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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

Aug 22, 2019
Omg my totally real posting restriction is gone now
My totally trustworthy and no longer a murderer friend! Are you vote-bearing? Would you care to help me put one Mr. Exlight behind bars?
John Jonah Jameson Jr. (II) is the JJJ that you are referring to. John Jonah Jameson the 3rd (III) is the one who died. :(
Right. Totally not confusing at all. Family names and all that. So JJJ(II) will be very sad his son was murdered.


Staff member
Well that sucks. Without JJJ, how will the Bugle function?

In other news, I have new information that heavily implicates one Mr. Exlight as being one of the heads of the not one, not two, but THREE mafias! Three of them! And it seems one of the other mafias has been keeping him silenced? Infighting indeed. I must conclude that the mafias cannot win together at this time...
nah I'm townie af
Aug 22, 2019
As nice as it is to hear from you, my ability has let me know that you did in fact go to a meeting with some shady people, one of which is known to be shady to more than just myself. Because of this, I would like to see you arrested.
Aug 22, 2019
Oh but also just wanna say on the record the mafia probably isn't actually evil
*evil* is so subjective these days. But regardless of morality, two people are dead this morning and it is heavily implied that the varying mafias are involved. So at least we'll learn something from this and hopefully prevent another murder?

also matching intel was bad terrible dont
I think I had a stroke while reading this. Please elaborate.

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