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Game Thread Anime Mafia 2

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Jan 19, 2018
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@Pen : Which of the following information is safe to claim?

1) Who one targeted each night
2) Knowledge one has as a result of their ability (ie: does a nameclopo saying "i know x is naruto" count as a claim?)
3) Whether or not one's role is protective or investigative or disruptive in nature (just using one of those three words [or none] to describe one's role)


Jan 19, 2018
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i don't really understand your claim precisely, sun.

You target someone and then gain information about the scum team? What's the relationship between who you target and what you learn?


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
@Pen : Which of the following information is safe to claim?

1) Who one targeted each night
2) Knowledge one has as a result of their ability (ie: does a nameclopo saying "i know x is naruto" count as a claim?)
3) Whether or not one's role is protective or investigative or disruptive in nature (just using one of those three words [or none] to describe one's role)
I did 1 (although I was telling a half-truth)
I did 2
I'm not positive on 3. I once said that I was probably the primary protective role in a game of mafia and I meant it as a soft and then someone else claimed and got modkilled because neither of us thought I had hard claimed and that is my biggest problem with softing, probably.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
You might be able to send pendio a pm with a post and ask him if he'd count it as a soft claim if you're really unsure, but I can't ensure that he'd answer and it'd probably be rude to do it excessively.


The game is on!
@Pen : Which of the following information is safe to claim?

1) Who one targeted each night
2) Knowledge one has as a result of their ability (ie: does a nameclopo saying "i know x is naruto" count as a claim?)
3) Whether or not one's role is protective or investigative or disruptive in nature (just using one of those three words [or none] to describe one's role)

1 is fine.
2 is fine as long as you don't specify exactly what type of ability you used on the player.
3 is fine too as long as you stick to those general terms.

Day 4 Current Vote Tally:
All Might - 1 (Morbid Minish)

Not voting - Rubik, The Sun Fan, Spiritual Mask Salesman, All Might, Ragnarokio, Silverfish, LittleGumball

With 8 players alive it takes 5 for a majority lynch. Otherwise the day ends on Thursday, September 12th 2019 at 7:00 PM EST. Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20190912T19&p0=179&msg=End+of+Day+4&font=slab&csz=1
Feb 3, 2019
@The Sun Fan can you paraphrase what kind of result you got from targeting me, if any?

I can say that "hearing rumors" is not really what I am told, its more of just a general idea
if I get in trouble for saying this, then I'll genuinely be salty because people have definitely gone further than I have, but "this must be the work of an enemy stand" is involved


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011

Vote: Silverfish

All right, you guys probably know why I'm pushing for Silver, but to quickly reiterate: I find him suspicious for flipflopping D1, laying low D2, and contributing with out contributing D3 as a whole. Will try to ISO him some other time.

I'm presuming we don't have a counterclaim on sms's one punch man vig claim, which narrows the PoE a good amount.
At this point, probably not. Going by the game text and amount of kills, there's definitely a Vig or friendly SK in the pool, and I have a good feeling about SMS despite his misfire. He promised that FG would be his target and this pretty much confirms him as Town. Lars was likely knocked out by the scum as a safe kill.

I still wanna lynch All Might. Still think LG might be scum. Not sure on who the 3rd is if there is a 4 scum team.

I'll probably do some reading on mr saitama sometime today
I've never seen the show and I know he's supposed to be the protag and a good guy but iirc he longs for a challenge or something and that sounds vaguely sk-ish
Saitama's actions are done in a morally gray way so I could see him fall under independent territory, and your impression of him is pretty on point. As a slight tangent, I never found him to be too compelling as a character, though, because even as a parody his personality (perpetual boredom) doesn't fall in line with how a superhero should be. If only someone in anime could embody the virtues of peace and justice...

Yeah, they were very subtle so I wouldn't be surprised if no one picked up on them.

And that's fair because I kinda didn't want people to figure it out too easy. But wanted it there in case of future reference. Though at this point it might not matter if scum knew. Wouldn't be as useful but I can't do much about that.
Hmmmmmmm...? Are you implying that you've been breadcrumbing like yours truly?! =O
i'm more curious about your series than anything

It's also partially why I'm suspicious of what I think All Might was softing. I can tell y'all what I think his soft is if anyone else is also suspicious of him. I dunno, maybe I am just stuck in a tunnel on him but it seems almost logical at this point.
Wait a minute... Dig it out with all you're heart, 'kay?

I think All Might was softing Vengeful. With saying maybe Hero played scummy to try to get lynched and find mafia. And he said something about his hand being temperamental or something.
Obviously I can't say too much on this note, but I can't help the "hand" that was dealt to me. It just makes sense to me that Hero would want to try to attract Mafia on Day 1 but at the same time I was getting drilled through the heavens for making a stupid post. Afterwards, he dipped out and I replaced him, bringing us back here.

...Rap is man's soul, hey! *gurren lagann music plays*

I'm Town, I just suck. I thought for sure if Irvine flipped Town Funnygurl would be scum, but I was wrong.
Don't be so hard on yourself. I probably would have done the same thing in your shoes. Nearly everyone thought FG was Mafia because she didn't exhibit much townplay.

LG has been pretty invisible.
That she is. Yo, @LittleGumball, you still here with us?

mass soft claim sounds good to me, if its a legal play. I'm not familiar with the rules here.
Mass claims are generally frowned upon if it breaks the game wide open beyond the standard meta. But if Pendio is okay with us employing it then there shouldn't be an issue, overall. I don't remember there being an in-game rule on it but I'm too tired to check.

how the heck does that count as a claim
I was wondering the same thing.

My personal PoE for today is mostly between Minish, LG, Silverfish, and All Might currently. I'd like a soft from all of them (and from Rag), ideally in such a way that it doesn't count as a real claim.
That's asking a lot from so many people, but suffice it to say that the consequences of one's death would be severe. Hissssssssssssss


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
I'll probably do some reading on mr saitama sometime today
I've never seen the show and I know he's supposed to be the protag and a good guy but iirc he longs for a challenge or something and that sounds vaguely sk-ish
i saw season 1, i'd call him a good guy for sure. sms is kind of confirmed town in my personal onion.
I have never seen the anime my character is from and I am never going to.
it's jojo isn't it
I know one of u 7 is a big fan of it so they'll probably figure it out really quickly anyways
is it me
it's jojo ISN'T IT
I'm from JoJo
Joseph is a pretty obvious and iconic character.
i wouldn't say he's the most iconic, that'd go to jotaro. for someone who's never seen the show, google jjba and whatever you get that isn't Jojo Siwa is probably jotaro (or giorno since that was the most recent part of the anime)
If only someone in anime could embody the virtues of peace and justice...
That she is. Yo, @LittleGumball, you still here with us?
it hasn't even been 12 hours since the day started gimme a second umu

i will say that i don't really want to claim. if you want to accuse me of anything i'll gladly defend myself but claiming to save myself isn't my style.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Forum Volunteer
Do you or anyone else care to let me know which post(s) to look at?
And if you can target people with this new ability and were thinking of targeting me tonight (if it's good) then I would suggest not.

I'll just say the other soft is on page 73. I think singling it out in the context of it being a soft might be toeing the line of claiming.

And btw, oddly enough even though these could seem like the same soft they're two different things. I only have passive abilities.

(Also there's a soft in this post, just so ya know).

As for Sun fan's claim...that is so convoluted I'd have a hard time believing he came up with that as a fake. It sounds more like a Pendio creation. Lol. So I wanna believe him.

Also I think All Might is softing more in his post but I don't know anime so heck if I know what he's getting at. Either way, if people are suspicious of him, and he is softing vengeful, I feel he's a good lynch. His role is only useful in that case if he is lynched.
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