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A Link Between Worlds RP


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
((Uhm, although you may find this hypocritical, Dragoncat, you just GMed me. Not cool. But I'll go with it.))

"And I could say the same to you!" The man shouted back angrily, not even breaking his stride.

((Now IF YOU WANT, you can have her recognize his voice. Because although he's not a member of the Thieves' Guild, he does interact with them a lot, or at the very least has their attention. I like to think they've tried to recruit him before, but he refused since he doesn't like to take orders.))


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
((You said he was running toward thieves town...sorry you took it as GMing. Lilla is running away from there to the castle. See my point?))

Lilla blinked. "I think I remember you! You're the guy who refused a position in the guild!" She ran after him. "I don't think the boss will find your sudden mind change very amusing!"


Matt watched Hilda with the paper, shrugging. "Quite a speech, your highness...Don't know if you heard me say before, but I have some information that will be useful. Dark Palace, according to an aquaintance of mine, is the cult's main base. Should we go there first?"


Fury, Spirit, and Will
Mar 22, 2010
"Well. That wasn't very helpful, Draegr." The man(?) thought to himself. There was nothing down here, but some cells, and some dead guards. That didn't make him feel right. Someone killed these guards......
He started back up to the higher levels of the castle, trying to stay hidden but also hoping to find someone with answers.


Sage of Tales
Hilda's attention was caught by the mention of the Dark Palace. "How did you come by this information?" she asked. "Perhaps those that helped you glean it could be useful..." She nodded. "Yes. That should be the first place you investigate."


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
((That wasn't what I found GMing. The fact that YOU decided that MY character bumped into YOUR character, that's GMing. It should have been my decision if he ran into Lilla or not. But again, I don't mind. I just wanna make sure you know the difference.))

"Trust me, I didn't change my mind." The man growled, wondering exactly why this girl was following him.


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
Vivian stumbles into Lorule, not entirely sure what had happened. She sees the monsters and attacks swiftly, without thinking. She looks around, so confused. "What is this place?" She says, lost.


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
((I said he almost bumped into her. But no big deal. Now, you can either take control of a thief when he gets there, or I can use the NPC Rico again...whatever works better for you.))

Lilla decided not to bug the guy anymore. She had almost forgotten why she was headed for the capital in the first place. Matt had to be wondering where she was, and if the stranger wanted trouble, he would find plenty of it in Thieves Town. If she heard of any foul play though...

Too late now. He was already out of range and she was already at the castle. A guard stared her down. "Halt!" He pointed his weapon at her. "State your business!"

"I'm looking for a friend. About this tall, black messy hair, hazel eyes. Have you seen him?"

The guard thought for a second. "I think I saw him during the break in-"

Lilla gasped. "Break in?"

"Yes, break in. Where do you think I got this?" The guard pointed to a bloody bandage on his leg. "Your friend had nothing to do with it. Seems like a good guy. Last I knew, he was going to meet with Princess Hilda in the throne room. I think you can be trusted. Come on in."


Matt shrugged. "Maybe..."


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
Margyreth sees Lilla and goes over to her. "Haven't seen you in a while, Thief Girl." He grins. He knows most of those who live in Thief Town. "What's the occasion?"
Vivian stumbles out of the forest, having fought her way through, and she runs to the now-visible castle. She has no idea where she is, or how she got here.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
((Still, the way you wrote it made it obvious you were controlling my character. But I actually have no plan. For once, Dagger is running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.))

Dagger didn't waste a moment of time in this stupid town. He stalked through the village, dodging people as they tried to rob him, and made his way directly to the leader of the guild. "I want every bit of informaiton you have on the monster cult." He demanded, the fire in his bloodred eyes screaming that he wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer.

((...Can I give him charmspeaking in this? It would work like the charmspeak in Heroes of Olympus, but I wouldn't use it a lot, and mostly on NPCs. Can I have it plz?))


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
((If this was a HoO rp, I would say ok...I dont see it being realistic for this world. I guess he can have good persuasion skills. As long as they dont get too much like charmspeak...))

Lilla smiled slightly. She wasn't sure exactly how she got that nickname, there were plenty of other female members of the theives guild. But then again, she had strayed farther from the base than them. "I hear something is finally being done about the monster cult. Where are the people who want to help supposed to go?"


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
"The palaces, Ice Ruins, and Skull Woods. But Matt said the base is at the Da-" he breaks off, seeing a girl he's never seen before, dressed oddly, with a straw hat and leather gloves, pants and a tunic, and orange-red hair. She looks very panicked.
Where am I? What happened? What's going on?! Vivian thinks in a frenzy.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
((Dude, with all due respect, he has good persuasion skills even without your permission. If you don't want the superpower, that's alright. But I have no idea who Dagger is talking to, OoC-wise. Anyone wanna play the leader of the thieves?))


Sage of Tales
Kanis and his masked followers slunk through the woods. They were just above Kakairko Village and the gaps between the lands had been filled, so it was possible to travel between the two without incident. The cult stayed well-concealed among the trees. Kanis wondered if they should harvest more fresh blood for their rituals from people who would not be missed. They targeted thieves because honest people did not care about them.

Empress Hilda seemed to care. Her men had been in force upon the road, causing the Masked Elder to employ his cloaking-spells. The thieves feared the castle guard, but an overheard conversation told him that they were actually there to try to protect them. Murder was always a greater crime.

Such petty things would not matter when they all became monsters.

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