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  1. Molfino

    WW-Wii U Gamepad or Pro Controller?

    I prefer Gamepad. I don't find it as uncomfortable as people seem to think. But to each their own i guess
  2. Molfino

    Why is Zelda So Popular?

    Simple question really, but why is The Legend of Zelda such a popular and loved franchise all over the world? You'll never meet a person in the world that will say they haven't played or heard of The Legend of Zelda! Of course there are many games and they get hyped up a lot, by why do they...
  3. Molfino

    E3 is Coming...

    Obviously i'm looking forward to more Zelda news! But i'm also interested in seeing the new Modern Warfare 3. Battlefield 3 also has my attention. Hopefully we get to see how this Project Cafe works too!
  4. Molfino

    Majora's Mask Crashing on Collectors Edition Disc

    MM crashed for me a bit on Collectors Edition. I had to start dungeons over again quite a few times. I also lost several masks! :( But i ain't complaining, I love Majoras Mask so playing a few segments of the game over again was a treat :P
  5. Molfino

    Is majora's mask a bit underappriciated?

    Majoras Mask was a fantastic game, and by far one of the most underrated games followed by the Oracle series. The Erie feeling you got while playing the game was (At the time) Something very new to Zelda. For me it's in my top 2 Zelda games.
  6. Molfino

    General Classic Which is More Annoying? Navi's "Hey! Listen! Watch Out!" or Tatl's Bells and Chimes?

    Tatl didn't bother me at all! But then again Navi didn't much either!
  7. Molfino

    What Kind of Pets Do You Have???

    Simba (Black Cat) I love him soooo much :3
  8. Molfino

    What did you like about the wind waker?

    I'm currently playing it through too! Just started it up again a few days ago after beating Majoras Mask. I must admit i was a bit skeptical when i first played it, but it's grew on me quite a lot, i'm really enjoying it this time! :D
  9. Molfino

    Majora's Mask Fav Useless Mask

    Stone mask, It's saved me on many occasions! It's probably one of the most useful masks in the games! Most enemies can't see you and won't attack you! Very helpful in Ikana for those annoying Real Bombchu's (Charing Rats with bombs) And those pesky birds!
  10. Molfino

    Same Elemental Temples..

    I think it's because as the game progresses, the dungeons need to be harder, and theres only so much you can do in a forest theme. Theres more options and more difficulty in Water/Fire themed temples. And you also need to consider the fact that in most games, Links raised in a Forest Area (Ordon...
  11. Molfino

    List Your 5 Favorite Zelda Games

    Majoras Mask Ocarina Of Time Twilight Princess Windwaker Oracle Series
  12. Molfino

    Spoiler What If There Was The Legend Of Zelda Majoras Mask Master Quest

    I would most definitely play! I'd like to see the masks being a bit harder to collect!
  13. Molfino

    Majora's Mask Time Limit

    Like everyone said, Slowing down time helps ALOT! You just have to I also really hate Time Limits, I get nervous and i'm more likely to do mistakes because of rushing, But even with the Time Limit, Majoras mask is one of my favorite games! The 3 Day concept is actually pretty nice because...
  14. Molfino

    Water Temples in Zelda

    I Agree with Satsy, They are not hard as such, just frustrating. Like in OoT you had to revisit several areas of the temple over and over again to change the water levels!
  15. Molfino

    What is Your Favorite Sport/sports?

    Soccer/Football The main sport here in the UK hehe.
  16. Molfino

    What Are Your Top 10 Video Games of All Time?

    1. Majoras Mask 2. Fifa 11 3. Ocarina Of Time 4. Twilight Princess 5. Modern Warfare 2 6. Call OF Duty 4 7. WWF No Mercy 8. Call OF Duty 2 9. Final Fantasy 7 10. Call Of Duty Black Ops As you might be able to tell, I'm a man of few series hehe.
  17. Molfino

    What Do You Think Are the High Points of WW?

    One thing i loved about Windwaker was the Dungeons. I hated windwaker for the insane amount of sailing because i got bored, But I enjoyed every minute of the dungeons! The enemy's were really well created too.
  18. Molfino

    Ocarina of Time What's Your Fav Music of LoZ OoT?

    Gerudo Valley and the Spirit Temple for me. :)
  19. Molfino

    Ocarina of Time Hardest Temple

    I found myself struggling on the Water Temple (And still do!) quite often. I'm having another play through of OoT as we speak, Currently on the Fire Temple and i must say, I'm not looking forward to revisiting the Water Temple v.v
  20. Molfino

    Majora's Mask Favorite Music in MM.

    Must agree with the majority. Stone Tower Temple was sweet! I liked Great Bay too.
  21. Molfino

    What Zelda Might Be the Best First One

    I would probably say Twilight Princess. Just because in my opinion, it was a little easier than most Zelda games, and Graphically it's beautiful.
  22. Molfino

    No Navi/Midna Type Character

    Personally, I would probably get stuck at times without a hint here or there haha, But even if there was no one like Navi who always shouts for attention, But just a person like Saria who you could talk to somehow (Like through the Ocarina) And get a very brief hint. At least then you would only...
  23. Molfino

    The Return of the Moblin

    I want to see the Iron Knuckles return, Those were fun to fight in OoT!
  24. Molfino

    Majora's Mask Can ANYONE Describe the Weird Feeling of Majoras Mask?

    Majoras Mask gives me that eerie feel. Just feels a lot darker themed, But i love it. The creepiness and chills i get from Majoras Mask is what really makes the experience better for me. The music adds to that too, Some of the tracks including Great Bay make me feel like i have to watch my back...
  25. Molfino


    Just wondering, Does anyone watch Wrestling? I used to watch it 8 years ago when i was around 9-11, but i then grew out of it. But recently I've started watching it again. I must admit this PG Era in the WWE has made it a little boring compared to the old classic wrestling matches we used to get...
  26. Molfino

    Ocarina of Time Glitch or Secret? Did You Know...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuEazJNUnEo Watch this speed run, You'll see lots and lots of glitches used! It's actually pretty crazy.
  27. Molfino

    Majora's Mask How Hard is It?

    That song to slow down time is essential! It really does help haha. Majoras Mask can be challenging at times, but other times it can be straight forward. First time playing through that game i need to use the walk through at times from the 3rd dungeon. Second run through it was a lot easier...
  28. Molfino

    Ocarina of Time The Fairy Ocarina

    Yeah, It's just kinda like when you get the longshot, It's an upgraded version of the Hookshot so why keep the hookshot? No point having both :/
  29. Molfino

    What Legend of Zelda Game Should I Start Out With?

    What would we do without the Collectors Edition? Very good release!
  30. Molfino

    The Best Game: Ocarina of Time, Majoras Mask or Twilight Princess?

    To be honest, I like them all equally. I love Ocarina Of Time for the music! The melody's and tunes in that game are really catchy and i always find myself humming to a OoT Melody even when not playing the game. I loved Majoras Mask for it's darker theme, Still to this day Ikana Canyon gives me...
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