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Game Thread Anime Girls Mafia - The Kawaii Yakuza

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Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Ara ara~~~

This is your host, the lovable Jamie-chan!!! 。(*^▽^*)ゞ

In a world populated only by cute anime girls, there is an enemy force, the Kawaii Yakuza!!! They are a very dangerous group, so be careful desu!

Here are some general rules:
1. All day periods will be 3 days, aside from day 1, which will be a little over 2 days, or if special circumstances would determine otherwise. An extension will be considered on a case by case basis, but likely will not be granted. An example could be in late-game situations if someone has a family emergency or an illness, or there is a complete and utter stagnation in posts and activity.
2. All night periods will be 1 day with no exceptions, barring an unusual problem.
3. If I am unable to make a post immediately, the deadlines will still have to be followed.
4. You must bold all votes and unvotes or they will not count. Votes are made in this style: Vote: Tristan and Unvotes require just a simple Unvote.
5. If the day ends with a tie in votes, there will be a No Lynch.
6. You may vote for a No Lynch as well. This replaces your normal vote.
7. If there is a majority before the day ends, it will end the day and cause an instant lynch.
8. You must post at least once per day period, preferably more.

1. You may claim a role, whether it is a fakeclaim or real.
2. You may make one "ah, ****" post after you die.
3. You may post cute anime girls in the form of videos and images at any point in the game, including the night period.
4. You may love your onii-chan.

1. You may not name claim.
2. You may not edit your posts.
3. You may not use outside information in the game (i.e. who is online)
4. You may not screenshot PMs or anything outside of the game thread as evidence
5. You may not post information after your death.
6. You may not post anything at night except for cute anime girls.
7. You may not hate on other cute anime girls OR other user's waifus, unless their waifu is Manami from oreimo, because she's a *****. Be respectful to all other cute anime girls.

1. @Pendio
2. @Mido
3. @DekuNut
4. @Libk
5. @Minish_Link
6. @Tristan
7. @Johnny Sooshi
8. @Kaio-Kenshin
9. @kokirion
10. @Cslaught02
11. @Prophecies About Bok Choy
12. @karu
13. @Kirino

The day ends on Friday, January 6th at 11:00 PM Eastern Time.
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Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014

Deleted member 14134

I-It's not like I'm voting for you because I l-like you or anything!

Vote: Tristan


Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
k guys i'm here so it's time to start responding to things!!! (:

Ara ara~~~

This is your host, the lovable Jamie-chan!!! 。(*^▽^*)ゞ
english pls

In a world populated only by cute anime girls, there is an enemy force, the Kawaii Yakuza!!! They are a very dangerous group, so be careful desu!

1. All day periods will be 3 days, aside from day 1, which will be a little over 2 days. An extension will be considered on a case by case basis, but likely will not be granted.
i don't know what to do with this information

2. All night periods will be 1 day with no exceptions, barring an unusual problem.
gotcha :right:

3. If I am unable to make a post immediately, the deadlines will still have to be followed.
lel i love that this is even necessary kek

4. You must bold all votes and unvotes or they will not count. Votes are made in this style: Vote: Tristan and Unvotes require just a simple Unvote.
fuk u

5. You must post at least once per day period, preferably more.
k, here's my contribution

1. You may claim a role, whether it is a fakeclaim or real.
i'm the mod

2. You may make one "ah, ****" post after you die.
ah ****

3. You may post cute anime girls in the form of videos and images at any point in the game, including the night period.
pls don't

4. You may love your onii-chan.
fuk u

1. You may not name claim.
i'm jamie

2. You may not edit your posts.

3. You may not use outside information in the game (i.e. who is online)
it's cold outside

4. You may not screenshot PMs or anything outside of the game thread as evidence

5. You may not post information after your death.
pls don't

6. You may not post anything at night except for cute anime girls.
pls don't

7. You may not hate on other cute anime girls OR other user's waifus, unless their waifu is Manami from oreimo, because she's a *****. Be respectful to all other cute anime girls.

For future reference, I will be ending all days and nights at midnight, so keep in mind that the final day will be a day before what is listed, since the day switches at midnight.

The day ends on Friday, January 6th at 11:00 PM Eastern Time.

I forgot to include the players in the OP, so im not sure if they are officially tagged, so im tagging them all here

also first post xDDD

1. @Pendio
2. @Mido
3. @DekuNut
4. @Libk
5. @Minish_Link
6. @Tristan
7. @Johnny Sooshi
8. @Kaio-Kenshin
9. @kokirion
10. @Cslaught02
11. @Prophecies About Bok Choy
12. @karu
13. @Kirino
*** i didn't even get an alert from this kek

I-It's not like I'm voting for you because I l-like you or anything!

Vote: Tristan

fuk u


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Don't mind the bit about midnight. I edited it out. I decided to do 11pm est instead of 12am Atlantic time. Same time but less confusion.


Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
*Waves to Mido* :bhello:

Vote: kokirion


Vote: Kokirion

Breaking tradition because he broke my heart :kawaii:

What an amazing welcome, girls! I feel so emotional right now.

Tristina-chan, on another note, I would kindly like to ask you to stop trying to peer into my bedroom when I sleep at night. I understand this is a difficult period for you (bad joke, baaaaaaaad joke) but licking my daughter's bicycle when she's at school is not the solution.
you need help.
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