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Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History


The Man

Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha >=D
Last edited by a moderator:
Feb 23, 2011
Yep, I made it myself. It's just so darn big, that I had to place it in a spoiler tag to avoid breaking the signature size limit, and stretching the page.

I could resize it, but doing so would ruin and distort the image, especially the text...so yeah. I've got hundreds of them... :yes:

Ice Sage

these are words
Jul 25, 2011
Ice Temple
*I say something spetacular that amazes all of you and totally fits in with the current discussion.*

Now that somebody said something I guess this is spam now so... how long do you think the longest thread on ZD is?
Last edited:

The Man

its probably 4000 posts long or something and yes i have to update my avvie

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