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Game Thread Anime Girls Mafia - The Kawaii Yakuza

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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012

Well, that is correct, but he was invited : /
I mean, I always ask him to pass by at night, sit in the chair of my grandma next to my bed while petting me and slowly repeating that I'm very precious to him. How else can I sleep at night? : |
That's fair. But it almost sounds like you're supporting the possibility of there being something more going on between you two.
Obviously, you're both together in an attempt to make me jealous. Not cool man. Not cool. If I see you two together again, I may have to take serious [legal] action. :bubsy:

I just feel like it's smarter to actually get something done on the first day than bickering between our selves and just randomly picking someone no one else has picked. It just so happened 2 others had picked you, so statistically the best choice for a vote was you. *shrug*
Interesting. While I agree with you that it's better to get something done day 1, I disagree with the logic of just picking someone who has the most votes just because they have the most votes. I'm all for Day 1 lynches, in fact I encourage it for the most part, but I like there to be at least a little bit of valid reasoning behind it. Your vote on Koko is suspicious to me because it looks like a vote with genuine intention to lynch, but no reason behind it. I dislike day 1 no lynches, so I agree that something should be done, but that's not a great way to go about it. I only support RVS lynches if there's no real reason to lynch someone else. ergo, Day 1 doesn't get serious. I like how it's gotten serious now, because it means we have room for genuine discussion. Somewhat ironically enough, your vote against Koko has caused the day to turn serious and has spawned some great discussion, and makes me somewhat willing to lynch you today, but I'm going to hold off until you're able to say your piece.

Just out of curiosity, have you played mafia before in other places or are you totally new to the game?

This is a game of trust no one, senpai.
Does that perhaps apply to yourself as well? :bubsy:

It's actually smarter NOT to lynch someone day 1. We don't want to accidently lybch someone who's a townie "just to get something done". Ideally, the scum would get only 1 kill the first day instead of two. No townie should add votes to a player for no reason. Idk if this goes by the "one vote isn't enough rule" but if all the townies spread their votes out, then the ball would be in the mafia's court to reveal themselves. Like you or Tristan just did. Except, I'm more sure against you cause you said, "Let's lynch someone and get something done"


Vote Cslaught02
Hmm, this post is difficult to me. I see where you're coming from, but I have to respectfully disagree. I'm not fond of no lynches during day 1 because they leave us with no information to go off of the next day, and Day 2 starts back on square one, especially if the mafia are smart and decide not to kill night 1 as well or kill someone random. I am pro-lynch Day 1, almost completely. Lynching someone, even if it ends up being a townie, gives us something to go off of during the next day.

I find it quite interesting and pretty ironic, though, that you say it's smarter not to lynch someone day 1, then immediately follow that up with a seemingly genuine intent-to-lynch vote against someone. Quite interesting indeed. Also, one thing I've noticed is that scum tend to quite like no lynches, particularly when one of their own is in danger. Because of this, I can't help but wonder if maybe there's some sort of connection between you and Koki, or perhaps you're simply inexperienced, or perhaps it's both. I shall think about this a bit more.

In the meantime: FoS: Cslaught02


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I disagree with Kenshin. Like Mido said, a no lynch day one ends up with a "second" day one on day two. On ZD, doing that has provided more harm to the town than good. We need the day one lynch to get going, serious or not.
While I'm posting Ill provide my thoughts on the whole Cslaught thing:
I for sure will call his move newbie; but I feel like its newbnull. I dont blame people for voting him because of it, but I myself dont feel like thats worth lynching him over just yet.
Dec 28, 2016
This dictotomy works both ways. While a no lynch does guarantee less casualties during the day-to-night sequence, the playing field for evidence in terms of alignment revelation becomes sparse, giving the Mafia a potential edge via a free kill (and if this happens day 1, the next day becomes a "second" day 1 in some respects).The lynch is the town's greatest weapon for outing scum, so while a no lynch is perfectly viable, it is important to recognize the other side of the dichotomy and the advantage of a lynch. Now of course, this doesn't mean that the town should be reckless and vote all willy-nilly, but find that sweet spot of cautious and decisive modes of operation. An overly-cautious town leads to situations not unlike what had occurred in the previous game. Not enough townies gave their pieces, and the Mafia took advantage of the situation masterfully.

This all being said, looking back, while I can see Cslaught's point in his justification for his vote, it does remind me of how Eduarda behaved opportunistically in Wizard 101. Only thing is, he seems slightly more resolute on his stance. @Cslaught02 , do you genuinely think kokirion is scum, or are you more or less playing a numbers game here: taking advantage of an early opportunity as far as lynches go? @Pendio and @karu, what do you two think about this scenario involving Cslaught and kokirion?

I do not genuinely believe Kokirion is scum, no. In all the games of mafia I played irl before joining ZD, it always seemed to benefit the town more to Lynch the first day so we have some idea of things going into day 2. I don't like giving the Mafia a free kill and yet have not even the slightest idea about who's who.

Unvote: Kokirion
Dec 28, 2016

That's fair. But it almost sounds like you're supporting the possibility of there being something more going on between you two.
Obviously, you're both together in an attempt to make me jealous. Not cool man. Not cool. If I see you two together again, I may have to take serious [legal] action. :bubsy:

Interesting. While I agree with you that it's better to get something done day 1, I disagree with the logic of just picking someone who has the most votes just because they have the most votes. I'm all for Day 1 lynches, in fact I encourage it for the most part, but I like there to be at least a little bit of valid reasoning behind it. Your vote on Koko is suspicious to me because it looks like a vote with genuine intention to lynch, but no reason behind it. I dislike day 1 no lynches, so I agree that something should be done, but that's not a great way to go about it. I only support RVS lynches if there's no real reason to lynch someone else. ergo, Day 1 doesn't get serious. I like how it's gotten serious now, because it means we have room for genuine discussion. Somewhat ironically enough, your vote against Koko has caused the day to turn serious and has spawned some great discussion, and makes me somewhat willing to lynch you today, but I'm going to hold off until you're able to say your piece.

Just out of curiosity, have you played mafia before in other places or are you totally new to the game?

Does that perhaps apply to yourself as well? :bubsy:

Hmm, this post is difficult to me. I see where you're coming from, but I have to respectfully disagree. I'm not fond of no lynches during day 1 because they leave us with no information to go off of the next day, and Day 2 starts back on square one, especially if the mafia are smart and decide not to kill night 1 as well or kill someone random. I am pro-lynch Day 1, almost completely. Lynching someone, even if it ends up being a townie, gives us something to go off of during the next day.

I find it quite interesting and pretty ironic, though, that you say it's smarter not to lynch someone day 1, then immediately follow that up with a seemingly genuine intent-to-lynch vote against someone. Quite interesting indeed. Also, one thing I've noticed is that scum tend to quite like no lynches, particularly when one of their own is in danger. Because of this, I can't help but wonder if maybe there's some sort of connection between you and Koki, or perhaps you're simply inexperienced, or perhaps it's both. I shall think about this a bit more.

In the meantime: FoS: Cslaught02
I have played mafia irl, but I just joined ZD a week ago so this is my first time in this site. I have played it a few times with friends though


@Tristan, I notice you being actually active in this game unlike the previous game. Plus the whole "trust no one" is one of the general rules in a game of Mafia, unless you yourself are the scum because scum knows who scum is. The fact that you're questioning me about this simple rule brings me to question: do you specifically trust someone in a game of mafia, Tristan? If so, you're scum, because scum knows who other scums are and there for you know who the townies are. Unlike the last game we played I'm keeping a closer eye one you. Oh and btw, I said "trust no one" but I also said "I'm keeping an eye out for everyone": even if I think/am sure you're townie I won't back off

@Mido, the whole situation with Cslaught02 and kokirion is rather interesting. There conversations and actions alone have started this game in a serous level, we at least have something to go off on. But as many of you mentioned before, it's rather suspicious that Cslaught02 voted for kokirion while they already had 2 votes on them. I think it's wise to keep a look out for Cslaught02, but then again this is their first time playing Mafia in ZD. Though they said the played irl: same rules just different play styles, you're not off the hook yet

This would be a whole lot more interesting if Moonstone was here. Man she was on everyone's tail. Oh well, don't go easy on me guys cause I won't be easy this time around

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011

That's fair. But it almost sounds like you're supporting the possibility of there being something more going on between you two.
Obviously, you're both together in an attempt to make me jealous. Not cool man. Not cool. If I see you two together again, I may have to take serious [legal] action. :bubsy:

Interesting. While I agree with you that it's better to get something done day 1, I disagree with the logic of just picking someone who has the most votes just because they have the most votes. I'm all for Day 1 lynches, in fact I encourage it for the most part, but I like there to be at least a little bit of valid reasoning behind it. Your vote on Koko is suspicious to me because it looks like a vote with genuine intention to lynch, but no reason behind it. I dislike day 1 no lynches, so I agree that something should be done, but that's not a great way to go about it. I only support RVS lynches if there's no real reason to lynch someone else. ergo, Day 1 doesn't get serious. I like how it's gotten serious now, because it means we have room for genuine discussion. Somewhat ironically enough, your vote against Koko has caused the day to turn serious and has spawned some great discussion, and makes me somewhat willing to lynch you today, but I'm going to hold off until you're able to say your piece.

Just out of curiosity, have you played mafia before in other places or are you totally new to the game?

Does that perhaps apply to yourself as well? :bubsy:

Hmm, this post is difficult to me. I see where you're coming from, but I have to respectfully disagree. I'm not fond of no lynches during day 1 because they leave us with no information to go off of the next day, and Day 2 starts back on square one, especially if the mafia are smart and decide not to kill night 1 as well or kill someone random. I am pro-lynch Day 1, almost completely. Lynching someone, even if it ends up being a townie, gives us something to go off of during the next day.

I find it quite interesting and pretty ironic, though, that you say it's smarter not to lynch someone day 1, then immediately follow that up with a seemingly genuine intent-to-lynch vote against someone. Quite interesting indeed. Also, one thing I've noticed is that scum tend to quite like no lynches, particularly when one of their own is in danger. Because of this, I can't help but wonder if maybe there's some sort of connection between you and Koki, or perhaps you're simply inexperienced, or perhaps it's both. I shall think about this a bit more.

In the meantime: FoS: Cslaught02

Furthermore, would it not also be a mafia move to cast suspicion on your greatest threat, that is, the person that is pointing out your mistakes? Tell us, why did you vote for Kokirion after he already had a vote?

You ask why I said what I said then casted a vote on Day 1, but it's pretty obvious to me, the strategy worked. Spread out votes and the mafia will reveal themselves. Cslaught revealed himself and here you come defending him. Also, you voted for the same person, interesting.

Even if it didn't work and we got a "2nd day 1" at least we'd have townies still, rather than lynchings everywhere.
Dec 28, 2016
Furthermore, would it not also be a mafia move to cast suspicion on your greatest threat, that is, the person that is pointing out your mistakes? Tell us, why did you vote for Kokirion after he already had a vote?

You ask why I said what I said then casted a vote on Day 1, but it's pretty obvious to me, the strategy worked. Spread out votes and the mafia will reveal themselves. Cslaught revealed himself and here you come defending him. Also, you voted for the same person, interesting.

Even if it didn't work and we got a "2nd day 1" at least we'd have townies still, rather than lynchings everywhere.

I know the saying risk it for the biscuit, and risking not killing anyone at all in order to have more townies is nice in theory, you're gonna be handing the advantage to the Mafia big time early game and that's not a risk I want to take. That could end up risking the entire game in the long run, as opposed to just the possibility of taking out an innocent or a scum. I think it's safer to walk in the dark with a match lit than nothing

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Nice to see some serious discussion this early in the game!

I don't necessarily agree with the idea that no lynch on day 1 leads to no information and another day 1 situation on day 2. Day 1 is tough because roles haven't really come into play yet, so no one has any information whatsoever to go off of. At least on day 2, people have performed their role actions and might have some good info to go off of. That's part of the reason why I don't like random lynching on the first day, because it could potentially take out a very helpful townie role.

There's been a lot of actual discussion happening, but I just woke up so I'll read back through everything again later on and post my thoughts about it then.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Furthermore, would it not also be a mafia move to cast suspicion on your greatest threat, that is, the person that is pointing out your mistakes? Tell us, why did you vote for Kokirion after he already had a vote?

You ask why I said what I said then casted a vote on Day 1, but it's pretty obvious to me, the strategy worked. Spread out votes and the mafia will reveal themselves. Cslaught revealed himself and here you come defending him. Also, you voted for the same person, interesting.

Even if it didn't work and we got a "2nd day 1" at least we'd have townies still, rather than lynchings everywhere.
We could have two more townies, or we could have two more scum. Day One lynches almost never have a strong base, and are often town, but having a second day one on day two sticks us in the same position, especially if we have a smart scumteam who kills someone whos quiet and laying low.
As for what Minish said, roles dont always help. If youre a doctor, for example, your role doesnt really help you decide much. And even roles like cop arent infallible, what with investigstion-proof godfsthers. Its the flips that, in my experience, lead to scum moreso than night actions.
Dec 28, 2016
If we just sit back and let the mafia do whatever, they're gonna have the upper hand in the game. I personally think we need to be aggressive in fighting them, even if our guesses at this point are willy nilly. It'll keep them on their toes instead of making victory easy

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
I know the saying risk it for the biscuit, and risking not killing anyone at all in order to have more townies is nice in theory, you're gonna be handing the advantage to the Mafia big time early game and that's not a risk I want to take. That could end up risking the entire game in the long run, as opposed to just the possibility of taking out an innocent or a scum. I think it's safer to walk in the dark with a match lit than nothing
Who knows, maybe it is because I'm inexperienced, but I don't see how lynching a townie(which is the likely scenario) and leaving another for the mafia will put townies in a advantage. The simple fact is if we do that, we'll have less townies, which we want to avoid.

Scenario 1: We lynch day 1 and take out a townie, mafia takes another out during night. Mafia 2, Townies 0

Scenario 2: We lynch day 1 and take out a townie, mafia stays silent during night, allowing us to kill ourselves. Mafia 1, Townies 0

Scenario 3:We don't lynch day 1 and mafia does. Mafia 1 Townies 0

Scenario 4: Neither lynch, during the night phase, townies gather info. 0-0

We won't have any info at all until night phase when we gather info or mafia strikes against us. A day 1 lynch is a shot in the dark and is statistically unwise.
Dec 28, 2016
Who knows, maybe it is because I'm inexperienced, but I don't see how lynching a townie(which is the likely scenario) and leaving another for the mafia will put townies in a advantage. The simple fact is if we do that, we'll have less townies, which we want to avoid.

Scenario 1: We lynch day 1 and take out a townie, mafia takes another out during night. Mafia 2, Townies 0

Scenario 2: We lynch day 1 and take out a townie, mafia stays silent during night, allowing us to kill ourselves. Mafia 1, Townies 0

Scenario 3:We don't lynch day 1 and mafia does. Mafia 1 Townies 0

Scenario 4: Neither lynch, during the night phase, townies gather info. 0-0

We won't have any info at all until night phase when we gather info or mafia strikes against us. A day 1 lynch is a shot in the dark and is statistically unwise.

Hmm. I guess you're right about that. It's kind of a characteristic of mine in a competitive atmosphere to be aggressive, but when you put it that way it does make a lot more sense to just play it cool and calm. I've already withdrawn my vote so I don't think I'm gonna recast it unless I see someone give themselves away pretty obviously
Dec 28, 2016
My experience playing irl was always aggressive cause you could use emotions and facial tells, but the playstyle in here is a lot different. I think patience might be a better route for this one


Jun 19, 2010
I'm against no-lynching almost as a matter of principle, so I sympathize with Cslaught in that regard, but to attempt to lynch someone so early and without any discussion or evidence is suspicious, especially when it's a middle vote like his was. I'd understand if it was just a random vote, which is what I initially assumed it was, but then he explained that he was actually attempting to lynch him.

Why go for a lynch at the very beginning and before any discussion or evidence, @Cslaught02? Even if you feel lynching someone today is necessary, why not wait until later? Why go after kokirion right now for no particular reason?

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
@Tristan, I notice you being actually active in this game unlike the previous game. Plus the whole "trust no one" is one of the general rules in a game of Mafia, unless you yourself are the scum because scum knows who scum is. The fact that you're questioning me about this simple rule brings me to question: do you specifically trust someone in a game of mafia, Tristan? If so, you're scum, because scum knows who other scums are and there for you know who the townies are. Unlike the last game we played I'm keeping a closer eye one you. Oh and btw, I said "trust no one" but I also said "I'm keeping an eye out for everyone": even if I think/am sure you're townie I won't back off
Was just a joke (mostly) :P But since you asked, no, not exactly. However, trusting someone doesn't instantly make them scum. There are other roles besides scum that know someone else's role, eg. Masons, Lovers, etc. Then there are of course Innocent Children in some games, or maybe there's been a cop confirmation on people. I agree with the trust no-one rule.

Furthermore, would it not also be a mafia move to cast suspicion on your greatest threat, that is, the person that is pointing out your mistakes? Tell us, why did you vote for Kokirion after he already had a vote?
Simply a non-serious vote. Simply voting for people without reason for ****s and giggles with no intent-to-lynch. Common during first days and during the jokey phase of the game. You yourself also gave a non-serious vote, the fact that it gave him 2 votes doesn't matter that early on. Sometimes people get 4, 5, 6 votes during Day 1. I'm not saying Day 1 votes shouldn't be taken seriously, because every single vote placed in a game should be taken seriously (including your own RVS vote), but they're meaningless at this point. Koko was in no danger, and notice I removed my vote once the day got serious.

You ask why I said what I said then casted a vote on Day 1, but it's pretty obvious to me, the strategy worked. Spread out votes and the mafia will reveal themselves. Cslaught revealed himself and here you come defending him. Also, you voted for the same person, interesting.
You're talking as if you're sure Cslaught is mafia, which you can't be unless you're also mafia. Also, your saying you think a no lynch is beneficial, and then immediately following that up with a vote, was noteworthy to me. I didn't say I was suspicious of you over it, simply that it was interesting. Also, never once did I defend Cslaught, I simply stated why I disagreed with your post. On the contrary, I did the opposite of defend him, as I, in that very same post, declared suspicion on him. And I didn't vote for him, I "FoS'd" him, which means Finger of Suspicion (which I generally use to say "ya this person is suspicious, and I think I'd be willing to vote for them, but I'd rather let them come back and talk first").

Even if it didn't work and we got a "2nd day 1" at least we'd have townies still, rather than lynchings everywhere.
The problem is, this creates a sort of grey area. I totally see where you're coming from, but if we do nothing Day 1, then begin Day 2 with no information, we essentially repeat the day. We do nothing again, since we have nothing to go on, and then Day 3 is another repeat of that Day. And so on and so forth. I understand what you're saying, but no lynches during day 1 ultimately do more harm than good in the end. Active townies are successful townies. In Sherlock mafia, the town was more laid back, and it contributed to a town loss.

If anything, I find day 1 no lynches, even the proposal of such, to be quite a bit more suspicious than actively contributing to lynches, because it reads as mafia trying to play it safe, trying to stay off the radar. I'm not necessarily suspicious of you, but I might slowly be getting to that point. I do acknowledge that you're new to the game though (I think).

I don't necessarily agree with the idea that no lynch on day 1 leads to no information and another day 1 situation on day 2. Day 1 is tough because roles haven't really come into play yet, so no one has any information whatsoever to go off of. At least on day 2, people have performed their role actions and might have some good info to go off of. That's part of the reason why I don't like random lynching on the first day, because it could potentially take out a very helpful townie role.
The thing I dislike about this is that there are things like roleblockers that should be taken into account, plus the fact that most roles don't give any information unless they are successful, with the exception of investigative type roles (which is where the aforementioned roleblockers come into play). There are just too many variables for me to really support ending Day 1 without a lynch.
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