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A Link In Time
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  • What exactly am I supposed to be looking at? I’ll get 100 posts when I get 100 posts…..I’m the Great Digital God of Peace…..I don’t do much besides the usual routine.
    Yeah, this is pretty Rezzical :right: I clicked on the Mobile One and, not gonna lie….I think my mind fractured for a minute…..heheh, yeah, I prefer this version over that one :yes:
    Hmmm......is the Brown Skin the Dark World one you're referring too? Because…..that seems to be the only other one I have >::>
    Huh, so that's what that digital device does......I’ll have to tinker around with it and see what I can do.
    Oho Jee, thanks ^::^ Actually, it's because I'm chilling out in Pirate's Grotto, from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.....the Dark World theme is pretty nice though….I enjoy the version of said theme in Brawl. Yep, all my backgrounds shape around my current location setting :yes:
    I know the IRC is still on the main site, because Locke linked to it one time, but I tried looking for it on my own yet couldn't find it. But my...using the brown skin right now. It looks pretty sweet. I'm going to test it out with the rest of the forums.
    It's going fairly great, buddy. Yeah, Skype and the SB are pretty preoccupying. You liking those better than the IRC? They seem to have more capabilities, which is a good thing. Only thing I miss are the private chats options for the SB. But hey, at least we still have Skype for that. :D
    Oho Jee.....what kind of trouble has HylianHero gotten himself into now.....I’m not gonna bail him out this time, not even if he asks.....to many people are against him, and Lord Vain isn’t interested >::>
    Homura Akemi from the anime Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica [Puella Magi Madoka Magica].
    A major hiatus :P I left to Age of War, a Legend of Zelda RPing site. I've since returned in order to partially re-integrate myself into the community and advertise my new RPing site, Quarantine.
    (Oh, RPing means roleplaying)
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