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4 Swords Adventure


Apr 19, 2009
I'm not sure of the reason. I would very much like to see a FSA section. Then again, I would also love to see a section for Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland and I seriously doubt that that is ever going to happen :P.


Jan 19, 2011
If any of you have never played Four Swords Adventures, then hury up and pick up a copy! It is seriously as good as a canon Zelda game, like A Link to the Past, but it's different at the same time. People seam to pass over it, but it is seriously a great game. The only difference between this game and other 2-D Zelda games, is that the game is broken up into levels, like a Super Mario Bros. game. I thought this was dumb at first, but after playing to the middle of the second world (8 worlds with 3 levels a piece) I fell in love with the game.

Pick it up if you like 2-D Zelda!
May 25, 2008
In my house
The main reason we don't have an FSA section, is because Mases never felt it was a true Zelda game. He instead chose to focus on the more "main" Zelda games, and thus a section for it was never created. I'm planning on making a section for it this summer, but don't quote me on it.

Nov 7, 2010
why FSA is "non-cannon", I really dont see a problem with it, plus, is a pretty pretty good games as zelda games are

Unlucky Monkey

The Great King of Apes
May 17, 2011
NRW, Germany
The main reason we don't have an FSA section, is because Mases never felt it was a true Zelda game. He instead chose to focus on the more "main" Zelda games, and thus a section for it was never created. I'm planning on making a section for it this summer, but don't quote me on it.


There isn't any Twilight Princess Section either, isn't it?
Well, for me, that's just fine. There are so many Zelda Games. It is good enough to focus on a very pioneering game like Ocarina of Time and discuss the other games in a section like "Classic Zelda" and "Modern Zelda". Many Forums have so many Sections, it only becomes confusing.

It would be even more confusing to create sections for the Four Swords games. I'm happy with the current sections.


Businessman of Legend
Apr 1, 2009
There isn't any Twilight Princess Section either, isn't it?

Actually, there is. It's right between the Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass.

Anyway, FSA is a great game in my opinion. The reason it has no section, like the others said, is because it is more of a side-game than a main one. That doesn't make it bad in any way, though. It is a really good game that I would recommend.

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