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Game Thread Anime Girls Mafia - The Kawaii Yakuza

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Hi, Karu-chan! It's nice to see you return for another Mafia game.

Thank you Pendio senpai, I'm determined to win this time!
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Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
What an amazing welcome, girls! I feel so emotional right now.

Tristina-chan, on another note, I would kindly like to ask you to stop trying to peer into my bedroom when I sleep at night. I understand this is a difficult period for you (bad joke, baaaaaaaad joke) but licking my daughter's bicycle when she's at school is not the solution.
you need help.

My, that sounds awfully nightmarish! Let's teach that meanie a lesson!


Vote: Tristan

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
What an amazing welcome, girls! I feel so emotional right now.

Tristina-chan, on another note, I would kindly like to ask you to stop trying to peer into my bedroom when I sleep at night. I understand this is a difficult period for you (bad joke, baaaaaaaad joke) but licking my daughter's bicycle when she's at school is not the solution.
you need help.
It satisfies me to um, er... y'know... awkward

sozzles friend >:

Anyway, I find Mido's vote to be rather peculiar seeing as he was standing alongside me during the aforementioned bedroom peering, yet Kokirion failed to mention him. Are they in cahoots? Hmm? Wtf Mido man I thought we had something! :kawaii: I'll be keeping a close eye on you my good friend!

*waves to Mido*


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
It satisfies me to um, er... y'know... awkward

sozzles friend >:

Anyway, I find Mido's vote to be rather peculiar seeing as he was standing alongside me during the aforementioned bedroom peering, yet Kokirion failed to mention him. Are they in cahoots? Hmm? Wtf Mido man I thought we had something! :kawaii: I'll be keeping a close eye on you my good friend!

*waves to Mido*

*waves back to Tristan*

Hey look, you and I both know that I was not there with you. I was in charge of stealing the bike and buying groceries, but by the time I got there, it had been licked! :eek: As far as the peeping tom business goes, ever since that mystery man tried to peep into Jamie's room in Storm's Chaos Mafia, I think it is very fair to be sensitive about these things. Dangerous times, my friend!


Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
It satisfies me to um, er... y'know... awkward

sozzles friend >:

Anyway, I find Mido's vote to be rather peculiar seeing as he was standing alongside me during the aforementioned bedroom peering, yet Kokirion failed to mention him. Are they in cahoots? Hmm? Wtf Mido man I thought we had something! :kawaii: I'll be keeping a close eye on you my good friend!

*waves to Mido*
Well, that is correct, but he was invited : /
I mean, I always ask him to pass by at night, sit in the chair of my grandma next to my bed while petting me and slowly repeating that I'm very precious to him. How else can I sleep at night? : |


Actually, I'm gonna vote for Cslaught02. He was the 3rd to vote for me, without any "original" reason. I dislike day 1 bandwagoning, it's easy and safe to hide between the others before you. He deserves my vote : ')

Vote: Cslaught02

Gonna go with the hive mind. Vote: Kokirion
Dec 28, 2016
I just feel like it's smarter to actually get something done on the first day than bickering between our selves and just randomly picking someone no one else has picked. It just so happened 2 others had picked you, so statistically the best choice for a vote was you. *shrug*


Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
I just feel like it's smarter to actually get something done on the first day than bickering between our selves and just randomly picking someone no one else has picked. It just so happened 2 others had picked you, so statistically the best choice for a vote was you. *shrug*
no no, I disagree. That's an easy move. No confrontation because 2 are already before you, and avoiding confrontations is not a towntell btw, and so blindly jumping on other people's bandwagons is also not beneficial for the town. You don't know who these other people are, you don't know if it is mafia-initiated or not. The willingness to just join a bandwagon to "lynch someone" is quite scummy actually. My vote on you stays. in my opinion you are right now the person with the most evidence against. Or in other words, currently the best option to lynch. Because you are right, randomly lynching someone makes no sense, so let's go for the person who has the highest chance of being scum.


In that case you'd better be on my side. ;)

This is a game of trust no one, senpai. If you're town you're town, but I won't know that. If you're scum you're scum, and I still won't know that. Keeping my eye on everyone!!! Though from my previous game experience I kinda of get how to pick out the mafia, I'm confident in my guts this game!!! Bring. It. On.

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
I just feel like it's smarter to actually get something done on the first day than bickering between our selves and just randomly picking someone no one else has picked. It just so happened 2 others had picked you, so statistically the best choice for a vote was you. *shrug*

It's actually smarter NOT to lynch someone day 1. We don't want to accidently lybch someone who's a townie "just to get something done". Ideally, the scum would get only 1 kill the first day instead of two. No townie should add votes to a player for no reason. Idk if this goes by the "one vote isn't enough rule" but if all the townies spread their votes out, then the ball would be in the mafia's court to reveal themselves. Like you or Tristan just did. Except, I'm more sure against you cause you said, "Let's lynch someone and get something done"


Vote Cslaught02


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
It's actually smarter NOT to lynch someone day 1. We don't want to accidently lybch someone who's a townie "just to get something done". Ideally, the scum would get only 1 kill the first day instead of two. No townie should add votes to a player for no reason. Idk if this goes by the "one vote isn't enough rule" but if all the townies spread their votes out, then the ball would be in the mafia's court to reveal themselves. Like you or Tristan just did. Except, I'm more sure against you cause you said, "Let's lynch someone and get something done"


Vote Cslaught02

This dictotomy works both ways. While a no lynch does guarantee less casualties during the day-to-night sequence, the playing field for evidence in terms of alignment revelation becomes sparse, giving the Mafia a potential edge via a free kill (and if this happens day 1, the next day becomes a "second" day 1 in some respects).The lynch is the town's greatest weapon for outing scum, so while a no lynch is perfectly viable, it is important to recognize the other side of the dichotomy and the advantage of a lynch. Now of course, this doesn't mean that the town should be reckless and vote all willy-nilly, but find that sweet spot of cautious and decisive modes of operation. An overly-cautious town leads to situations not unlike what had occurred in the previous game. Not enough townies gave their pieces, and the Mafia took advantage of the situation masterfully.

This all being said, looking back, while I can see Cslaught's point in his justification for his vote, it does remind me of how Eduarda behaved opportunistically in Wizard 101. Only thing is, he seems slightly more resolute on his stance. @Cslaught02 , do you genuinely think kokirion is scum, or are you more or less playing a numbers game here: taking advantage of an early opportunity as far as lynches go? @Pendio and @karu, what do you two think about this scenario involving Cslaught and kokirion?


The game is on!
This is a game of trust no one, senpai. If you're town you're town, but I won't know that. If you're scum you're scum, and I still won't know that. Keeping my eye on everyone!!! Though from my previous game experience I kinda of get how to pick out the mafia, I'm confident in my guts this game!!! Bring. It. On.

Bring it on, indeed!


Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
This dictotomy works both ways. While a no lynch does guarantee less casualties during the day-to-night sequence, the playing field for evidence in terms of alignment revelation becomes sparse, giving the Mafia a potential edge via a free kill (and if this happens day 1, the next day becomes a "second" day 1 in some respects).The lynch is the town's greatest weapon for outing scum, so while a no lynch is perfectly viable, it is important to recognize the other side of the dichotomy and the advantage of a lynch. Now of course, this doesn't mean that the town should be reckless and vote all willy-nilly, but find that sweet spot of cautious and decisive modes of operation. An overly-cautious town leads to situations not unlike what had occurred in the previous game. Not enough townies gave their pieces, and the Mafia took advantage of the situation masterfully.

This all being said, looking back, while I can see Cslaught's point in his justification for his vote, it does remind me of how Eduarda behaved opportunistically in Wizard 101. Only thing is, he seems slightly more resolute on his stance. @Cslaught02 , do you genuinely think kokirion is scum, or are you more or less playing a numbers game here: taking advantage of an early opportunity as far as lynches go? @Pendio and @karu, what do you two think about this scenario involving Cslaught and kokirion?

I still feel like the first scenario is far more likely, oni-chan :3
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