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  • Oh! Sorry dude, I must have left without noticing your VM. Well, I live in Sweden, so the time that was before when you posted was actually 12 o' clock on the day.
    So yeah, It's nice to hear from you again. How are you? :?
    Yup, he's just a creepy guy. But I liked how, as you mentioned, you get to be able to fight Zant multiple times. Hopefully it's not that repetitive (i doubt it will be). And no repeat of Zant too, although IMO he seemed pretty formidable in that little cutscene.
    Oh, I feel welcome already!:lol: Just a random question, but from what you know now, do you think that Ghirahim is a better villain than Zant? I mean if they just portrayed Zant as how they did on the first half of TP.
    Fate. I would post, but I can't double post. i was gonna send a PM, but somethings wrong so I didnt/ I'd appreciate if you did though. Thanks!
    no thanks, i'm reading lotsa fanfics, working on my own, and doing IMPORTANT THINGS that require lotsa attention. i'm lucky to even get on.
    For your description in the Zombie Fanfic, I looked again and noticed that you put job as "owns antique shop" i have no problem with that, except for the fact that I was not clear enough about what that meant. Can you please edit to put antique shop under other and a position in the group if you would like her to have one?
    PS: After some thinking, I may actually use that girlfriend idea of yours...
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