began. “Now!”
Stitch and Sadia took a nearby garbage can and removed the bag. They dumped the trash out quickly and ran over to the Red, putting the bag over him.
“What are you trying to do, suffocate me?” he exclaimed with multiple coughs.
Swiftly, Kokirion untied the girls and tossed the rope to Sadia. She tied up the Red and Stitch removed the garbage bag.
“What do you think you all are doing? No paycheck for you this week!” he shouted angrily.
“We don’t care about that. Being poor is far better than working for your evil ass,” Kokirion replied. “Mido, get the police on the phone, it’s time this man was arrested for his-”
Suddenly, the rope snapped in half, and the Red broke free.
“How in the hell?” Ayano exclaimed.
“No puny rope can match the strength of the Red!” the Red yelled with a laugh. He stood up and ran over to a tall, blue curtain.
“Cinnamon wife! Get over here now!” he commanded.
Cinnamon wife crept over to her husband, who pulled a lever to raise the blue curtain. Underneath was a strange machine surrounded by pale blue crystals.
“You see these crystals? These were once the souls of human girls,” he explained. “They’re all useless now. But now that I have you five, I can power up my machine again and make my wife the best she has ever been!”
The Red booted up the machine, and a hatch opened.
“Cinnamon wife! Get inside!” he told her. She climbed inside and the door closed behind her. Everyone could still see her behind the glass. The Red pushed a large blue button, and a artificial wind storm kicked up in the room.
“What the hell is going on?” Ari yelled, when suddenly her, Ms. Beauts, Bri, Dark Link 7, and Snow were swept away towards the machine.
“No, Ari!” Pendio screamed, grabbing her and Snow, as they were the closest. Mez grabbed Ms. Beauts, while Terminus grabbed both Bri and Dark Link 7.
The Red pressed the button again and the storm grew even stronger. The boys could barely hold on.
“No matter what happens, don’t let go!” Pendio yelled to Ari. She nodded and held onto him as tight as she could.
“Stop right there!” a voice yelled suddenly. The wind storm ceased.
“Who the hell are you three?” the Red asked, looking up.
“I am Swordbomb! And these are my classmates, Leaf Leaf and Kylie! We’re here to stop you from making the biggest mistake ever!”
“Heh, whatever.” the Red replied, pressing the blue button again. The wind storm picked up again. Swordbomb, Leaf Leaf, and Kylie were swept up and pulled towards the deadly machine.
“Hahahaha! I have you now!” the Red yelled, as the three were sucked into little blue crystals. The crystals glowed brightly, and suddenly Cinnamon wife transformed into three balls of glowing light in the machine.
“It’s working! I can’t believe it! It’s working!” the Red screamed fiendishly. Everyone watched in terror.
“What has happened the them?!?!” Pendio yelled referring to the three who attempted to save everyone.
Suddenly, the wind storm died down. The glowing light became dim, and the machine door opened. A leg made of sparkling cinnamon stepped out of the evil machine. The Red made that little grin and announced, “Everyone, say hello to the new and improved Cinnamon wife: The X! Can you figure out what the X stands for? Hehe, we’ll see if you can, in the next chapter!”

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
Think Candy Wife from Misadventures of Flapjack:



Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
Chapter 9 ~ The Revenge of The Red [Part 1]

The new and improved Cinnamon wife, The X, stepped out of the Red’s evil machine. She observed her strong body and flexed her arm muscles. She said nothing but gave the Red a sinister smile.
“Are you ready to take our school back, honey?” The Red asked the X.
The X nodded, and took his hand.
“What the hell happened to the three who just disappeared?!” Pendio shouted at the Red, fiercely.
“They’ve been sent to a different dimension, leaving their souls behind,” the Red explained. “Their souls now linger in my lovely and stronger wife...hehehehe.”
“Wait, I thought she could only take the souls of females,” Beauts brought up.
“The souls of the little boys under the age of 18 work too,” the Red replied with a cackle. “Now, Cinnamon wife, are you ready to destroy these weak minded fools?”
The X nodded her head and prepared for battle. The Red pulled out a long sword and a sturdy shield. He grinned with those nasty lips at the children and Ms. Beauts, before going in for an attack.
“Cinnamon wife! Go for our ex-employees, now!” The Red yelled, swinging his blade at Pendio. He leapt up, pulling out his light saber and turning it on. The Red and Pendio began to have a duel in the air, while the X approached Mido and Kokirion.
“Come at me bro!” Kokirion yelled, pulling out his light saber. The X held up her hand and opened her palm. A beam of cinnamon came out of the palm of her hand and melted Kokirion’s light saber.
“Yikes!” he exclaimed, running behind Mido.
Mido pulled out his light saber and took a swing at the X, when she suddenly disappeared out of sight, only leaving a small pile of cinnamon behind.
“What?” Mido said, turning around quickly.
“Mido, watch out!” Little Gumball shouted.
The X appeared behind him and slashed through him with her cinnamon claw. He screeched in agony and fell to the ground, cinnamon pouring out of his body.
“Dad!?” Kokirion yelled, getting on his knees to help his father.
Pendio noticed what happened below, but tried to stay focused on the battle with the one and only Red.
“Why do you even bother? You’ll never defeat me,” the Red told him.
“I do it for my friends,” Pendio said, struggling to hit the Red. He focused on defending himself and the others. The battle continued on, steadily.
Snow sat in the wheel barrel with Bri B and Dark Link 7, watching the multiple fights going on around them.
“We’re never gonna make it out of here...” Snow whined.
Suddenly, bursting through the glass windows, a koopa shell flew onto the scene. It turns out it was just a red koopa shell backpack. A girl climbed inside through the now broken window. It was Lemmy.
“WHERE WERE YOU?!?!?!” Snow exclaimed, jumping up and slapping Lemmy in the face.
“I came to save you and you thank me by slapping me in the face? Harsh.” Lemmy replied. “Now, quickly, follow me outside this window!”
Lemmy threw a rope out of the high window, and Snow, Bri, and Dark Link 7 climbed out to safety. The rope snapped as Lemmy climbed back out.
“Do you have another rope to save the others?” Bri asked.
“Sadly, no,” Lemmy answered.
“I just hope Swordbomb is alright,” Bri commented.
The girls looked back at the factory with fear and hope, and left to the school to get to safety.
Meanwhile, inside the old factory, Terminus and Ayano defended the girls against the creepy Cinnamon wife, the X.
“Ugh! I’m so tired of all this, I’m leaving. FOREVER.” Ayano screamed, beginning to walk down the stairs towards the exit. The X extended her cinnamon arm and grabbed hold on Ayano. He yelled like a maniac as Huck and Annie tried to break him free. The X squeezed him tightly, almost suffocating him.
“Hepl!” Ayano shouted in pain.
Annie struggled to break him free, as she began tearing up.
“Why are you doing this?!?! Who even are you???” Annie cried.
The X loosened her grip and raised her chin.
“...” the X opened her mouth to speak. “I am Xinnamon. I was created merely for one purpose. To destroy and conquer all.”
The X began tightening her grip again as Ayano screeched in agony.
“Annie, don’t let her get you!” he explained, trying to escape her clutches. Suddenly, Ayano began fading away.
“Ayano!!! What’s...what’s happening?” Huck shouted. The X let go when he was gone completely. He faded away without a trace.
Annie stood in silence, horrified. She began to cry and quickly ran down the stairs and out the exit.
“Useless girl,” The X commented, reaching for Huck now.
Before she could get to him, Ari jumped in front of him. The Red noticed this, and smiled with an intensely evil grin.
“Perfect,” he said under his breath.
The X grabbed Ari and began to squeeze.
“Yes! I am almost fully charged!” The X exclaimed.
“Hepl...” Ari tried to say.
Pendio noticed Ari in distress and lost his focus. The Red threw his sword down and knocked Pendio against a wall. He fell, unconscious.
“That’s it! With that one last bit of energy from her soul, you will be at your ultimate form!” The Red laughed.
The X began squeezing Ari even tighter. It looked like you could see through her now.
“No! Stop this!” Mezlo screamed, beginning to attack the X. She knocked him away, against the wall opposite to Pendio. He was knocked unconscious.
Before Ari could fade away completely, the X’s arm snapped off by an unseen force.
“Who in the hell did that to my beautiful wife?” The Red shouted with anger.
Appearing in the doorway at the top of the stairs was Mr. Rep, Mr. Kitsu, Mr. Dan, and Principal Seth.
“It was me,” Mt. Kitsu responded, licking the cinnamon off his lips.
“How dare you take a bite out of my wife’s arms!” The Red yelled, swooping down in front of the four.
“How dare you terrorize these children,” Seth said.
The Red glared at Seth with a jealous gaze.
“Your input means nothing to me,” the Red said, getting ready to punch Seth in the face. Before he could hit him, Seth grabbed his fist and threw him down the stairs.
“Damn qurl,” Mr. Kitsu commented.
“I haven’t seen a knock out like that since that cock fight I attended in 2007,” Mr. Dan mentioned.
The Red laid there, without a single move. Everyone who remained, the school staff, Ari, Huck, Terminus, Mezlo, Little Gumball, and all the guards except Mido, walked slowly down the stairs. Seth led the way.
“Be very cautious, everyone,” he warned, approaching the lying Red.
Seth looked down and slowly removed his cloak.
“Oh, I know who this,” Seth said.
Suddenly, the Red leapt up and flew in front of everyone, showing off his true identity. Everyone gasped in terror.
“Oh my heavens,” Mr. Dan began. “I haven’t seen this monster of a man since the school had that break dancing competition in the large gymnasium. Bad memories, indeed.”
“...What are you going on about this time, Dan?” Mr. Rep sighed.
“Shut up, you fools!” The Red began to screech. “You took my school...and I want it back!”
“But why?” Seth asked. “When you were in charge, the school almost got shut down by the city.”
“That’s because the city didn’t understand my method of running things. It’s clearly the most superior. They were unable to see the long term effects.” The Red explained.
“So brainwashing kids and making them stay at school for 12 hours with non stop classes and lectures is a superior way to teach them? Not to mention, it wears out the teachers,” Mr. Rep commented. “It only turns everyone into mind numbing robots.”
“That’s exactly how this world should be.” The Red replied.
“That’s disgusting,” Seth gasped.
“That’s why I’ve come back. To take back what is rightfully mine,” the Red began. “My position as principal.”
The Red swooped down and attacked Seth. He defended himself with his arms above his head. Unfortunetly, he was knocked back onto the stairs, injuring his back severely.
“Seth!” Mr. Dan yelled, rushing over to him.
The Red floated idle in the air once again, clearing his throat before he spoke again.
“Say good bye to Principal Seth, and say hello to the superior Principal Austin.”


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Ah, defeated by Xin....I should have known that it would end like this! XD

If I do say so myself, you chose quite a pair of villains! A chapter full of drama! This is another job well done, Ari! :)

But back to my first note: It's true what they say about The Cinammon Challenge! XD Dangerous stuff, indeed!

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