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  1. Sheikah_Witch

    What's your favorite staff roll/credits sequence?

    Games have great endings at times. Endings that wows us, and shocks us, with dramatic flair and elegance. But a game is only truly over when the credits roll. That's the last stop, when you can put down the controller and reflect on the times that has been. Some credits sequences are amazing -...
  2. Sheikah_Witch

    "It get's fantastic .... 20 hours in."

    You can often hear this phrase when people talk about fantastic RPG's they love. Slow burners. Gentle slopes, whatever one might call them. When buying a new game, choosing to dive into something, for the most part an RPG, are you the kind to give a game that generous a chance: not liking it...
  3. Sheikah_Witch

    Would you be happy with the title just being "Breath of the Wild 2?"

    If the title for BotW2 end up just being BotW2, that would be the first time Zelda pulls this kind of title since the 80's. (EDIT: forgot that ALBW in Japan is called Triforce of the Gods 2) Then again, this is probably the most 'direct' sequels Nintendo has ever made for a Zelda game. If it...
  4. Sheikah_Witch

    Most far-fetched internet acronyms

    ngl, I still manages to struggle with the fact that people from corners of the world wide web thought that the phrase "not gonna lie" needed an acronym in the first place.. 'wtf' KIND OF makes sense since it contains a swear word. (tfw you realize that that is 'that feeling when' and not 'the...
  5. Sheikah_Witch

    2020's hidden gems

    Last year, I made a thread about 2019's hidden gems, so why not make it a tradition of sorts? Lots of games released in 2020, and lots of them went mostly, or completely, under the radar. Some of them undeservedly so. Maybe you played one of them? Was it awesome? Tell us about it, and why more...
  6. Sheikah_Witch

    Most replayable games you know

    Replaying games can be fun, but some games are suited for it better than others. There's games that allows for endless replayability. That are just always engrossing, and never not fun - timeless games, in short. Whether it'd be single player games that offer endless adventure, or multiplayer...
  7. Sheikah_Witch

    Which version of BotW2 would you buy if it was cross-gen?

    This is more of a hypothetical thread. Rumors of the so-called Switch Pro are aplenty, and have been so for an amount of time right now, with some people hypothesizing that it's gonna be a machine capable of 4K. If a Switch Pro were to release in 2021, what would be the chances of BotW2 to...
  8. Sheikah_Witch

    Have you ever cried during Zelda?

    Sometimes games really are that emotional, to the degree that they trigger a response from the player. Be it by a character dying, or maybe with a happy and satisfying ending, sometimes games can make us cry. Zelda are games with fantastic characters, stories and events. But has a Zelda game...
  9. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors Did the voice acting improve?

    Voice acting was a divisive choice and direction for Breath of the Wild to take. For a series that has previously relied on text, suddenly having voiced lines for some of the most important characters was a series first. Opinions about the voice work in Breath of the Wild were plentiful, some...
  10. Sheikah_Witch

    Does Majora's Mask stress you out?

    Timers is a design quirk that games often can be used in a game to create a sense of stress, or urgency, in a situation. It poses a challenge to the player, that often comes with a relief and a reward once the task is done. Perhaps one of the most famous, or infamous, examples of this idea is...
  11. Sheikah_Witch

    What are some niche franchises you wish got more attention?

    Some of us might have that franchise. That one franchise that makes us feel like we're the only one in the world liking it or rooting for it. The one that seems to have that niche audience that are vocal, but whose words fall on deaf ears, both casual and corporate ones. Do you recognize this...
  12. Sheikah_Witch

    Stuff in Zelda you didn't realize until much later.

    Sometimes, there are things we encounter, maybe as kids, in Zelda that can be hard to understand or realize at first glance. We walk around with that presumed knowledge, until later, when we realize that we've been wrong on a certain instance or detail all along. Has anything in Zelda evoked...
  13. Sheikah_Witch

    Anyone else not always bothering with the map/compass?

    How often do you tend to pick up the map and/or compass in a Zelda game? These are staples of both old and new Zelda's dungeon design, instrumental tools to help you navigate the enormous and intricate challenges. They're a great help, seeing as some rooms or chests in a lot of dungeons are...
  14. Sheikah_Witch

    Is The Legend of Zelda 'anime'?

    Granted, The Legend of Zelda is yet to receive and anime adaption. But as games, do you still think they're 'anime'? A game being 'anime' is often referring to the game's storytelling framework, narrative devices and sometimes even tropes. Especially in later entries, Zelda has become more...
  15. Sheikah_Witch

    What's your favorite version of Twilight Princess?

    Simple question. Twilight Princess has seen multiple releases over the years. Originally released as cross-gen, both on the Gamecube and the Wii, it later received a HD remaster in 2016 on the Wii U. Twilight Princess on Wii had the shaking of the Wii remote to slash your sword, as well as the...
  16. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors Are Side Quests well designed?

    Age of Calamity features, among other things, two kinds of side activities. Training activities, where you can participate in separate battles, often with unique conditions, and side quests that has you gather material to complete settlements or supply merchants to open up shops and get boons...
  17. Sheikah_Witch

    Animal Crossing Do you ever feel that you're 'done'?

    My village, keso, is something I've carefully built and nurtured over the better half of 90 hours, but I feel like I've hit a brick wall. It's not that the game is starting to get boring in and of itself, but I just feel like there's nothing left to do, except talking to villagers daily (which...
  18. Sheikah_Witch

    Will BotW2 do Ganondorf justice?

    And how? A lot of us probably think, or certainly do hope, that what's assumed to be Ganondorf is gonna have a prominent role in BotW2, as seen in the trailer. If he's gonna 'regenerate' or remain in mummy form, nobody truly knows yet. Let's say he's bound to regenerate and become a villain...
  19. Sheikah_Witch

    Should BotW2 keep the same soundtrack direction as BotW?

    BotW had a divisive soundtrack, with some people not really warming up to it's ambient nature, and some people digging it. But how should the approach to music and sound carry on into the sequel? Would you want more 'melodic' tunes to play in, say, proper dungeons or pivotal story points or...
  20. Sheikah_Witch

    Do you want BotW2 to have as much story as Age of Calamity?

    So Age of Calamity is released and it's a fairly story heavy game. It was marketed as such, with a lot of emphasis on cutscenes in the trailers, and the net product certainly delivered. So where do you want Breath of the Wild 2 to stand in terms of story? The original Breath of the Wild didn't...
  21. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors What do you think about leveling?

    Leveling is in this game, and it's a staple in the gameplay. You gain EXP from fighting, and that EXP makes you stronger. Naturally. However, there are level recommendations for every mission that can sometimes turn into thresholds. Go in underleveled, and taste defeat. This can lead to...
  22. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity - Story Discussion

    This is a thread where we can discuss and recount our opinions and impressions on the game's story. Please mark spoilers when necessary, as well as a notice regarding what part of the story the spoiler contains. I've almost unlocked all 4 champions and personally so far, I'm surprised about...
  23. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors How hard do you find Age of Calamity to be?

    Age of Calamity offers easy, normal and hard when it comes to difficulty levels. What difficulty level did you pick? And do you think the game offers you a good challenge based on that difficulty? I'm playing on hard because in my innocent thoughts, I thought musou games would be a cakewalk, so...
  24. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors What's your strategy/strategies against stronger enemies?

    There's a lot of stronger enemies in the game, that the gameplay loop heavily relies on. Things like big moblins and bokoblins and various kinds of wizzrobes. These enemies takes a while to bring down, they have big health bars as well as a shield of sorts that needs to be shattered in order to...
  25. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors Do you like the Divine Beasts?

    The Divine Beasts can be piloted in Age of Calamity, as has been shown in trailers previously. Getting to board one, and getting thousands of K.O's by firing away at hordes of enemies is something that looked both majestic and chaotic. Do you like the Divine Beast sections? Are they implemented...
  26. Sheikah_Witch

    Which other developer should/could make an excellent original Zelda game?

    A little shy of 20 years ago, Nintendo handed the Zelda IP to Capcom, with what could be considered good results. Oracle of Seasons, Ages and The Minish Cap are well regarded within the Zelda community, some saying it's even better than Link's Awakening, the other original Game Boy game. We've...
  27. Sheikah_Witch

    Visual Novels

    Do you like Visual Novels? Played any? Visual Novels (or VN's) are games, or 'games' who are, well, visual novels :D they consist of pictures and music accompanied with tons upon tons of dialogue and prose, together with player choice. There are both pure VN's and what some people consider...
  28. Sheikah_Witch

    It's over - what was your Game of the Generation?

    Today marks the launch of the Xbox Series X and I think it's safe to say that it - together with the PS5 launch later this week - solidifies the end of this console generation. Depending on who you ask, this generation might be safe, or daring, predictable, or bold. But there's no denying that...
  29. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors Guess The Review Scores

    If you could harbor a guess about what Age of Calamity would get in terms of review scores - on average - what do you think? Additionally, what do you think reviewers will like/dislike about the game?
  30. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors Performance

    I don't think it's a stretch to say that Age of Calamity has performance issues. The framerate especially, can cause hiccups at places. Is it something that bothers you? Do you think it will get better after launch, do you think we will get a patch? And how do you think the resolution in...
  31. Sheikah_Witch

    What will history books from 2100 say about us?

    Imagine time travel. You end up in the year 2100. In a futuristic-looking library with fiber glasses, you find a history book. Flipping through the pages, you find the section about the era and people of 2000-2030. What do you think the book will say about us and our generation? Which events do...
  32. Sheikah_Witch

    Have you ever restarted a game immediately after finishing it?

    Sometimes, games are SO good that after you've played it, immediately after, you just wanna jump back in for a second playthrough. Am I the only one who have felt this way sometimes? Or would you rather just digest the experience and play something else afterwards? Or are you afraid of 'playing...
  33. Sheikah_Witch

    Do you have a favorite voice actor/actress?

    In gaming, has there been a voice actor or actress that has caught your attention and stuck with you, or that you really like? Someone who has voiced your favorite characters perhaps, or whose work you really respect. I really like Jennifer Hale, she is special to me in the way that she did an...
  34. Sheikah_Witch

    When was the last time a game completely blew your mind?

    Whether you play a lot of games, or only a few games a year, sometimes that rare moment comes. The one where you stumble upon a game, or get a game you've been waiting for for a long time. The one that just goes BOOM - and blows you away completely, leaving you stunned, thinking that oh my god...
  35. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors First look at Robbie and Purah

    We just got a new video showcasing young Robbie and Purah! The video above is a short snippet from YouTube showing how they will both look in Age of Calamity. What do you think?
  36. Sheikah_Witch

    What's your favorite "funny/meme" game?

    Funny games, that sometimes becomes memes (Untitled Goose Game being a good, recent example) pops up in gaming every now and then. Some games out there are considered genuinely hilarious - though it's always a subjective question. Is there any game that you consider the funniest, most humorous...
  37. Sheikah_Witch

    How long should a movie be?

    Movies - they come in all shapes and sizes. All kinds of differences in scope and ambition. And length. How long is too long, and how short is too short? In your opinion, what's the ideal movie length, and why?
  38. Sheikah_Witch

    Virtual YouTubers / VTubers

    Spiking in popularity recently, the VTubers are out and about. A VTuber, if you're unfamiliar with the term, is just like your good ol' YouTuber, but it's an (often anime) avatar instead of a real-life face. There's a tech behind it that makes your face and motions rigged to the avatar and so...
  39. Sheikah_Witch

    Link's Awakening Switch Do you still play Link's Awakening Switch from time to time?

    Recently, I pulled up Link's Awakening Switch and just went ahead looking for seashells and heart pieces. Still didn't find much, but had a lot of fun just roaming around the adorable world. I did a full playthrough earlier this year, and the game really makes for a great, short playthrough...
  40. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors Coolest Move We've Seen So Far?

    We've seen so many moves that the characters do in AoC from the two trailers and livestreams. Such as: * Revali firing off three bomb arrows * Daruk doing his 'rising Laval rocks from beneath the enemy' thing * Mipha summoning a big fountain ray * Link's Shield Surf bash * Zelda doing a Stasis...
  41. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors Livestream Day 2 - featuring Guardian battle, Daruk and more

    Today, on Game Live Japan, we got a bunch of new gameplay from Age of Calamity. We saw footage of Daruk fighting, something that wasn't shown yesterday. We also saw more of how Runes are used, more Impa fighting, amongst other gameplay features. What did you think of what we saw today? Has it...
  42. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors Should Age of Calamity introduce a brand new character?

    Hyrule Warriors had Linkle. (EDIT: Also Lana, Cia, Volga and Wizroe) Should Age of Calamity have something like that - a brand new character to the game, and the franchise, and the BotW universe? Maybe what we have is enough - but, what do you think about the idea of having a brand new...
  43. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors Does the idea of new story content excite you?

    We saw a new trailer for Age of Calamity during today's livestream. The trailer showed off more story content, not much, but we saw Zelda crying over her mother's grave, we saw Akkala Citadel on fire, we saw a full-scale war and the Champions interact with each other. Breath of the Wild's...
  44. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors Is Age of Calamity 'too safe'?

    What we saw during today's livestream was 10-15 minutes of gameplay that looked like pretty standard Warrior's gameplay. Not inherently a bad thing - don't fix what ain't broken, right? But could it have been more? Do you think so? Would you be happier if we saw Age of Calamity take more risks...
  45. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors What do you think Loot is for?

    During the livestream, we saw Link ever so often pick up loot from enemies. These were bokoblin guts and horns - things that we recognize from BotW. But what are they for, do you think?
  46. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors What did you like/dislike about the livestream?

    ...Game Show finished off a 45-minute livestream where gameplay and details about Age of Calamity were shown and revealed. Some things we saw was * Basics and foundations of gameplay * The use of runes * A new trailer * Impa and her moveset * The tiny Guardian Which parts of the livestream did...
  47. Sheikah_Witch

    "Lightning in a bottle" moments in media.

    So I'm rewatching the Lord of the Rings trilogy now, and many refer to it as a 'lightning in a bottle' moment where stars aligned and the production team just knocked it out of the park and created something truly special - nobody had ever seen anything like it when it came out, and it's...
  48. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors Activities outside of Combat.

    Granted, combat won't be all we'll be doing in this game. There's so much else that might wait for us. The original Hyrule Warriors was packed with content. I've seen people mentioning towns, and maybe even puzzles. Gathering and customizing gear is a given. Does any of these things excite you...
  49. Sheikah_Witch

    Hyrule Warriors What do you want to see next time?

    Age of Calamity is gonna receive a substantial new batch of information - a whooping 50 minutes - in more or less a week. What do you want to see from it? They've branded it a 'gameplay showcase' - but going into specifics, what are your expectations?
  50. Sheikah_Witch

    What are you looking forward to the most: Age of Calamity or BotW2?

    Now that dust has settled a bit, it's safe to say that hype for Age of Calamity is real, and there. The game is out soon, and it's a brand new Zelda title. At the same time, the hype is still equally real for Breath of the Wild 2, with lots of people thirst for new info regarding this highly...
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