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BANNED - Another ZD Fan Fiction


Doktor Assisted Homicide
Oct 30, 2010
If you can't read this, you're blind.
Chapter 5 ~ Save the Drama for Your Mama

Mr. Rep thought it would be a good idea to take the class to the library for the day and show them a performance by the drama club. It would also open the students up to new genres of books and expose them to different stories and interesting facts.
“I want everyone to choose a book and finish it by the end of class today. You will be tested on the school’s computers tomorrow so get to work!” Mr. Rep commanded the students as they sat at the tables in the library. “The drama club will be here in fifteen minutes!”
Everyone got up after Mr. Rep finished talking and began searching for a book to read.
“I can’t read an entire book by the end of the day; it’s impossible!” Ari complained to Pendio. “I need time to absorb the story.”
Pendio chuckled a bit as he rummaged through the dusty books on the shelf.
The librarian, a man by the name of Azure Sage, was intensely working on a story on a laptop at his desk. He noticed a student was coming up to him to check out a book, so he finished the sentence he was working on on his computer and smiled pleasantly at Huck.
“What will we be checking out today?” Mr. Sage asked, taking a glance at the book in Huck’s hand.
“’The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich’”,” Huck responded.
Mr. Sage smiled and asked, “So you’re into WWII?”
“You could say that,” Huck replied, as Mr. Sage scanned his book. He handed it back to him gleefully.
“It’s due two weeks from today!” he said.
In the right corner of the library, there was a small stage. The library doors opened and a guy and two girls walked in, holding different props and costumes. They made their way to the stage and put down their belongings, and began building the set.
“Wow, so cool,” Huck said in awe.
“Gei,” Ayano said with a sigh.
Pendio finished checking out a book about music from around the world and gladly walked over to help the crew set up. Everyone waited anxiously for the play to start.
One of the girls was dressed up as a pug, while the other was wearing a dark tunic and pointy ears.
“You think that one’s supposed to be Spock?” Ari asked Ayano. He shrugged his shoulders and continued to watch them set up.
The boy, who was about fifteen years old, was wearing a sword on his back and a hat that looked similar to a bomb.
“Okay, I think we’re finished here,” the boy said to Pendio. “Thanks for your help! I sure hope this goes alright. I really need lady luck on my side today.”
Pendio chuckled and replied with a wink, “Best of luck to you! Break a leg.” He walked back to the CCC table and sat next to Ari and Ayano. The library lights began to dim, and the stage lights blinked on, very brightly. The background was a dark forest. The entire room got quiet.
“This is gonna be so gei,” Ayano complained.
“SHH!” Mr. Rep shushed.
The girl dressed in the dark tunic walked onto the stage and began to speak.
“I cannot find-ith my partner. The one who is-ith not-ith a human, but is a dog of small-ith stature. Shei-th is the one-ith from Hyrule. Hyrule-ith Pug-ith!”
The girl in the pug costume bounced on stage.
“Ruff ruff! Master, I is here!” the Hyrulean pug barked.
“Just kill me now,” Ayano sighed to himself.
Suddenly, one of the fake bushes on the stage began to rustle.
“Oh, dear. What might-ith that be?” the dark one said.
Suddenly, the boy with the bomb hat jumped out from behind the bush.
“Dark Link 7! It is I, your creator, SwordBomb!” he exclaimed, holding his sword in front of him.
“I have-ith no creator! What is this nonsense-ith you speak?” Dark Link replied.
“Have you ever wondered why there is a 7 after your name?” Swordbomb said.
“...My parents gave it to me since I was their seventh child-ith,” she answered, solemnly. “They died suddenly when I was a young child, so I barely remember them.”
“I am here to reveal the truth!” Swordbomb shouted.
Suddenly, Ari felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around, and noticed it was the Spiritual Mask Salesman. She jumped with surprise.
“Hi,” she greeted, awkwardly.
The Spiritual Mask Salesman grinned and giggled, handing Ari a solid red book with no writing on the cover.
“Turn to chapter five,” he spoke as he turned to walk away. He suddenly disappeared.
“Wait! Where did you go?” Ari asked, nervously.
“The real truth will be revealed in chapter five,” his voice rang in Ari’s head. She stared at the book for a few seconds, puzzled, and put it away in her backpack. She turned her attention back to the play.
“The truth is,” Swordbomb began. “You were not always human.”
“Rut roe!” Hyrule Pug gulped.
“What does-ith thou mean? ‘Not always human’?” Dark Link asked.
“You must know, before I became a knight, I was but a lowly Cheez-It factory worker. The head of the company, in fact.” Swordbomb explained, when suddenly Ayano stood up out of his chair, slamming his hands on the table.
“Did I just hear the dreaded word...’Cheez-It’?” he said.
“Sit down, Mr. Pancake.” Mr. Rep told him.
“I told you not to call me that,” Ayano replied.
Sworbomb ignored the interruption and went on with the play, beginning to get more nervous.
“Originally, you were going to be packaged and advertised as a delicious, crispy, ‘Cheez-It,’” Swordbomb continued to Dark Link, when he was interrupted again.
“ARRRGGGGHHH!!!! THAT’S IT!” Ayano yelled, running up on stage.
“Hey, you’re ruining our play!” Dark Link yelled at him. His rage prevented him from hearing her.
“Listen up, pal,” Ayano began. “You know better to just walk in here and say...ugh...that dreaded name. You know that the only cheesy snack we’re allowed to discuss here is Cheese Nips,”
Swordbomb gasped, horrified. “Cheese Nips? Is that what I think you said?”
“Damn straight,” Ayano scoffed.
“That’s it,” Swordbomb said. “We need to settle this the right way.”
“You thinking what I’m thinking?” Ayano said.
“Oh yeah. A ‘Yo Mama’-thon.”
Swordbomb and Ayano sat down at the nearest library table. Everyone gathered around. Ari gave Ayano a fresh towel in case things got heated, and Pendio went to get one for Swordbomb. Mr. Rep had gone to the restroom, so they had to finish this before he got back or else everyone would get yelled at for what he considered ‘foolish’ behavior.
“Alright, we’ll flip a coin to see who goes first,” Ari said, tossing a coin. It landed on heads, which was Ayano.
He cleared his throat. “Yo mama is so fat, when she sits around the house, she really sits AROUND the house.”
Everyone clapped and hooted and hollered.
Meanwhile, Mr. Sage was in the advance stages of his epic novel, so he had no time to quiet down everyone in the library.
Swordbomb made a little grumble and replied, “Yo mama is so fat, she had to get baptized at Sea World!”
“OOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” everyone exclaimed wildly.
“Yo mama is so fat, she fell in love and broke it!” Ayano yelled.
“BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” everyone hollered.
“HEY! DON’T BOO AT ME!” Ayano screamed.
“Oops, you just lost. You can’t get mad if we boo you,” Ari explained.
“What the hell is going on in here?” Mr. Rep screeched, coming through the library doors. Everyone got quiet and sat down.
“I told you all to give the drama club your full attention and respect. And what do I see when I come back? A bunch of hooliganism and sweaty towels! I don’t understand it! What do I have to do to get you kids to behave?!?!” Mr. Rep yelled at the top of his lungs.
Nobody knew what to say after that. A few minutes passed in complete silence. Then the bell rang.
“...Class dismissed.” Mr. Rep said, awkwardly, as everyone got out of there as quickly as possible.
“You okay?” Mr. Rep asked Swordbomb.
“Yeah, I’m cool.” he replied, grabbing some of his props before he left the room.
Mr. Rep whipped the sweat from his brow and left shortly after everyone else.


“So he said to read chapter five,” Ari said to Pendio as they sat at her kitchen table. “He said the truth should be in there...”
“The truth about what?” Pendio asked.
“I don’t know, but I guess I better check it out before tomorrow since I might see him again.” she replied.
She cracked open the red book to the table of contents and then turned to chapter five. A folded piece of paper fell out.
“Hey, what’s that?’ Pendio said, picking up the piece of paper and unfolding it.
“It looks like some sort of map,” Ari commented.
“I think it’s a treasure map!” Pendio exclaimed excitedly.
“But where does it lead to?” Ari mentioned.
“It looks like it’s the factory behind the school...but the treasure is somewhere in the factory.”
“The old abandoned one, right?”
“Right,” Pendio said.
“We should show this to the gang tomorrow and go on a treasure hunt after school!” Ari exclaimed.
“Yeah, that sounds like fun! We’ll get the CCC involved and some of our other friends to join in, like Huck and Terminus,” he said.
“I’ll call Snow right now and tell her!” Ari told him, picking up her cell phone and dialing Snow’s number. It rang and rang but she never picked up.
“I guess she’s out with Lemmy right now.”


“Looks like we got them right where we wanted,” a red cloaked figure sitting in a spinning chair petting a white, fluffy kitty said to a short man standing before him.
“Yes, Plan S is coming along very nicely, Mr. Red.” the short man replied, glancing over at a steel door. There were two loud bangs coming from the room behind it.
“Now they have to come here. They have the map and...heh...we have one of their little play mates.” the Red replied with an evil grin.
“Hepl!” a female voice shouted from behind the steel door. There were two more loud bangs.
“Tell that stupid girl to be quiet!” the Red yelled in a nasty tone.
The short man opened a small slot on the steel door and looked inside to see a nineteen year old girl with long blonde hair and eyes as cold as the snow and ice.
“Get quiet in there, or you’re not getting any dinner!” the short man hollered, instantly closing the slot afterwards. You could hear the girl beginning to sob.
“Little do they know that when they come to find their precious Snow, they’ll only find themselves in their own, personal hell!” the Red raved with utter pleasure.
“They’ll be all mine, too. MUHAHAHA!!!”
So not ONLY you shipped me and @DarkLink7, despite me being respectful about relationships, you ALSO made me explode at a teacher?



Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
I've noticed something rather odd:

Mr. Red, is red.

Red is often associated with fire.

Fire, is the Pokemon classification belonging to Charizard.

Charizard, is the first word in the acronym: CCC.

CCC members are in this story; however, a few members are missing!

Missing starts with the letter 'M.'

'M' is a letter that begins the nomenclature of CCC aficionado: Mido.

Mido, in his first three Mafia games, was a mafia member!

Mafia members are often labled with the color red, which means......oh, no!

Mido must be Mr. Red, out to usurp the CCC hierarchy! :(

Anyways, my intrigue is really growing for this story, especially in lieu of our villains' evil plot! Again, good work, Ari! ^^


Doktor Assisted Homicide
Oct 30, 2010
If you can't read this, you're blind.
Also, I'd like to point out DarkLink7 is Abby, not Britney.
Just sayin'.


Doktor Assisted Homicide
Oct 30, 2010
If you can't read this, you're blind.

Alright, alright, chillax. I was just sayin' that her name's Abby, not Britney.
Seriously, I had no idea Britney Spears was in any kind of trouble or harassment in the first place...

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
Chapter 6 - The Treasure Hunt (Part 1)

“Ouch!” two girls shouted in agony as they were tossed into a room made of steel.
“You three! Be quiet! Or else you get no food for the next three days!” a short man hollered at them, slamming a large steel door. The two girls turned around and noticed a young woman with long blond hair and icy blue eyes.
“...How did you guys get thrown in here?” Snow asked.
“I don’t know...it’s not like we were doing anything wrong,” one of them said, wearing a dark tunic. “Bri and I were just walking past on our way to school when some weirdo in a red cloak trapped us in a net.”
“And as soon as we knew it, we were being thrown in here. This place is so dirty and gross!” Bri, a young lady with her hair in a ponytail, added.
“I recognize you from school,” the one in the dark tunic began to Snow. “I usually go by Dark Link 7, which is my stage name for drama club. And you’re...”
“Snow. From the class formerly taught by Mr. Mases. We have some bum named Mr. Rep in there now,” Snow explained.
“Oh right, we had to put on a performance for them yesterday. That was a nightmare,” Dark Link 7 sighed. “I didn’t even get to do my monologue.”
“Well, they can be a handful,” Snow told her, when the Red opened the door and stepped into the room.
“What do you want, you pedophile!?” Dark Link 7 screeched.
The Red put his index finger over his mouth. “Hush, child. There’s no need to be afraid.”
“Then take the cloak off,” Bri demanded.
The Red removed his cloak, revealing his true identity. Snow’s eyes widened, and Dark Link 7 gasped, almost fainting shortly afterwards.
“What’s wrong guys?” Bri asked, unsure of why they were so stunned.
The Red chuckled a little. “Now you know why I’ve come back.”


Mr. Rep waltzed into the classroom, closing the door on his way in as the bell rang. The class took their seats and passed up their homework, like always.
“Alright, is everyone here today?’ Mr. Rep asked, taking out his attendance clipboard. He scanned the list of students and looked around the room. “Is Cassandra absent?”
Everyone looked around the room, and then nodded. Mr. Rep marked her as absent on the list.
“Okay, I guess we’ll go ahead and get the ball rollin’ today,” Mr. Rep began. “Class, we have a very special guest here for my last week of teaching. He is a currently studying to become a teacher, so he will be observing us and even teaching a few of the lessons. Class, let’s give a warm welcome to...Mr. Kitsu!”
A young man wearing a suit and a tie with kittens all over it walked through the door, almost tripping. The class began laughing.
“HEY! That is no way to treat a guest!” Mr. Rep yelled. Everyone got quiet. “Now, class, I want you to say, ‘Hello, Mr. Kitsu’, in unison. I’ll begin. Hello, Mr. Kitsu. Now, it’s your all’s turn.”
“Hello, Mr. Kitsu,” everyone said together in monotone.
“Thank you.” Mr. Rep said, smiling at Mr. Kitsu.
“Hello, class it’s a pleasure to be here.” Mr. Kitsu said, taking a seat next to Mr. Rep’s desk.
Suddenly, in the back of the class, Ari felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around, and Terminus tossed a note up on her desk. She unfolded it and began reading.
“Something horrible just happened.”
Ari frowned and pulled out a pen to respond.
“What happened, man?”
She tossed the note back to Terminus, trying to make it appear as if she was really listening to Mr. Rep. Terminus quickly replied, and gave passed the note back up.
“My girlfriend dumped me.”
Ari frowned again and replied, “I’m sorry. :(
She passed it back and Terminus again quickly replied.
“This really is emotional hell.”
As Terminus folded the note back up, he noticed a shadow looming over his desk. He looked up to see a tie covered in kittens riding on pizza slices in outer space.
“What is that?’ Mr. Kitsu asked, snatching the note up and quickly unfolding it. This guy didn’t beat around the bush like Mr. Rep.
“Oh, by the way,” Mr. Rep began, noticing the situation going on at Terminus’ desk. “Mr. Kitsu will not only be observing the class for his study, he will also be monitoring for bad behavior while I’m teaching, since we’ve had many disruptions as of late.”
“Mr. Rep, I think I found something really interesting! This is the work of a modern day Edgar Allen Poe!” Mr. Kitsu exclaimed, running to the front of the room with the note in his hand.
“Haha, well let me see it! I’ll be the judge,” Mr. Rep replied, grabbing the note. He unfolded it and read it out loud.
“This really is...emotional hell.” he read. The entire class chuckled a bit as Mr. Rep handed the note back to Mr. Kitsu.
“Sir,” Mr. Kitsu began, looking at Terminus. “This fine piece of literature is truly a work of art. It’s so good, Mr. Rep and I are going to hang it out in the hallway along with a picture of you so people know who wrote it. I think the other classes will find it very exciting.”
Mr. Rep handed Mr. Kitsu the staple gun. He went out into the hall and stapled it to the cork board next to Mr. Rep’s door. After that, he found a year book and cut out a picture of Terminus and stapled it alongside the note. He walked back into the classroom, proudly, I might add.
“Now, you will forever be remembered for generations to come,” Mr. Kitsu chuckled with Mr. Rep. Terminus crossed his arms and slumped down in his chair.
Suddenly, the door burst open. It was Principal Seth and Swordbomb from the drama club. Both Mr. Rep and Mr. Kitsu straightened their ties.
“Hello, sir. We were just explaining to the class about the evil doings of Hitler.” Mr. Rep explained. Terminus and Ari rolled their eyes.
“We have a very serious problem,” Principal Seth began. “It seems that a few of our female students have mysteriously disappeared within the last day. One of them is in this class. You do have a student...Ms. Snow...correct?”
Mr. Rep nodded and picked up his attendance sheet. “Yes, and she happens to be absent today.”
“Two girls from the Japanese class down the hall have gone missing as well. One of them is from the drama club.” Seth explained.
Swordbomb began tearing up. “They took BOTH OF THEM!!! WHAT KIND OF MONSTER COULD HAVE TAKEN SUCH LOVELY GIRLS???” he wailed.
Principal Seth patted him on the back lightly. “It’s gonna be okay. Anyways,” he said, turning his attention back to the teachers. “It’s important that we look for these students after class today. It was reported that they went missing around school grounds, so we need to search all the nearby businesses and parks.”
Mr. Rep and Mr. Kitsu nodded. “We will.” they both reassured him. Principal Seth left with Swordbomb, who was still sobbing uncontrollably. You could hear his sobs even after they closed the class room door. Finally, after ten minutes, it stopped.
“Alright, guys, I guess we’ll go ahead and finish up today. I want you all studying for the test tomorrow so no messing around for the rest of the period. Got it?” Mr. Rep barked. Everyone nodded and began whispering to each other, cracking their books open so it looked as if they were studying.
“I can’t believe Snow’s gone missing!” Ari exclaimed to Pendio, Terminus, and Huck.
“I know. I hope she’s okay,” Huck replied.
“Me too.” Pendio sighed.


The bell finally rang for class to end. The CCC met up after school in the courtyard in front of the school’s front doors, along with Huck and Terminus. Mr. Rep, Mr. Kitsu, and Principal Seth got in Mr. Dan’s bus to begin the search.
“So guys,” Ari began. “Pendio and I found the coolest thing yesterday!” She then pulled out and unfolded the treasure map from the red book. Everyone ooed and awed.
“Do you know where it leads to?” Mezlo asked.
“All we know is that the treasure lies somewhere in that old abandoned factory behind the school,” Pendio explained.
“I hope it’s a big treasure chest full of BUTTS,” Little Gumball commented.
“That’s gei. It’s probably not even a real treasure, just some chocolate gold coins or some ****,” Ayano scoffed.
“Yeah, probably! Or maybe just some fake jewels or something we could sell on eBay for like a buck,” Terminus laughed.
“Pancake, dear, why must you be so pessimistic?” Annie asked her sweetheart.
Ayano rolled his eyes and replied, “Because I’m gei. That’s how I roll.”
“Alright, so who wants to go and find this thing?” Ari exclaimed.
“I do!” Pendio and everyone else cheered.
Everyone began making their way to the factory.
“I’m hot,” Ayano complained.
“Well, you are to me,” Annie replied.
They finally made it to the top of the hill where the old factory was. It was surrounded by a metal gate. Everyone walked up to the metal gate doors. Mezlo tried to push them open.
“It’s locked,” he said, backing away a little.
“I got this,” Terminus told him, walking up the gate and figuring out the code on the lock. The gate opened within seconds.
“How in the world?” Pendio asked, shocked.
“I know my ****,” Terminus replied.
They began walking around, in front of the factory.
“The map shows that we need to find an underground entrance,” Ari explained. Everyone began walking closer to the factory for inspection, when suddenly, Pendio noticed something.
“Guys! Hide!” he shouted in a whisper. Everyone jumped behind some bushes.
Three guys and one girl began walking past. They were wearing uniforms that said, ‘Security’, on the back.
“Why does an abandoned building need security?” Huck asked.
“Vandals maybe?” Terminus replied.
The four began walking towards the bushes, and everyone grew quiet. The four security guards sat down on the nearby bench.
“Man, I just wanna go home,” one of the males complained.
“It’s too hot for these black uniforms,” one of the males, wearing thick glasses, added.
“Mido, we should totally throw a party at your place when we all finally get let go,” the girl, who had almost black hair, said to the first male.
“That sounds really chill. I’m all about partying,” the last male, who had light brown hair, exclaimed.
“Do you think we’ll ever be able to get out of this place?” the male wearing glasses asked.
“I don’t know,” Mido began. “But if or when we do, I’ll be soaking in a jacuzzi and they’ll be no soul to stop me!”
“What about you, Stitch? What are you gonna do if we escape?” the female asked.
“Hmmm...Well, Sadia, if the old boss croaks, I’m definitely moving out of this place completely.” Stitch explained, adjusting his glasses. “This city is a wasteland.”
“True,” the male with light brown hair said.
Suddenly, there was a loud screech coming from the factory.
“Kokirion! Mido! Sadia! Stitch! Get back to work!” the scratchy voice yelled. The four of them sighed simultaneously and made their way back inside the factory, except Kokirion and Mido who stood at the front gate.
“This is getting weird, I think we should go back,” Huck began, when Ari interrupted him.
“No. We’ve come this far, we have to do this!” she explained.
“How are we gonna get in without the guards seeing us?” Mezlo asked.
“Just follow me. We should be fine, since their backs are turned. We just gotta be quiet.” Ari told him.
The gang quietly sneaked behind Mido and Kokirion.
“But wait...where exactly are we going?’ Huck said, a little too loudly.
Kokirion turned around and saw the crew trying to break in.
“Hey! What are you all doing here!?’ he yelled. Mido turned around as well. Everyone in the crew froze in fear.
“You all aren’t supposed to be here...”


Meanwhile, Mr. Dan, Mr. Rep, Mr. Kitsu, and Principal Seth were driving through the nearby neighbourhood around the school.
“I sure do hope the children are alright. I couldn’t bear to see their bloody corpses on the ten o’clock news,” Mr. Dan said.
“Let’s not talk about things like that,” Principal Seth commented. “Alright, let’s go ahead and pull over here, and ask these residents if they know the whereabouts of the girls.”
Principal Seth handed Mr. Kitsu the photographs of the female students as they got off the bus. Mr. Rep approached the front door of the first house and knocked a few times.
“I don’t think anyone’s home,” he said, turning around, when suddenly the door flung wide open. There he stood, with a giant backpack swung behind him and that peculiar grin.
“You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?”


Doktor Assisted Homicide
Oct 30, 2010
If you can't read this, you're blind.
Chapter 6 - The Treasure Hunt (Part 1)

“Ouch!” two girls shouted in agony as they were tossed into a room made of steel.
“You three! Be quiet! Or else you get no food for the next three days!” a short man hollered at them, slamming a large steel door. The two girls turned around and noticed a young woman with long blond hair and icy blue eyes.
“...How did you guys get thrown in here?” Snow asked.
“I don’t know...it’s not like we were doing anything wrong,” one of them said, wearing a dark tunic. “Bri and I were just walking past on our way to school when some weirdo in a red cloak trapped us in a net.”
“And as soon as we knew it, we were being thrown in here. This place is so dirty and gross!” Bri, a young lady with her hair in a ponytail, added.
“I recognize you from school,” the one in the dark tunic began to Snow. “I usually go by Dark Link 7, which is my stage name for drama club. And you’re...”
“Snow. From the class formerly taught by Mr. Mases. We have some bum named Mr. Rep in there now,” Snow explained.
“Oh right, we had to put on a performance for them yesterday. That was a nightmare,” Dark Link 7 sighed. “I didn’t even get to do my monologue.”
“Well, they can be a handful,” Snow told her, when the Red opened the door and stepped into the room.
“What do you want, you pedophile!?” Dark Link 7 screeched.
The Red put his index finger over his mouth. “Hush, child. There’s no need to be afraid.”
“Then take the cloak off,” Bri demanded.
The Red removed his cloak, revealing his true identity. Snow’s eyes widened, and Dark Link 7 gasped, almost fainting shortly afterwards.
“What’s wrong guys?” Bri asked, unsure of why they were so stunned.
The Red chuckled a little. “Now you know why I’ve come back.”


Mr. Rep waltzed into the classroom, closing the door on his way in as the bell rang. The class took their seats and passed up their homework, like always.
“Alright, is everyone here today?’ Mr. Rep asked, taking out his attendance clipboard. He scanned the list of students and looked around the room. “Is Cassandra absent?”
Everyone looked around the room, and then nodded. Mr. Rep marked her as absent on the list.
“Okay, I guess we’ll go ahead and get the ball rollin’ today,” Mr. Rep began. “Class, we have a very special guest here for my last week of teaching. He is a currently studying to become a teacher, so he will be observing us and even teaching a few of the lessons. Class, let’s give a warm welcome to...Mr. Kitsu!”
A young man wearing a suit and a tie with kittens all over it walked through the door, almost tripping. The class began laughing.
“HEY! That is no way to treat a guest!” Mr. Rep yelled. Everyone got quiet. “Now, class, I want you to say, ‘Hello, Mr. Kitsu’, in unison. I’ll begin. Hello, Mr. Kitsu. Now, it’s your all’s turn.”
“Hello, Mr. Kitsu,” everyone said together in monotone.
“Thank you.” Mr. Rep said, smiling at Mr. Kitsu.
“Hello, class it’s a pleasure to be here.” Mr. Kitsu said, taking a seat next to Mr. Rep’s desk.
Suddenly, in the back of the class, Ari felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around, and Terminus tossed a note up on her desk. She unfolded it and began reading.
“Something horrible just happened.”
Ari frowned and pulled out a pen to respond.
“What happened, man?”
She tossed the note back to Terminus, trying to make it appear as if she was really listening to Mr. Rep. Terminus quickly replied, and gave passed the note back up.
“My girlfriend dumped me.”
Ari frowned again and replied, “I’m sorry. :(
She passed it back and Terminus again quickly replied.
“This really is emotional hell.”
As Terminus folded the note back up, he noticed a shadow looming over his desk. He looked up to see a tie covered in kittens riding on pizza slices in outer space.
“What is that?’ Mr. Kitsu asked, snatching the note up and quickly unfolding it. This guy didn’t beat around the bush like Mr. Rep.
“Oh, by the way,” Mr. Rep began, noticing the situation going on at Terminus’ desk. “Mr. Kitsu will not only be observing the class for his study, he will also be monitoring for bad behavior while I’m teaching, since we’ve had many disruptions as of late.”
“Mr. Rep, I think I found something really interesting! This is the work of a modern day Edgar Allen Poe!” Mr. Kitsu exclaimed, running to the front of the room with the note in his hand.
“Haha, well let me see it! I’ll be the judge,” Mr. Rep replied, grabbing the note. He unfolded it and read it out loud.
“This really is...emotional hell.” he read. The entire class chuckled a bit as Mr. Rep handed the note back to Mr. Kitsu.
“Sir,” Mr. Kitsu began, looking at Terminus. “This fine piece of literature is truly a work of art. It’s so good, Mr. Rep and I are going to hang it out in the hallway along with a picture of you so people know who wrote it. I think the other classes will find it very exciting.”
Mr. Rep handed Mr. Kitsu the staple gun. He went out into the hall and stapled it to the cork board next to Mr. Rep’s door. After that, he found a year book and cut out a picture of Terminus and stapled it alongside the note. He walked back into the classroom, proudly, I might add.
“Now, you will forever be remembered for generations to come,” Mr. Kitsu chuckled with Mr. Rep. Terminus crossed his arms and slumped down in his chair.
Suddenly, the door burst open. It was Principal Seth and Swordbomb from the drama club. Both Mr. Rep and Mr. Kitsu straightened their ties.
“Hello, sir. We were just explaining to the class about the evil doings of Hitler.” Mr. Rep explained. Terminus and Ari rolled their eyes.
“We have a very serious problem,” Principal Seth began. “It seems that a few of our female students have mysteriously disappeared within the last day. One of them is in this class. You do have a student...Ms. Snow...correct?”
Mr. Rep nodded and picked up his attendance sheet. “Yes, and she happens to be absent today.”
“Two girls from the Japanese class down the hall have gone missing as well. One of them is from the drama club.” Seth explained.
Swordbomb began tearing up. “They took BOTH OF THEM!!! WHAT KIND OF MONSTER COULD HAVE TAKEN SUCH LOVELY GIRLS???” he wailed.
Principal Seth patted him on the back lightly. “It’s gonna be okay. Anyways,” he said, turning his attention back to the teachers. “It’s important that we look for these students after class today. It was reported that they went missing around school grounds, so we need to search all the nearby businesses and parks.”
Mr. Rep and Mr. Kitsu nodded. “We will.” they both reassured him. Principal Seth left with Swordbomb, who was still sobbing uncontrollably. You could hear his sobs even after they closed the class room door. Finally, after ten minutes, it stopped.
“Alright, guys, I guess we’ll go ahead and finish up today. I want you all studying for the test tomorrow so no messing around for the rest of the period. Got it?” Mr. Rep barked. Everyone nodded and began whispering to each other, cracking their books open so it looked as if they were studying.
“I can’t believe Snow’s gone missing!” Ari exclaimed to Pendio, Terminus, and Huck.
“I know. I hope she’s okay,” Huck replied.
“Me too.” Pendio sighed.


The bell finally rang for class to end. The CCC met up after school in the courtyard in front of the school’s front doors, along with Huck and Terminus. Mr. Rep, Mr. Kitsu, and Principal Seth got in Mr. Dan’s bus to begin the search.
“So guys,” Ari began. “Pendio and I found the coolest thing yesterday!” She then pulled out and unfolded the treasure map from the red book. Everyone ooed and awed.
“Do you know where it leads to?” Mezlo asked.
“All we know is that the treasure lies somewhere in that old abandoned factory behind the school,” Pendio explained.
“I hope it’s a big treasure chest full of BUTTS,” Little Gumball commented.
“That’s gei. It’s probably not even a real treasure, just some chocolate gold coins or some ****,” Ayano scoffed.
“Yeah, probably! Or maybe just some fake jewels or something we could sell on eBay for like a buck,” Terminus laughed.
“Pancake, dear, why must you be so pessimistic?” Annie asked her sweetheart.
Ayano rolled his eyes and replied, “Because I’m gei. That’s how I roll.”
“Alright, so who wants to go and find this thing?” Ari exclaimed.
“I do!” Pendio and everyone else cheered.
Everyone began making their way to the factory.
“I’m hot,” Ayano complained.
“Well, you are to me,” Annie replied.
They finally made it to the top of the hill where the old factory was. It was surrounded by a metal gate. Everyone walked up to the metal gate doors. Mezlo tried to push them open.
“It’s locked,” he said, backing away a little.
“I got this,” Terminus told him, walking up the gate and figuring out the code on the lock. The gate opened within seconds.
“How in the world?” Pendio asked, shocked.
“I know my ****,” Terminus replied.
They began walking around, in front of the factory.
“The map shows that we need to find an underground entrance,” Ari explained. Everyone began walking closer to the factory for inspection, when suddenly, Pendio noticed something.
“Guys! Hide!” he shouted in a whisper. Everyone jumped behind some bushes.
Three guys and one girl began walking past. They were wearing uniforms that said, ‘Security’, on the back.
“Why does an abandoned building need security?” Huck asked.
“Vandals maybe?” Terminus replied.
The four began walking towards the bushes, and everyone grew quiet. The four security guards sat down on the nearby bench.
“Man, I just wanna go home,” one of the males complained.
“It’s too hot for these black uniforms,” one of the males, wearing thick glasses, added.
“Mido, we should totally throw a party at your place when we all finally get let go,” the girl, who had almost black hair, said to the first male.
“That sounds really chill. I’m all about partying,” the last male, who had light brown hair, exclaimed.
“Do you think we’ll ever be able to get out of this place?” the male wearing glasses asked.
“I don’t know,” Mido began. “But if or when we do, I’ll be soaking in a jacuzzi and they’ll be no soul to stop me!”
“What about you, Stitch? What are you gonna do if we escape?” the female asked.
“Hmmm...Well, Sadia, if the old boss croaks, I’m definitely moving out of this place completely.” Stitch explained, adjusting his glasses. “This city is a wasteland.”
“True,” the male with light brown hair said.
Suddenly, there was a loud screech coming from the factory.
“Kokirion! Mido! Sadia! Stitch! Get back to work!” the scratchy voice yelled. The four of them sighed simultaneously and made their way back inside the factory, except Kokirion and Mido who stood at the front gate.
“This is getting weird, I think we should go back,” Huck began, when Ari interrupted him.
“No. We’ve come this far, we have to do this!” she explained.
“How are we gonna get in without the guards seeing us?” Mezlo asked.
“Just follow me. We should be fine, since their backs are turned. We just gotta be quiet.” Ari told him.
The gang quietly sneaked behind Mido and Kokirion.
“But wait...where exactly are we going?’ Huck said, a little too loudly.
Kokirion turned around and saw the crew trying to break in.
“Hey! What are you all doing here!?’ he yelled. Mido turned around as well. Everyone in the crew froze in fear.
“You all aren’t supposed to be here...”


Meanwhile, Mr. Dan, Mr. Rep, Mr. Kitsu, and Principal Seth were driving through the nearby neighbourhood around the school.
“I sure do hope the children are alright. I couldn’t bear to see their bloody corpses on the ten o’clock news,” Mr. Dan said.
“Let’s not talk about things like that,” Principal Seth commented. “Alright, let’s go ahead and pull over here, and ask these residents if they know the whereabouts of the girls.”
Principal Seth handed Mr. Kitsu the photographs of the female students as they got off the bus. Mr. Rep approached the front door of the first house and knocked a few times.
“I don’t think anyone’s home,” he said, turning around, when suddenly the door flung wide open. There he stood, with a giant backpack swung behind him and that peculiar grin.
“You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?”
They took @Bri b?!?

*ahem* Please excuse my language, and have a nice day!
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Doktor Assisted Homicide
Oct 30, 2010
If you can't read this, you're blind.
This was interesting. I bet The Red is Ventus or something. xD I'm looking forward to the next chapter. c:
I expect Red to be good ol' Mases. After all, Ari debunked Mido. It HAS to be Mases!

And I'll STILL beat him with a frying pan for kidnapping Bri!


The game is on!
It's starting to get really exciting! I'm absolutely loving the sheer mystery of it all. I think it's so amazing how you're this great at writing both amazingly hilarious parts, and these more serious and thrilling scenes. ;) Can't wait for the next chapter! ^^


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Ah......the brisk, 7:38 evenings, with dim lights illuminating the room. https://youtu.be/gpqmoBYkQfc Careless Whisper plays in the background. Yes, it's one of Mido's classic Jacuzzi Nights. Take me back to those summer nights in '83-er, hold up! That was uncomfortable...... :oops:

Anyways, like Pendio said above, I too am enjoying the progression of events! One thing that makes me curious is the ulterior motive behind capturing these members! E-gads, indeed! :eek:

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