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Game Thread Anime Girls Mafia - The Kawaii Yakuza

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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Who knows, maybe it is because I'm inexperienced, but I don't see how lynching a townie(which is the likely scenario) and leaving another for the mafia will put townies in a advantage. The simple fact is if we do that, we'll have less townies, which we want to avoid.

Scenario 1: We lynch day 1 and take out a townie, mafia takes another out during night. Mafia 2, Townies 0

Scenario 2: We lynch day 1 and take out a townie, mafia stays silent during night, allowing us to kill ourselves. Mafia 1, Townies 0

Scenario 3:We don't lynch day 1 and mafia does. Mafia 1 Townies 0

Scenario 4: Neither lynch, during the night phase, townies gather info. 0-0

We won't have any info at all until night phase when we gather info or mafia strikes against us. A day 1 lynch is a shot in the dark and is statistically unwise.
We will always gain more info from a lynch than just relying on the night. Like I said in my post above, there are too many variables in the night that make this tactic a risk. Besides, with lynches, we look at voting patterns, posts, etc., which give way more information than night actions that have too many ways to fail. Even if a townie gets lynched, a lot of evidence is created to discuss during day 2.

Anyway, I'm off to the movies, so I'll see y'all tonight.
Dec 28, 2016
I'm against no-lynching almost as a matter of principle, so I sympathize with Cslaught in that regard, but to attempt to lynch someone so early and without any discussion or evidence is suspicious, especially when it's a middle vote like his was. I'd understand if it was just a random vote, which is what I initially assumed it was, but then he explained that he was actually attempting to lynch him.

Why go for a lynch at the very beginning and before any discussion or evidence, @Cslaught02? Even if you feel lynching someone today is necessary, why not wait until later? Why go after kokirion right now for no particular reason?

It was a mishap in transferring and irl playstyle to ZD playstyle. I removed my vote a few posts ago


Jun 19, 2010
A day 1 lynch is a shot in the dark and is statistically unwise.

The point of lynching on Day 1 isn't necessarily due to the improbable possibility that scum will be lynched, but primarily for the sake of information and discussion. If Day 1 is nearing its end and we don't have enough evidence or suspicion to feel confident in a lynch and choose a no lynch as a result, then the Mafia is likely going to kill the person that gives us the least information possible as well. As a result, we'll end up on Day 2 with no leads or basis for discussion and right where we started, which can signal stagnation for the rest of the game and which only works to the Mafia's advantage. I've seen it happen too often, and it's not only damaging to the town, but boring.

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
The problem with the theory of "let's just lynch someone on day 1" is this: it's probably gonna be a townie. Which means if one was to be so vehemently for a day 1 lynch, they'd be for lynching a townie. How is being against that suspicious? Even if it the night roles fail and we happen to not get any info, we'll be back at square one. That's better than being at a disadvantage after killing one of our own.

Also, I've stated already that I voted for Cslaught cause I feel he revealed himself as mafia, simple. It's a bait n switch. Bait mafia to reveal themselves, then vote them out. And surely, one must be confident in their votes, so I am.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
The problem with the theory of "let's just lynch someone on day 1" is this: it's probably gonna be a townie. Which means if one was to be so vehemently for a day 1 lynch, they'd be for lynching a townie. How is being against that suspicious? Even if it the night roles fail and we happen to not get any info, we'll be back at square one. That's better than being at a disadvantage after killing one of our own.

Also, I've stated already that I voted for Cslaught cause I feel he revealed himself as mafia, simple. It's a bait n switch. Bait mafia to reveal themselves, then vote them out. And surely, one must be confident in their votes, so I am.
Yes, but a day 1 townie lynch is the same likelihood as a Day 2 townie lynch if we skip the day 1 lynch. First lynch is almost always townie no matter how much time we have


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Ara ara~~ it's time for a vote count

Vote Count:

Tristan(2) - Prophecies About Bok Choy, Mido
Cslaught02(2) - kokirion, Kaio-kenshin
kokirion(1) - Pendio
Minish_Link(1) - DekuNut
Pendio(1) - karu
Mido(1) - Minish_Link


Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
7. You may not hate on other cute anime girls OR other user's waifus, unless their waifu is Manami from oreimo, because she's a *****. Be respectful to all other cute anime girls.


The problem with the theory of "let's just lynch someone on day 1" is this: it's probably gonna be a townie. Which means if one was to be so vehemently for a day 1 lynch, they'd be for lynching a townie. How is being against that suspicious? Even if it the night roles fail and we happen to not get any info, we'll be back at square one. That's better than being at a disadvantage after killing one of our own.

Also, I've stated already that I voted for Cslaught cause I feel he revealed himself as mafia, simple. It's a bait n switch. Bait mafia to reveal themselves, then vote them out. And surely, one must be confident in their votes, so I am.


See this v

Yes, but a day 1 townie lynch is the same likelihood as a Day 2 townie lynch if we skip the day 1 lynch. First lynch is almost always townie no matter how much time we have

Vote: Tristan

Haven't read anything yet aside from current page. Been a little distracted since my break is near its end. But now I'm here.

Deleted member 14134


@Johnny Sooshi is there a reason why you voted Tristan? Since you said you only read this page you must have seen that there were already two votes against him and cslaught and realized that by voting for him would be giving him the most votes. I don't think there is enough information on this page alone to think he's scum so why not hold off until you read the rest of the game or vote for someone who currently doesn't have any votes?



I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Anyways, it seems like the majority approve of a day one lynch, so lets continue on. The argument is repetetive and getting nowhere. Im going to reread (I'm actually gonna do it this game) Kenshin. Even if hr says that he feels like it was a strong scumslip, thats still flat out going against what he'd said earlier. There was no scumslip clause in his posts, and even so I wouldn't call Slaught for sure scum based on that one thing, especially with him being a noob. I can see it as being scummy but not an infallible scumslip.
But like I said, reread time.
We have a little less than 24 hours remaining in the day, so I'll ask everyone to choose at least one person youre wary of and reread them. You dont need to make a vote, but try to put in the effort.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Hmm... I thought about it a bit more over the past few hours and while I was watching the movie, and I want to lynch Cslaught less and less. I initially found his vote on Koki weird, and I still do, but for the most part, I agree with what he's saying. I'm keeping my eye on him for sure, but my overall opinion on him has changed.

I'm actually, after a quick reread and regrouping of my thoughts, leaning more towards a Kenshin lynch now. I just can't get over the contradiction he made when he said no lynches were smart and then immediately followed it up with a vote on someone, and then continued saying he liked the idea of lynching nobody day 1 whilst still keeping his vote on Cslaught.

@Kaio-Kenshin I must ask, how sure are you that Cslaught is scum? Because in keeping your vote on him, you are in fact contradicting nearly everything you've said this day. You say that the risk of lynching a townie is too high, so you must be quite sure that Cslaught is scum or else you're going against your own words, which is really scummy in and of itself.

In fact, I'm just gonna go ahead and do this, with a bit less than a day left.

Vote: Kaio-Kenshin

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
@Kaio-Kenshin I must ask, how sure are you that Cslaught is scum? Because in keeping your vote on him, you are in fact contradicting nearly everything you've said this day. You say that the risk of lynching a townie is too high, so you must be quite sure that Cslaught is scum or else you're going against your own words, which is really scummy in and of itself.

In fact, I'm just gonna go ahead and do this, with a bit less than a day left.

Vote: Kaio-Kenshin
This is around the third time I'm explaining this. There was no contradiction. I feel like one of the mafia have shown themselves and I acted on it. Of course I'll be confident in my vote, that's the nature of the game. Am I 100% sure? No, there's no way I can be. But I'm damn sure confident about it, which is what I said earlier.

If the mafia had not shown himself this round, then that's where my no-lynch argument takes place. However, after he voted the 3rd time for someone(you were the second) and said, "Let's just get something done" that seems very scum-like, so I changed my vote. No contradiction whatsoever.

I still find it interesting that the only reason you had for voting for someone that already had a vote was "It's a joke." Any mafia could easily claim that day 1 while trying to get a easy kill.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
This is around the third time I'm explaining this. There was no contradiction. I feel like one of the mafia have shown themselves and I acted on it. Of course I'll be confident in my vote, that's the nature of the game. Am I 100% sure? No, there's no way I can be. But I'm damn sure confident about it, which is what I said earlier.

If the mafia had not shown himself this round, then that's where my no-lynch argument takes place. However, after he voted the 3rd time for someone(you were the second) and said, "Let's just get something done" that seems very scum-like, so I changed my vote. No contradiction whatsoever.

I still find it interesting that the only reason you had for voting for someone that already had a vote was "It's a joke." Any mafia could easily claim that day 1 while trying to get a easy kill.
What I'm trying to say, though, is that your confidence in lynching Cslaught holds a risk that he's a townie, which is what you've been saying you're against all game. That's where the contradiction is. Again, you're speaking as if you're feeling quite sure that he's scum, but the risk of him being a townie exists. There's always a risk of lynching a townie, which is part of the game, and that's why it's so important to have a Day 1 lynch. No matter which way you choose to look at it, you did contradict yourself, and by keeping your vote on Cslaught with a risk of lynching a townie, you're completely going against what you've been saying this whole time. No matter how suspicious to other people it may or may not be, the contradiction definitely exists, and that's something you can't deny.

As a side note, you seem quite defensive. Not necessarily a scumtell, but it makes me feel more confident in my own vote.

And as for your last paragraph there, there's really not much else I can say on that. Read past games, joke votes happen all the time. I'm all for using them as evidence, but I think it's still too early at this point. The game hadn't gotten serious yet at that point. Koki was in absolutely no danger when I placed my vote on him, and his response to me proves that he also took it as a mere joke. You can choose to look at it how you want, but that's all it was, and there's nothing more that I can say on that. Notice I removed my vote on him as soon as the game got serious. That's something I often do, because I dislike RVS votes after the game gets serious. I'd be more concerned about the people that didn't remove their RVS votes after it did get serious in all honesty.

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
Well, you're right about that first part, there IS a chance Cslaught is a townie. But the point of the game is to vote, yes? You can't just not vote. My whole theory/tactic is to bait out the mafia then vote for them, there was no contradiction to myself.

Interesting, though, that you both switched off of Koki after I mentioned you two. Almost as if I was catching on, or I had some reason to be suspicious. If you both are townies, why would you vote for him in the first place? I have my eye on you two

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
The thing I dislike about this is that there are things like roleblockers that should be taken into account, plus the fact that most roles don't give any information unless they are successful, with the exception of investigative type roles (which is where the aforementioned roleblockers come into play). There are just too many variables for me to really support ending Day 1 without a lynch.

Roleblockers are definitely something to take into consideration, as well as the fact that some roles won't provide any useful information. Maybe it's just because I'm more used to playing Town of Salem where it seems like the action of roles plays a bigger part. You're familiar with the types of roles used in mafia games here though, so I'll take what you said into consideration.

That being said, I'm a bit curious about this.

Hmm... I thought about it a bit more over the past few hours and while I was watching the movie, and I want to lynch Cslaught less and less. I initially found his vote on Koki weird, and I still do, but for the most part, I agree with what he's saying. I'm keeping my eye on him for sure, but my overall opinion on him has changed.

I'm actually, after a quick reread and regrouping of my thoughts, leaning more towards a Kenshin lynch now. I just can't get over the contradiction he made when he said no lynches were smart and then immediately followed it up with a vote on someone, and then continued saying he liked the idea of lynching nobody day 1 whilst still keeping his vote on Cslaught.

@Kaio-Kenshin I must ask, how sure are you that Cslaught is scum? Because in keeping your vote on him, you are in fact contradicting nearly everything you've said this day. You say that the risk of lynching a townie is too high, so you must be quite sure that Cslaught is scum or else you're going against your own words, which is really scummy in and of itself.

In fact, I'm just gonna go ahead and do this, with a bit less than a day left.

Vote: Kaio-Kenshin

You said you changed your overall opinion about Cslaught because you agree with what he's saying. Then you turned your suspicion towards Kenshin because of his contradiction. Just wondering how Kenshin's contradiction is any worse than Cslaught's as evidenced by:

I just feel like it's smarter to actually get something done on the first day than bickering between our selves and just randomly picking someone no one else has picked. It just so happened 2 others had picked you, so statistically the best choice for a vote was you. *shrug*

I do not genuinely believe Kokirion is scum, no. In all the games of mafia I played irl before joining ZD, it always seemed to benefit the town more to Lynch the first day so we have some idea of things going into day 2. I don't like giving the Mafia a free kill and yet have not even the slightest idea about who's who.

Unvote: Kokirion

I know the saying risk it for the biscuit, and risking not killing anyone at all in order to have more townies is nice in theory, you're gonna be handing the advantage to the Mafia big time early game and that's not a risk I want to take. That could end up risking the entire game in the long run, as opposed to just the possibility of taking out an innocent or a scum. I think it's safer to walk in the dark with a match lit than nothing

If we just sit back and let the mafia do whatever, they're gonna have the upper hand in the game. I personally think we need to be aggressive in fighting them, even if our guesses at this point are willy nilly. It'll keep them on their toes instead of making victory easy

Hmm. I guess you're right about that. It's kind of a characteristic of mine in a competitive atmosphere to be aggressive, but when you put it that way it does make a lot more sense to just play it cool and calm. I've already withdrawn my vote so I don't think I'm gonna recast it unless I see someone give themselves away pretty obviously

My experience playing irl was always aggressive cause you could use emotions and facial tells, but the playstyle in here is a lot different. I think patience might be a better route for this one

Four posts saying that no lynch isn't a risk he's willing to take and that we need to be aggressive in fighting the mafia. Then there was only one post (by Kenshin) between the fourth and fifth quotes, where he goes from wanting to potentially lynch a townie to put pressure on scum, to saying that being patient and not voting unless someone gives themselves away is better.

I agree, Kenshin's posts do seem to be somewhat contradictory, but so do Cslaught's. However, at the moment Cslaught seems a bit more suspicious to me. Kenshin's reasoning feels more like a newbie townie trying to play it safe, but also trying to be active in the game. Cslaught's sudden change in opinion kinda feels like it could have been influenced by scum teammates helping him out by telling him to lay low.

Dec 28, 2016
Roleblockers are definitely something to take into consideration, as well as the fact that some roles won't provide any useful information. Maybe it's just because I'm more used to playing Town of Salem where it seems like the action of roles plays a bigger part. You're familiar with the types of roles used in mafia games here though, so I'll take what you said into consideration.

That being said, I'm a bit curious about this.

You said you changed your overall opinion about Cslaught because you agree with what he's saying. Then you turned your suspicion towards Kenshin because of his contradiction. Just wondering how Kenshin's contradiction is any worse than Cslaught's as evidenced by:

Four posts saying that no lynch isn't a risk he's willing to take and that we need to be aggressive in fighting the mafia. Then there was only one post (by Kenshin) between the fourth and fifth quotes, where he goes from wanting to potentially lynch a townie to put pressure on scum, to saying that being patient and not voting unless someone gives themselves away is better.

I agree, Kenshin's posts do seem to be somewhat contradictory, but so do Cslaught's. However, at the moment Cslaught seems a bit more suspicious to me. Kenshin's reasoning feels more like a newbie townie trying to play it safe, but also trying to be active in the game. Cslaught's sudden change in opinion kinda feels like it could have been influenced by scum teammates helping him out by telling him to lay low.


My sudden change in opinion comes from transitioning into a new platform for playing the game. I've never played on ZD considering I just joined a week ago. I've only played before in real life, and mafia in person is much more fast paced and a day 1 lynch is pretty much inevitable. However, the way this game works is a lot slower and when kenshin listed out the possibilities, it sounded much smarter to me to not give up a possible 2 towns just for the sake of "gathering information"
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