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Breath of the Wild An alternate completion percentage system

Jun 28, 2020
This is how the game calculates the completion rating:
Divine Beast: 0.08% each * 4 = 0.32%
Shrines: 0.08% each * 120 = 9.60%
Named Locations: 0.08% or 0.09% * 226 = 18.08%
Korok Seeds: 0.08% * 900 = 72%

I get that Nintendo wanted to make it clear how getting 100% is far from necessary with Hestu's gift and all, but I find it a tad bit ridiculous that finishing a Divine Beast is the same amount of map completion % as a nugget of Korok feces. I'd lower the Korok seeds to just 0.01%, since they are practically sub-levels in the 'named locations' categories, being a landmark at the very most. Shrines hold more significance as a sub-location since it also functions as a warp point and dungeon segment. Even though a Shrine grants 1/4 of full upgrade a Divine Beast would grant, most Shrines are only a single puzzle whereas Divine Beasts are five terminals with central mechanisms, so I would have a Shrine be 1/5 of a Divine Beast's percentage. With the remaining 21%, I would distribute it among the named locations. Just to make things more even, I'd remove a single name for a location for 225 in total and have 1/3rd of these weigh slightly less.

DB: 2.5% each * 4 = 10%
Shrines: 0.5% * 120 = 60%
Named Locations: (0.1% * 150) + (0.08% * 75) = 21%
Korok Seeds: 0.01% * 900 = 9%

I also feel like activating towers should also have weight but I just focused on what the game already took for its rating. If the Sheikah Slate in BotW 2 gets an iOS update, I just hope the percentage meter at least weighs the Korok Seeds less than a full dungeon.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Divine beasts should account for a significant portion of completion percentage imo, not 10%
It takes longer to do the divine Beasts than the average side or shrine quest and it's the marginally more intended gameplay pattern from the devs
On the other side of the same coin, 60% feels like way too much for shrines or any singular objective to take alone
Something like 40/30 on these two would make more sense to me
Jun 28, 2020
Divine beasts should account for a significant portion of completion percentage imo, not 10%
It takes longer to do the divine Beasts than the average side or shrine quest and it's the marginally more intended gameplay pattern from the devs
On the other side of the same coin, 60% feels like way too much for shrines or any singular objective to take alone
Something like 40/30 on these two would make more sense to me
Yeah, that makes sense. The game definitely has little railroads to follow leading up to the Divine Beast. I would still give more significance to the Shrines in the end since there are just so many of them across the map, many having their own 'Shrine Quests' as well.
Oct 26, 2008
Based on the numbers you stated in the initial post, it looks like Nintendo didn't really want to put too much thought/stock into the completion percentage. They've clearly decided on what they want to constitute the completion percentage, found the total sum of progression markers and just divided 100 by that figure for an even weighting.

In reality the weighting is always going to be subjective, especially for a game where nearly everything is optional which is probably why they didn't place too much thought into it. IMO, they should have divided the weighting into these categories:
  • Main quest progression
  • Side quest progression
  • Sheikah slate completion
  • Map completion
    • Locations discovered
    • Shrines
    • Towers
  • Collectibles (i.e. Korok seeds)
Either make collecting all korok seeds a side quest or leave it as it is as part of the collectibles section. Personally I'd argue a signficant portion of progress should be tied into the quest sections, then map/slate completion with collectables being the smallest of the lot.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
to give botw credit where it's due (and to avoid making me seem like a rage monster) I actually like the idea of new areas being tied to game completion, although I'd like it if some of the secret areas were a bit harder to find and a bit more grand
The completion percentage isn't a completion percentage. It's on the map because it's a map completion percentage. All the other lists like shrine quests and sidequests have their own separate count, shown in the corresponding menus. Nintendo just didn't consider putting a master completion count into the game so everyone just chooses to go by the map one for having an actual percent. I agree there could have been something better, but you can have 100% map completion and still not have 100%ed the game, so using it to measure completion is rather dumb imo. Consider not having all armor sets and have upgraded them all, gotten all memories, completed the compendium, etc.

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