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A Link Between Worlds RP


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
((And I'm back. Thanks for not making me have to read through a buttload. I suppose I'll take control of the thief leader. But assume the boss battle in their hideout wasn't against that red ghost/skeleton thing. Replace it with a sword fight similar to the darknut mini boss in TP's Temple of Time in your mind. I just don't see an undead creature leading anyone other than monsters.))

The thief leader, known only as Blind, was in his room. It resembled a throne room, if you didn't consider the haphazard piles of anything and everything strung all over. These piles generally didn't include treasure or rupees. Those were in the vaults in the basement, and only Blind had the keys. He was much more organized with objects of value, everything else he tended to scatter everywhere like a pack rat.

There was a ruckus outside the door. Shaking his head, Blind stood up and went to investigate. It was probably another disagreement over who got what treasure. The new recruits tended to do that a lot until they learned how things worked in the guild. Sometimes they needed the rules literally pounded into them with sticks. Blind didn't like fights between his members because he didn't like all the annoying yelling and screaming that was usually involved.

A man barged in, demanding information on the monster cult. Blind only had one eye, but his vision was sharp. He could tell who this was. Glaring with his single eye, he addressed the man firmly. "Those savages have taken some of my best thieves. Which you would be, if you hadn't refused my offer. Tell me, why the sudden interest?"

((Will post for my mains later.))


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
"Because they took Madi, ****it!" The man snapped, being familiar enough with Blind to trust that the guild leader knew his sister's name. "Now tell me how I can find these sick *******s, or so help me I will kill you where you stand." His glare was dangerous, furious, and almost unstable. His eyes were practically glowing with malice. and his fists were clenched tight in rage. If he had to waste one single moment to get his sister back, and if she (Sacred Realm forbid) were hurt because of it, there would be no power on this earth that could keep him from exacting his revenge...

((...Hope you don't mind the slight assumption on Blind. But Dagger and Madi really have spent a lot of time with the thieves. They just never joined. So... yeah.))


Sage of Tales
Hilda paced up and down the main hall of Lorule Castle. She was furious. After signing up adventurers and preparing pardons for those who'd had some shade in their personal histories, she was approached by the captain of her guard and informed that they'd had a prisoner-escape and that some of her men were dead. Messengers had been dispatched to inform families and the bodies rested in the cool of the underground castle morgue.

The escapee, of course, was that psychotic punk that had stormed through her halls earlier in the day. All the soldiers of Hyrule were given his description and were on the lookout for him. If all went well, the loved one of his who'd been captured would be saved, but she would attend his eventual execution.


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
((Think you made a typo Shadsie. "All the soldiers of Hyrule"...shouldn't it be Lorule? And that's fine Tatl.))

Blind wasn't fazed by the threat, but now he was glad this guy had refused. Real shame, given his skill...and that little girl had potential as well. But if he couldn't respect him, the feared and revered thief lord, then he would just be trouble.

"I will tell you what I know. Many of the thieves have seen cult activity at Dark Palace, lately some in and around Skull Woods. I would make haste if I were you, and don't let your guard down. They're not afraid to attack first and ask questions later. I wish you luck. Just know that threatening me like that has taken you off the potential recruit list for good."


Lilla smiled at the mention of Matt's name. "Dark Palace. I was there..." Her expression changed to a mix of sadness and anger. "The other guy that was there...never came back." She noticed someone behind her. "Oh." She said to the farm girl. "...Are you lost? This is the capital of Lorule, the farms are that way..."


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
"Thank the goddesses." Was Dagger's reply to Blind's 'bad news'. He'd never wanted to be part of this guild, and never would. He was glad to stop the offers. But he was grateful for the information, so he gave the guild leader a... slightly respectful nod before leaving his presence. He had no words, that was as much of a 'thank you' as he was ever going to give. He'd head for the Dark Palace first. If Madi was there, she'd have been suffering the longest...


Madi hadn't moved since she was first chained up here, in this terrifying, nearly pitch-black palace dungeon. Mostly because if she did, she would see those monstrous eyes... She had the brim of her witch's hat low over her eyes, and her head bowed low, and even then she could barely avoid them. Adding the fact that she was shaking so hard she barely even could move, you shouldn't be surprised that she'd chosen to stay where she was.

She was vaguely aware of what these... monster-men, priest, people wanted from her, and completely aware that they needed her alive to do it. They wanted her to bring that monster to life. They hadn't told her how, but she suspected they would when they felt her 'ready'. But judging by the fact that they'd left her food and water in this place, she had a bad feeling it would take a while...


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
"Where am I? I... I was in my farm, taking care of things... then I was in the woods with my farm gone and monsters everywhere and where am I?" She's so panicked she's close to tears.
"Calm down." Margyreth says gently, black eyes meeting her wild green ones. "You're in Lorule... you must have found the remains of a portal, and came here by accident." He explains. "It's... very rare, though..."
"L... Lorule? The parallel Hyrule?" She asks, voice trembling.
"The very same."
"But... but how do I go back?" Her voice is quiet.
Margyreth looks to Lilla for help.


Fury, Spirit, and Will
Mar 22, 2010
Draegr stopped in his tracks. There was someone walking down the other hall. He took a quick peek, and found it to be a young woman; maybe in late teen, who vaguely resembled the Girl-ruler of Hyrule. He didn't want to stay in the shadows, if someone found him, that make it even more threatening. He decided just to take a chance, and walked into the light. He just casually walked past the Purple-haired girl.


Fury, Spirit, and Will
Mar 22, 2010
Draegr almost dodged, but he had already decided to be cooperative. SO he just stood there and was pinned to the wall. e just looked around, and sighed. "Hello."


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
"The portals to my knowledge, can't be accessed by just anyone. You need a gem called Betwinite, or else they won't work." Lilla explained. "Since you're here, you must have a Betwinite. Try to remember: did you pick up any strange rocks lately? I'm afraid I can't show you what Betwinite looks like, that's one of the treasures I don't have." She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around, smiling when she saw who it was. "MATT! You're still here! I thought you'd already gone out to the palaces!"

"I was taking off. I heard your voice. Been awhile...but there's not much time for chatter. The cult took Rayon, if we want him back alive we better hurry."

Lilla frowned. "So you didn't hear...it's too late. They already killed him."

Matt hung his head, sighing. "May the gods have mercy on his soul..." He wasn't normally religious, but at times like this, it was appropriate. When he looked back up, he blinked. "Who's the farmer?"

"She's from Hyrule. She stumbled into a portal somehow. She doesn't seem to understand how Betwinite works."


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
"I just have this." She shows Lilla her necklace with cut Betwenite. "Is this it?"
"Looks like it." He shows her his ring.
"So... I crossed worlds?! How do I get back?" She's starting to panic again


Fury, Spirit, and Will
Mar 22, 2010
"My name is Draegr. I am a Deku Huntsman. My business? It's to.... I doubt you'd believe me, but I'm from. Another world."


Sage of Tales
"Hyrule," Hilda said. She let the bewildered Deku up. "I don't see too many from the non-human peoples in Lorule. The sundering of the land wiped out many races. Am I to assume that Princess Zelda has caught wind of our recent turmoil with the Monster Cult? Or are you simply here on your own business?"

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