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  1. B

    Is the Triforce Manipulative?

    How do you know? He never speaks. He's told to do that stuff by various people.
  2. B

    Is the Triforce Manipulative?

    You have a point. I think that he starts the quest on his own, but he isn't obligated to finish it, or try to kill Ganon, which is why I think the triforce manipulates things. Although, there a;ways seems to be like 100 year gaps between Zeldas, so I wonder why it waits that long. Perhpas it...
  3. B

    Is the Triforce Manipulative?

    ...Why does Link feel that he must help? Whenenver Hyrule is threatened, Inevitably, Link gets up, grabs a sword and sheild, and runs off to stick it to Ganondorf. The Question, is why? Why does Link, of all people, feel bound to serve, effectively, as Hyrule's sole protector? My...
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