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Game Thread Anime Girls Mafia - The Kawaii Yakuza

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Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Well, now that the game is over, it's time to address the elephant in the room:

So about my ban: is it too late for me to change my ways? To seek superior waifu knowledge? :oops:


Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
Dammit Mido XD strongmanning me. I was so confused when I died hahahaha.
And especially after all that effort I put in to trying to look town..
When I think about it, what I said some games (probably years) ago, that when people think I'm town I'm scum and that when people think I'm scum I'm usually town is actually kind of true....... hmmmmmm....

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Dammit Mido XD strongmanning me. I was so confused when I died hahahaha.
And especially after all that effort I put in to trying to look town..
When I think about it, what I said some games (probably years) ago, that when people think I'm town I'm scum and that when people think I'm scum I'm usually town is actually kind of true....... hmmmmmm....
Actually, it wasn't that long ago. I remember you saying that but I don't remember what game it was, but I'm pretty sure it was within the past year.


Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
Actually, we guessed that you were the SK. We put it between you and Tristan.
Oh sure, I believe that. Good guess though.

You guys were also quite an obvious team by the way : P
I mean, cslaught.. when he voted for me on day one I was so excited. I thought like Oh wowww, scum presenting itself on a golden plate to me on day one \o/ lucky me! I killed Deku to remove the mafia. Mostly because I somehow hoped less mafia member would mean a smaller cjance they nightkill me? But come to think about it... that is an incredibly naive and stupid theory... no idea how zi got that.
I also had a hunch about Mido. But I did no longer care that much about it at that time, I was focussing more on tje town. But I didn't want to kill the mafia completely, so tried to help him become seen as more townish, just in case he might be scum. And then he killed me, so unthankful >.>
Usually my murderers are always people I know well. I suppose the scientists are right there. People close to you are the first suspects..


Oh sure, I believe that. Good guess though.

You guys were also quite an obvious team by the way : P
I mean, cslaught.. when he voted for me on day one I was so excited. I thought like Oh wowww, scum presenting itself on a golden plate to me on day one \o/ lucky me! I killed Deku to remove the mafia. Mostly because I somehow hoped less mafia member would mean a smaller cjance they nightkill me? But come to think about it... that is an incredibly naive and stupid theory... no idea how zi got that.
I also had a hunch about Mido. But I did no longer care that much about it at that time, I was focussing more on tje town. But I didn't want to kill the mafia completely, so tried to help him become seen as more townish, just in case he might be scum. And then he killed me, so unthankful >.>
Usually my murderers are always people I know well. I suppose the scientists are right there. People close to you are the first suspects..
Remind me never to get on your bad side, damn Kokirion


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Oh sure, I believe that. Good guess though.

You guys were also quite an obvious team by the way : P
I mean, cslaught.. when he voted for me on day one I was so excited. I thought like Oh wowww, scum presenting itself on a golden plate to me on day one \o/ lucky me! I killed Deku to remove the mafia. Mostly because I somehow hoped less mafia member would mean a smaller cjance they nightkill me? But come to think about it... that is an incredibly naive and stupid theory... no idea how zi got that.
I also had a hunch about Mido. But I did no longer care that much about it at that time, I was focussing more on tje town. But I didn't want to kill the mafia completely, so tried to help him become seen as more townish, just in case he might be scum. And then he killed me, so unthankful >.>
Usually my murderers are always people I know well. I suppose the scientists are right there. People close to you are the first suspects..

Glad I stuck out as scum! :) If anything, my horribly-forced push of Minish_Link was my primary red flag on Day 1. I just didn't want to bus my teammate! :P I became super-worried the next day when you classified her as obvious town, and I must say you covered your tracks extremely well with that read, since I assumed this would throw myself under your crosshairs. DekuNut had postulated whether you were the serial killer, but I myself had no clue. Needless to say, the nightkill went well for us! :D

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Really fun game guys, even though I died night 1...again. :(

Glad I stuck out as scum! :) If anything, my horribly-forced push of Minish_Link was my primary red flag on Day 1. I just didn't want to bus my teammate! :P I became super-worried the next day when you classified her as obvious town, and I must say you covered your tracks extremely well with that read, since I assumed this would throw myself under your crosshairs. DekuNut had postulated whether you were the serial killer, but I myself had no clue. Needless to say, the nightkill went well for us! :D

Yeah, I thought you would be the last mafia because of that. Too bad I wasn't alive to say anything. Haha. I also was right about my suspicions of DekuNut but he roleblocked me so I wasn't super sure before he was revealed.
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