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    Hehehe but YES, victory pizza at last!!!!
    Whoa, I would get hurt like everytime I was in your house if I was by that thing hahah. Yeah, I hope mine gets picked too. I wrote like 22 pages, and hopefully that is a bonus. I really want to win!!!!
    FUNTASTICAL :D Whenever I go to parties, I always get injured... :p
    I didn't wear green on St.Patricks Day and got pinched so many times, I got a bruise!!! See, even when Im not at a party I am hurt! Lol I'm really excited because my creative writing teacher is going to submit my play ( We have been working on our script for a play the last two weeks. Mines about a girl from Alaska who is a RANDOM NERD, but she's very intelligent. Her mom is a snob and her father is the best architect in alaska but he doesnt even care about emily ( the main girls name). They move to California for her father's job and she is very uncomfortable about this. In california, Emily is introduced to the Jem girls. Diamond, Emerald, and Sapphire Jem. The popular girls at Trinity, the school Emily will go to. They hang out with Emily but only like her because A. Shes rich. B Their dad says that they have to play nice. They completly change her and Emily becomes bulimic because they called her a little chubby, addicted to cocaine, smokes, and is not herself. Then one day they all get drunk and get into a car crash. It was emily's turning point and her mother finally started to pay attention to her. They move back to alaska and all of emily's old friends missed her so much, she only has 3 friend there but they are true friends. Then alls well that ends well! The plays alotttt better than my description haha) to this county competition!! And our school might even perform it!!!!!!!
    GOOD JOB!!!!!!
    You can't see, but I'm clapping right now. hehe..
    Well, if you don't like him THEN CRUSH HIM INTO THE GROUND WITH YOUR SMART SELF!!!!!
    But good sportsmanship :D HOPE YOU WIN!!!!
    Smarty!!!! Lol, I have all A's and two B's. Math and Computer Science are my weaknesses!!!! Mostly math. My C.S teacher is like -------->
    ''Hey guys, my social life sucks. So...Now you have homework. Do all of your vocab from chapter 2 to 4.''

    Then I pass out ( not really lmao) and when I am revived, I pass out again because he gave me a B in that class. Then I proceed to slap him in the face with a brick :p ahaha! I'm just average @ math, not bad but not best. Whoa, a 3.9???!!!! Practically a 4.0 if you didn't get sick. Oh, well did you still get pizza????!!!!!!
    WHOA SIX TIE BREAKERS????!!!!!!!!! Whoa, I must give major props for that!!!
    And against a Straight A student??!!! Whoa. That's. Just. Amazing. :D
    Enjoy the victory pizza!!
    And congrats to the second place girl, even though she did not win and she was the first loser :p lol jk

    Today my school issued a ''no hugging'' policy :(
    I don't know either.
    Oh that's sooo cool! My sister used to play soccer for like sixteen years but she tore her ACL and was out for her senior year. It sucked but she got accepted to Florida State, which sucks because I wont see her practically ever but I'm happy that she's going to a good school. I love soccer, it's such a cool sport.

    I hate those kinds of jocks, they thing they are so cool and they don't need other players to help them out like they are Lebron James or something. Ugh, that happened to me in 6th grade whenever I tried to play bball with the guys, they never passed it to me. Then in 7th grade I was like, you are passing it to me or I am going to shoot you in the face ( I didn't really say that, but I was thinking it...hehe jk jk) so they pretty much listened to that. And now, in 8th grade I can join a game whenever I want. Yeah, it took me three years but I'm finally able to play! My highschool has a horrible girls team so when I told my highschool coach that I would be playing there he told me he already knew who I was (STALKER!!) but in a good way. So, even though I'm not in highschool, I'm on varsity *happy dance* so that's exciting. I hope you like soccer!

    WOoOoOoOohh I love PIZZA :D
    I hate ice skating too!!!! I love rolller skating, I think it's ten times more fun. Do you play any sports?!
    Hahaha I always do that, I'll just be dancing and I look around and everyone's in a totally opposite direction then me. Lol. Whenever I go to the skating rink near my house I always do it on skates and whenever it's like 2 jumps this time, I always fall. And I usually break the fall with my chin, I just realized that I get hurt alot hahah
    ahaha it was a weird night lmao oh that pic, I copied it off Google. It's from oot, but Link's face is replaced with some random screaming head ahaha I love the cha cha slide! It's fun :)
    Hahaha, that's okay it's way cool to be a tomboy! They usually have way more friends too :D I know what it feels like when you want to ask a guy to dance too, but I always chicken out :) Today was my friends suprise party and I'm really tired. We played manhunt and I ran into this random bush of thorns and it HURTS SO BAD!!!! Throbbing pain! Then we wanted to watch fireworks and I tried to run up a brick wall (Don't ask lmao) and scraped my chin. So when I walked in my front door with all of my injuries this is the convo me and my mom had..
    I walk in.
    mom: **** Haley did you go to a party or join the army?!!!
    me:Hi to you too mom

    Hahaha, well I'm glad you had a good time at your dance!! Did you talked to the boy that likes you while you were there?!
    Aw that sounds so awesome! Not the math or science part- Though the black holes do sound interesting! My dance is in May and I'm really, really excited! It's the eighth grade dance so it's like the prom of middle school lol. That's so cool that you got your friend to go, I'm sure it will be really fun! Are you going to wear a dress?
    Yeah I have melee- which rocks too!!! I love that game! But super smash brothers brawl has this story mode type thing and it's got all of these really cool scenes in it, it just owns. haha yeah you should try to get it, it's worth the money I think. Although if you try to play it with a wii remote, I think it's 10 x's harder. I just use a gamecube controler. Oh my life is kind of hectic right now. My parents are forcing me to get a summer job this year for the first time since it's my last year before highschool. They are trying to enforce ''responsibility'' or something :p. I think I might just be a referee for kid's basketball or something ugh idk lol. And my teachers are all being little idiots and giving me the most homework i've gotten this year!!!!!! Ahhh, luckily I have loz and zd!! But enough about me, what's up in your life?

    PS: I hung the pic of Tingle on my wall !! :D
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