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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
My Spidey sense is tingling.
Explain more.
Having a tingling sensation might be a symptom of early onset brain cancer. You might want to see a doctor. Have you been to any foreign countries lately? Ate any strange fruit? Bitten by any wild animals?


Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
It smells like a trap, I've told Zinger I'm not going! Especially with the lack of response to my post 7 hours ago!
Dec 13, 2019
I can't speak for the others, but I tend to be a busy man.

That said, they are correct. Aliens have arrived and are threatening to kill everyone in the Century Club, unless we meet their demands.

The demands are to forfeit all the money we have.

If, however, you intervene it'll prevent any of that from happening.

The Human Torch

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jul 17, 2023
In any case,

Meet me at the Statue of Liberty on Thursday October 5th, at 10:00 am, EST.

Speaking of mechanical revelations, if you happen to have an unfulfilled Lovers Motivation and you have a thing for law-abiding hot-shots, reach out through the paper, ladies.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
In any case,

Meet me at the Statue of Liberty on Thursday October 5th, at 10:00 am, EST.

Speaking of mechanical revelations, if you happen to have an unfulfilled Lovers Motivation and you have a thing for law-abiding hot-shots, reach out through the paper, ladies.
I'll keep you in mind, boo


Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
In any case,

Meet me at the Statue of Liberty on Thursday October 5th, at 10:00 am, EST.

Speaking of mechanical revelations, if you happen to have an unfulfilled Lovers Motivation and you have a thing for law-abiding hot-shots, reach out through the paper, ladies.
Is this for me to meet you?
Dec 13, 2019
I suppose I should add that since the decision for this occurs before end of night, I'll have an opportunity to react.

Let me be clear:

Should the aliens succeed, then that will set the rich back for sure as well as myself personally. While Human Torch is an admirable human being, I am not blind to hazards to myself. The opportunity for a joint victory will be moot, and all I'll have done is sat on my hands while town, and Spider-Man, can react accordingly to the setback I've suffered.

To deal with that, I'm just going to watch the world burn. No reason not to since there is no interest in a joint victory.


King of Lorule Lounge
Staff member
Jan 19, 2018
Hey, I want a joint victory as much as the next guy, but I don't think I'm capable of taking on a bunch of aliens.
Dec 13, 2019
Indeed, but I don't see you doing as Human Torch did and advising Spider-Man either.

Inaction is just as much an action one can (not) take as anything else.
Jun 25, 2020
It smells like a trap, I've told Zinger I'm not going! Especially with the lack of response to my post 7 hours ago!
It was a busy day sorry. I could pass someone you trust some money if that's what you're into. Better to help town out than to just lose it all tbh.

The Human Torch

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jul 17, 2023
I doubt the transfer would go through before this incident resolves, to be honest.

This could conceivably end up being bad for Spiderman, since it's an offer targeted directly at them, maybe some base suspicion is warranted. It's possible there's multiple results for them going, some of which may be worse than what we're told will occur if they don't. However, it doesn't seem to me as if the downsides of the aliens achieving victory are in any way worth the guarantee of personal safety (which will pretty much always be a risk in this profession). The joint victory becoming a mechanical possibility suffers a very significant setback, there is potential for loss of life, and the townsfolk (by extension the Superheroes) lose social allies.

Of course, Hello World's prophecy could have already come true and Spiderman wants a bad outcome to occur, I don't think this is likely but it's always a possibility.

I hope there's still time to save them, but whatever happens tonight, it benefits everyone to jail Doc tomorrow, so we have that to look forward to.

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